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Tales From<br />

Wilton Manors<br />

Wrinkleton Comic Series<br />

- Art by Shannon Gallogly<br />

A lady pug with a round<br />

bubbly mug<br />

Zine<br />

6 (<strong>2015</strong>-<strong>07</strong>)

Catholic School Boys In<br />

Trouble (Part 6) Summer<br />

Camp – by Brett Butler<br />

Luckily enough, I was able to<br />

pass Bible study with Luke<br />

Roberts’ help. Each day after<br />

school, we would meet at Java<br />

Boys, drink coffee, and<br />

discuss the Bible. It is a<br />

subject I know nothing about,<br />

since I am Jewish. Our<br />

friendship grew and on the last<br />

day of the term, Luke kissed<br />

me. It was what I’d been<br />

waiting for all year. But sadly,<br />

it was nothing like my hot<br />

sweaty make out session with<br />

Jordan. Jordan had broken it<br />

off with Daniel, but Daniel<br />

told us that it was the other<br />

way around. Pickles warned<br />

me, that what Jordan does, is<br />

love you and leave you and<br />

that I did the best thing by not<br />

going after him. I still couldn’t<br />

forget him, even though I had<br />

my eye on Luke Roberts. He<br />

needed to be my main focus.

So now my parents have sent<br />

me to an all-boys, sports, sleep<br />

away camp. “Just kill me.”<br />

That’s all I can say. Pickles<br />

has come with me to support<br />

me through this punishment,<br />

but I have not seen him since<br />

we arrived. It all started three<br />

days ago when Pickles and me<br />

got off the bus at “Falling<br />

Creek Sports Camp for Boys”.<br />

“I’m just going to die”,<br />

Pickles said as we went to find<br />

our bunk. Sweat poured from<br />

our bodies. I thought Wilton<br />

Manors was hot, but this place<br />

was like a desert. “We have<br />

each other to get through<br />

this”, I told him.. “This is a<br />

prison camp with no phones or<br />

Wi-Fi. I won’t make it.” As we<br />

went up the wooden stairs and<br />

walked into a room full of<br />

bunk beds, Pickles had a<br />

shocked look on his face. “No<br />

air conditioning?” “You will<br />

survive”, I said. “No sweetie,<br />

my hair won’t survive this

summer if I have to sleep in<br />

this heat.” Just then, a very<br />

cute Latino boy with a<br />

Mohawk came over to us.<br />

“You guys in this bunk?”, he<br />

asked. For once, Pickles was<br />

silent. He could not say a<br />

word. I thought it was the<br />

shock of no air conditioning<br />

and phone. “Yeah, I am Blair<br />

and this is my best friend<br />

Pickles.” “I’m Louis, but<br />

everyone calls me Louie.”<br />

Pickles just stared at Louie. I<br />

could tell he was in love. I<br />

dragged Pickles to our bunk<br />

beds. He could not stop<br />

looking at Louie. As I<br />

unpacked, Pickles and Louie<br />

just kept looking at each other.<br />

Louie came over. He took<br />

Pickles’ hand. “Let me show<br />

you around poppy”, Louie<br />

said. “Sure now”, Pickles said<br />

as he ran his hand through his<br />

short blond hair. “Yes, let’s<br />

start at the lake.” As soon as I<br />

closed my suitcase to join

them, they were gone. I had<br />

lost my best friend for the<br />

summer. I walked outside and<br />

thought about Luke Roberts.<br />

Even though we kissed, I did<br />

not know where we stood,<br />

since he never said a thing. I<br />

turned around and I almost<br />

had a stroke as I saw Jordan<br />

going into the bunkhouse. I<br />

ran inside and almost tripped<br />

over him. “What are you<br />

doing here?”, I asked. Jordan<br />

gave me a smile. “I’m the CIT<br />

assigned to this bunk.” I<br />

needed Pickles. Instead he<br />

was making out with Louie in<br />

the woods, while I was<br />

passing out on the floor. Next<br />

time: The summer is off to a<br />

great start, but a familiar face<br />

will throw some drama in the<br />


Poem by Alexey Damov<br />

A sensitive creature<br />

Drank beer at breakfast<br />

Lied to his wife and<br />

Resented Nietzsche<br />

Mind you – he said –<br />

There’s no difference<br />

Between a book on a shelf<br />

And a gust of wind<br />

And in his study among<br />

Half empty bottles of gin<br />

Stood lion’s skull with<br />

Ice axe driven through it

Poem by Alexey Damov<br />

At this hour in this room<br />

Stand thoughtful and tall<br />

Yours are ambition<br />

And sexual joys<br />

Numb city impaired night<br />

Moon a pill to do away<br />

headache<br />

Stand at this hour<br />

Proud and cold<br />

Yours is blind heart<br />

But also intellectual pains<br />

Shotgun over the bed<br />

Next to a photograph of a poet<br />

Stand fearless because you<br />

Had a shot or two and moral<br />

Time slows as it makes the<br />

corner<br />

Yellow its fangs<br />

Tonight the splendor<br />

Of Latin East<br />

Excesses of democracy<br />

But stand among<br />

Crashing of cymbals<br />

And beating of drums<br />

Defenseless against Love<br />

And let me see you<br />

Before you wreck my life

Art "Under Control"

- by Anggit Kunto

The Mind Is A Terribly Easy<br />

Thing To Waste (Part 1) - by<br />

FishSpit Bess called me and<br />

said she was suicidal. I went<br />

and got her and took her to the<br />

hospital. It was the 4 th of July.<br />

I always have lousy 4ths . . .<br />

something bad always<br />

happens . . . it’s an ungodly<br />

bad day for me. It’d be no big<br />

deal to spend it in a hospital. I<br />

knew it’d be a day trip because<br />

I have been where Bess was<br />

and they take their sweet time<br />

processing you and getting<br />

you into a psyche facility. I‘m<br />

sure it ain’t their fault . . .<br />

shortage of space in the wards<br />

you know . . . filled to<br />

capacity! Wam ding doodle!<br />

Everyone’s becoming a nut<br />

job in this insane society . . .<br />

this ridiculous gig . . . so the<br />

beds are full and the suicide<br />

either needs to get the job done<br />

or slosh through the misery of<br />

lying in a hospital for hours<br />

waiting to get in and get some

meds in them to soften the<br />

misery. And one can only<br />

pray it ain’t gonna be<br />

Thorozine . . . no . . . one banks<br />

their sanity on a nice Librium<br />

haze . . . or maybe some<br />

Ativan . . . something to make<br />

it all ok for a while. Some piss<br />

pot, poor, poofter filled<br />

hospitals won’t give you<br />

nothing until you are checked<br />

in at the ward . . . and that’s<br />

downright cruel. Others give<br />

you something . . . but it’s just<br />

a drop compared to the<br />

misery. You need a gallon of<br />

little white pills . . . and yet<br />

they give you a pittance. No<br />

one can really understand the<br />

misery of the whole she-bopshenellibang<br />

unless it’s<br />

happening to you. But some<br />

places start you on a nice<br />

smacker of Ativan . . . straight<br />

from the needle . . . and these<br />

places are fine . . . and you<br />

almost . . . no! You do! You<br />

start to enjoy the whole fiasco.

So it was the 4 th . . . and my gal<br />

had come over from the city to<br />

see me . . . but she’d have to<br />

wait. It was going to be a long<br />

day. When I went to get Bess<br />

she was making herself up . . .<br />

yeah! Really! Trying to get<br />

pretty. Loonies don’t think<br />

logically . . . and Bess’s<br />

noodle was fried. She wanted<br />

to look her best to go in to the<br />

hospital suicidal . . . and that’s<br />

what the damned woman was<br />

up to. Unbelievable the<br />

delusion that was going on.<br />

Not that she could do much to<br />

make her ugly mug<br />

presentable. Bess ain’t no<br />

looker. No quite the<br />

contrary . . . she had a puss<br />

that’d make the phantom of<br />

the opera blush . . . ‘twould<br />

scare the hair off a boar hog!<br />

Besides her multitude of<br />

mental health problems, Bess<br />

is also a hoarder. I cleaned a<br />

space off the only chair that<br />

had a presentable appearance

in her tiny place and sat down<br />

to wait. Women can’t get<br />

nowhere fast when they are<br />

doing up their faces. And a<br />

hoarder can’t get hardly<br />

anywhere at all because once<br />

they do up their faces they got<br />

to finish packing . . . and a<br />

hoarder is never finished<br />

packing. There is always<br />

something else they are sure<br />

they will need. I sat down and<br />

I waited. Goddamned it was<br />

hot in her apartment! Rumsie,<br />

the fattest of her cats, looked<br />

like a beached whale. He was<br />

a smoldering puss! All that fat<br />

and fur . . . he’d had enough of<br />

trying to get comfortable . . .<br />

smart cat! Resigning himself<br />

to his lot! Fi Fo Fum is the<br />

sweet little lady cat. She’s a<br />

friendly sort . . . always one to<br />

come a chatterin’ . . . give you<br />

her little opinion on things . . .<br />

let you know how things<br />

stood. And the third cat, Tim,<br />

was as fat as Rumsie. . . but he

had super long legs . . . strange<br />

looking fellow . . . like<br />

Tweedle Dee . . . or his better<br />

half Tweedle Dum . . . skinny<br />

long legs and one hell of a<br />

paunch. He didn’t like me . . .<br />

never had . . . he came around<br />

to give me a look-see<br />

though . . . express his<br />

contempt . . . to let me know<br />

just what a charlatan I was . . .<br />

a grande phony . . . useless as<br />

a tick on a hound dog! More<br />

useless than that. Smart cat!<br />

Smarter than his owner . . . he<br />

could read me and see what a<br />

bastard lay inside my<br />

benevolent appearing<br />

exterior. These were the three<br />

I’d be looking after while Bess<br />

was in the psyche facility. I’d<br />

already agreed. I didn’t need<br />

any more responsibility in my<br />

life . . . but one does what one<br />

has to do. I had enough sorrow<br />

and enough misery on my<br />

plate without this . . . but what<br />

else could be done?

I am doing a one issue zine of<br />

the male version of "The Facts<br />

of Life". I need photos or<br />

illustrations. The characters are<br />

Eldridge: The head boy who<br />

rules the school. Snodgrass:<br />

His side kick who does all his<br />

evil deeds. Muffy: Eldridge's<br />

girlfriend. Jordan: The new boy<br />

who threatens Eldridge's<br />

power over the other boys. It is<br />

for a short story that I would<br />

like to have faces to match the<br />

characters. Please send<br />

submissions to the website.

Writer/Self-Publisher:<br />

Brett Butler<br />

Editor/Webmaster:<br />

Eric Schleicher<br />

Visit our Website:<br />

for Color/Print Version of<br />

our Zines plus Extras:<br />

talesfromwiltonmanors.weebly.com<br />

Contact us by e-Mail:<br />

talesfromwiltonmanors@yahoo.com<br />

Like Us on Facebook:<br />

facebook.com/TalesFromWiltonManors<br />

Contributors: Shannon<br />

Gallogly, Anggit Kunto,<br />

Alexey Damov, Joseph<br />

Wilson AKA FishSpit<br />

Poems, Short<br />

Stories, Art,<br />

Comics,<br />

Photography,<br />

Feedback are<br />

welcomed.<br />

Submissions:<br />

talesfromwiltonmanor<br />


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