Blue Water Woman--spring 2017

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ThErEsE DammaN<br />

blue water woman of the year<br />

bluE waTEr wOmaN OF ThE YEar issuE<br />

FrEE<br />

sPriNg <strong>2017</strong>

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from the editor<br />

M<br />

Motivated. Inspired.<br />

Two very powerful words that are accurate descriptors of the incredibly amazing women<br />

featured in this year’s <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> of the Year issue.<br />

Each of the five women featured embodies those and other qualities you would expect<br />

to find in leaders within the community. All are also quick to deflect recognition of their<br />

achievements.<br />

“I guess you just do what you have to do,” said <strong>2017</strong> award recipient Denise Dencklau.<br />

“There are so many women who are deserving of this award.”<br />

The five women featured in this issue are outstanding contributors to the <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong><br />

Area. All not only excel in their work environments, but they are caring wives, mothers and<br />

volunteers within the community. They are motivated and they are motivators. They are<br />

inspired and they inspire others.<br />

The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> of the Year awards program exists because I believe it<br />

is important to recognize the<br />

achievements of other women in order<br />

to motivate and inspire one another and<br />

the next generation of up and coming<br />

female leaders.<br />

And it is important that we cultivate<br />

young women as leaders. Women<br />

comprise approximately 50 percent<br />

of the population and, therefore, it is<br />

important that the female perspective<br />

and experience is a part of decision<br />

making in a wide variety of places<br />

ranging from corporate board rooms to<br />

the U.S. government and everything in<br />

between.<br />

And though I do not have daughters<br />

or granddaughters to worry about, I<br />

do worry about the next generation of<br />

young women. I want them to continue<br />

blue water woman editor patti samar<br />

at the women’s march on washington<br />

to enjoy the rights that I was fortunate<br />

enough to see women obtain during<br />

my lifetime. Laws regarding women’s<br />

healthcare and reproductive rights and sexual harassment in the workplace and the right to<br />

marry whomever we choose were all passed in my lifetime. Millennials do not remember a<br />

time when most of these rights were not in place.<br />

I’m so glad young women today enter adulthood not needing to fight so hard. Or don’t<br />

they?<br />

I hope the younger women in our community are inspired when they read about the<br />

women featured in this issue. I hope they recognize the fact that none of us can take<br />

our rights for granted and I hope they are inspired to speak up and change the world in<br />

whatever big or small way they see fit.<br />

In January, I participated in the Women’s March on Washington. Why? Well, I marched<br />

to show unity. I wanted our Congress, our new president and his administration and our<br />

state, regional and local politicians to know that women care about issues that affect<br />

women’s lives. I know, from past political experience, that numbers count. Numbers (votes)<br />

matter to politicians. I wanted to be counted.<br />

Participating in the march wasn’t hard. All I had to do was show up. The hard work<br />

began after the march: coming home and sharing my experiences with others who also want<br />

to make sure women in our country, our state, and our <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Area are counted. And<br />

heard.<br />

The five women we honor in this issue have all dug in and done the hard work. They are<br />

heard and they are counted. They care for their families and they volunteer to help make<br />

this a better place.<br />

We all have a responsibility to do so.<br />

So learn lessons from them and jump in, lean in, and get involved.<br />

If not you, then who?<br />


Therese Damman 5<br />

Sallie Smith 6<br />

brenda tenniswood 8<br />

rhonda jones 10<br />

denise dencklau 12<br />

advertise<br />

in <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong>!<br />

it works!<br />

just ask our advertisers!<br />

The ad deadline for the next issue<br />

of <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> is May 1, <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

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Our most popular ad size is a quarter page at just $250;<br />

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For more information, contact Patti Samar<br />

at 810-300-2176 or email her at pjsamar@aol.com<br />

volume 7, number 1 Spring <strong>2017</strong><br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> is published quarterly by The Write Company,<br />

511 La Salle Blvd., Port Huron, MI 48060. Circulation 5,000.<br />

Editor & Publisher:<br />

Patti Samar, owner, The Write Company<br />

Advertising:<br />

Patti Samar at 810-300-2176 or pjsamar@aol.com<br />

Questions, comments or story ideas?<br />

Call <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> at 810-300-2176<br />

Mission:<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> is the premiere publication<br />

for women living, working and playing in the <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Area of Michigan.<br />

Its stories and features are written and designed<br />

to be inspriational, motivational and encouraging.<br />

www.<strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com<br />

© <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> is the property<br />

of Patti Samar of The Write Company<br />

The Write Company is a writing, graphic design<br />

and marketing consultation firm.<br />

View our online portfolio at: www.TheWriteCompany.net<br />

Patti Samar<br />

Editor & Publisher<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong><br />

2 SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com

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<strong>Woman</strong><br />

late last year, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> asked the community to nominate very special women who<br />

are deserving of recognition as we prepared to present the sixth annual blue water woman of the<br />

Year awards.<br />

we then sent the nominations to a far away, cold and snowy place known as the upper<br />

Peninsula, where a very distinguished panel of women sequestered themselves for an evening and<br />

emerged with five very deserving award recipients.<br />

indeed, we are very fortunate in the blue water area to be surrounded by so many thoughtful,<br />

smart and compassionate women.<br />

so in this issue, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> is pleased to honor five of the very best:<br />

Therese Damman<br />

blue water woman of the Year<br />

sallie smith<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> NonProfit Manager of the Year<br />

brenda Tenniswood<br />

blue water woman Educator of the Year<br />

rhonda jones<br />

blue water woman Entrepreneur of the Year<br />

Denise Dencklau<br />

blue water woman Executive Professional of the Year

inspiring<br />

greatness<br />

by Patti Samar<br />

therese damman<br />

Therese Damman of Marysville is not afraid of a little hard work. She’s<br />

not afraid of a lot of hard work, either.<br />

The Avoca Elementary School principal has spent her entire adult life<br />

working hard to attain both personal and professional goals while juggling<br />

obligations to family, work, community volunteerism and self.<br />

Her creativity, strong leadership skills and let’s-get-this-done attitude<br />

led to Avoca Elementary School becoming the first school in the nation to<br />

have a dedicated Green Read and Ride Program that offers students the<br />

opportunity to read books while riding stationary bicycles that generate<br />

electricity for the school; turning a previously unused courtyard into a<br />

vibrant outdoor classroom for students; and significantly turning around<br />

student academic achievement performance at the school.<br />

As a result of those accomplishments, along with the achievement of<br />

many other personal and professional goals obtained while also battling<br />

a debilitating health condition, Damman has been named <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong><br />

<strong>Woman</strong> of the Year. She was nominated by her husband, Dan Damman,<br />

with strong support from Yale Public Schools Assistant Superintendent<br />

Joseph Haynes and Yale Public Schools District Social Worker Julie<br />

Jowett-Lee.<br />

“Mrs. Damman’s leadership of Avoca Elementary has not only directly<br />

impacted the academic success of the school but has also significantly<br />

changed the way that students and parents feel about the school,” said<br />

Haynes.<br />

Damman learned the value of hard work at a young age. Her parents<br />

wed young and had three children in quick succession. She watched both<br />

her mother and her father work hard to support their family while also<br />

attending nursing school at St. Clair County Community College.<br />

“Both of them became registered nurses at SC4 and while I was in high<br />

school, they both got their bachelor’s degrees,” said Damman. “Watching<br />

them work so hard shaped the way I am.”<br />

Damman repeated their pattern by working full time while going to<br />

school for two graduate degrees while parenting her two children, being a<br />

dedicated wife, and running marathons.<br />

“I don’t know how I did it,” she said with a laugh. “I would get up and<br />

run, go to work, come home and be with the kids and put them to bed and<br />

then do homework.<br />

“I was able to do it because I have an amazing husband and amazing<br />

parents who were able to help with childcare. I couldn’t have done it<br />

without that support system.”<br />

In 2012 she was promoted to principal of Avoca Elementary School.<br />

Over the course of the past five years, she has made an impact on many<br />

facets of school life.<br />

“In her brief time as principal, she has guided her school from being<br />

identified as a ‘FOCUS’ school (schools that have the widest gap in student<br />

achievement) by the Michigan Department of Education to one of the<br />

highest performing schools in St. Clair (and surrounding) County and was<br />

recognized by MDE as a candidate for the United States Distinguished<br />

Title I School of the Year,” said Haynes.<br />

Earlier this year, Avoca Elementary was named a Reward School by the<br />

MDE.<br />

In addition to significantly improving the academic achievements of<br />

her students, Damman exerted her creativity when partnering with the<br />

Community Foundation of St. Clair County to establish both the Green<br />

Read and Ride program and the outdoor classroom.<br />

“The bikes are used on a daily basis,” Damman said of the electricitygenerating<br />

classroom. “I encourage the teachers to use it three times a<br />

week. For the kids, it’s about the lesson of it and them understanding<br />

that any little thing they can do to help the environment – by using an<br />

alternative fuel source as they are doing by biking to generate electricity<br />

– is a positive thing. That makes a great impact.”<br />

Key to her success, said Damman, has been working with the cohesive<br />

school staff. “This staff is very much like a family and our students are<br />

like family,” she said. “I just feel so blessed to be a part of this school<br />

environment.”<br />

SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com 5

overcoming<br />

barriers<br />

by dale hemmila<br />

sallie smith<br />

Sallie Smith’s computer screen saver says a lot about her and her job<br />

as vocational coordinator for nonprofit Touchstone Services Inc. in Port<br />

Huron. The white script on a black screen states: “It’s a beautiful thing<br />

when a career and a passion comes together.”<br />

That statement could apply to Smith’s commitment to finding<br />

job opportunities for those in St. Clair County with barriers to<br />

employment, but it also speaks to the success of clients she has placed<br />

in new positions.<br />

Working with clients and community business partners, she has a<br />

more than 70 percent success rate in finding work for residents who<br />

have a barrier to employment—mental, physical or other issue—that<br />

might have kept them out of the workforce on their own.<br />

That success and commitment to others with employment challenges<br />

is why she’s been named <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> Nonprofit Manager of the<br />

Year.<br />

In nominating Smith, Lynn Vinson, executive director of Touchstone<br />

said: “She exemplifies the heart of public service, working to improve<br />

the lives of St. Clair County residents and, in turn, enriching our<br />

community. Helping someone to find and master a job that is a good<br />

fit for their skills…can be the first step to independence and selfsufficiency.”<br />

While Smith may be modest about what she does, she is passionate<br />

about her motivation to do it.<br />

“A job for someone with an employment barrier is so important,”<br />

she said. “It gives them a reason to get up in the morning, to leave the<br />

house, to get better. I love what I do, I work for a great company and I<br />

want to see that (client) succeed and be successful.”<br />

While Smith says she “fell into” her current position it is obvious her<br />

supervisors saw she had the skill and passion to move up. Originally she<br />

was hired as a part-time summer job coach for Touchstone’s concession<br />

operations at Lakeside Beach in Port Huron.<br />

“I was a single mom and needed a second job,” Smith said.<br />

It wasn’t long before Vinson noticed she had “…proved herself to be<br />

a natural at assessing strengths and needs and coaching people to meet<br />

their employment goals…”<br />

She ultimately left her secretary position at the St. Clair County<br />

Regional Education Service Agency to take on a full-time position at<br />

Touchstone, one that offered new challenges and responsibility.<br />

For example: When Touchstone management decided to open a<br />

resale/gift shop to provide a revenue stream for the company, they<br />

turned to Smith to manage it.<br />

With no retail experience, she made some key decisions that proved<br />

insightful.<br />

“I walked into an empty building with all this donated stuff for resale<br />

and it really didn’t do well,” Smith recalled. “So we decided to make<br />

some changes and through trial and error we found what worked and<br />

what didn’t.”<br />

Eliminating the resale part of the business and focusing on new<br />

market opportunities, the non-profit gift and candy store—A Little<br />

Something—has become a bright part of the downtown business<br />

community while providing revenue for Touchstone and employment<br />

opportunities for clients.<br />

Its success has allowed Smith to spend her time on her passion, which<br />

is the employment part of her job.<br />

Working with 37 hiring partners in the county, businesses such as<br />

early collaborator Fuel Woodfire Grill to new partner Lowes Home<br />

Improvement, Smith has been able to make an important difference in<br />

peoples’ lives—employment.<br />

My job isn’t about me,” she said. “The biggest thing is to watch<br />

people I work with grow in their dreams.”<br />

If part of that dream was employment they couldn’t achieve on their<br />

own, then Sallie Smith has certainly been the right person to help them<br />

believe in it.

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SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com 7

innovative<br />

educator<br />

by dale hemmila<br />

vivian cruz Brenda tenniswood<br />

8 SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com<br />

Innovation. Education. Students. Learning.<br />

When you talk to Brenda Tenniswood you hear those words a lot.<br />

She is passionate about supporting the teachers and pupils in St. Clair<br />

County through her position as director of education services for the<br />

county’s Regional Education Services Agency (RESA).<br />

Tenniswood’s passion and commitment to supporting the seven school<br />

districts, their teachers and the 22,000 K-12 students served by RESA<br />

in St. Clair County is why she has been named <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong><br />

Educator of the Year.<br />

Tenniswood was nominated for the award by Rachel Verschaeve,<br />

RESA’s education technology consultant.<br />

“Brenda has earned the respect of students, teachers and school<br />

administrators,” Verschaeve said. “In particular she is a role model for<br />

female educators, demonstrating for them how females can be strong<br />

leaders, effective communicators and compassionate women all at the<br />

same time.”<br />

While in her current position for just two years, she brings a wealth of<br />

education experience to her job following a career that includes service<br />

as a teacher, principal and assistant superintendent in the East China<br />

School District.<br />

Now, Tenniswood fills a leadership role in providing innovative<br />

curriculum opportunities for the RESA-connected school districts and<br />

meets monthly with school district superintendents, principals and<br />

curriculum directors. Her motivation? She wants to make a difference<br />

in the classroom and therefore in students’ lives.<br />

“I want teachers and students to be part of a very vibrant learning<br />

environment,” she said. “I want learning to be fun. I went in to this to<br />

make a difference.”<br />

While student education is the outcome, she wholeheartedly helps<br />

drive the process by providing innovative ideas and support for the<br />

educators.<br />

“RESA has very dedicated people and I am blessed to work with a<br />

phenomenal team,” she said. “We are really passionate about teaching<br />

and learning and we are committed to ongoing teacher professional<br />

development.”<br />

One project she was tasked with at RESA combined a unique student<br />

learning experience with professional development opportunities for<br />

teachers. Called the “Challenge 4 the Future,” the project placed high<br />

school students and teachers in teams partnered with local businesses,<br />

who presented them with a real-world business problem to solve within<br />

two weeks. The first year of the program in 2016 was deemed a success.<br />

“Last year helped build partnerships with businesses in the<br />

community,” Tenniswood said. “Teachers and students learned 21st<br />

century proficiency skills. It was a win-win all the way around.”<br />

The program is now in the process of recruiting teachers and students<br />

for <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

An additional innovative program Tenniswood is moving forward<br />

is called “Classroom of the Future” where she will help distribute<br />

$200,000 in grant funds to the seven districts to allow a group of 13<br />

teachers to re-invent their classrooms and teaching environments with<br />

new and unique furniture designs to enhance and encourage learning<br />

with the intent to keep students engaged.<br />

Shepherding these two programs plus working with her colleagues<br />

to develop and support ever-changing curriculum possibilities keep<br />

Tenniswood engaged as well.<br />

“I’m an avid learner and I love to read,” she said. “I probably have<br />

seven professional books going at the same time. It’s critical that I keep<br />

up with the latest in curriculum education if I’m going to lead others.”<br />

All the while she keeps a constant focus on the words that are<br />

peppered through her conversations. Innovation. Education. Students.<br />

Learning.<br />

“I like to interact with so many dedicated professionals,” she said. “I<br />

like helping people stay focused on what’s truly important—teaching<br />

and learning.”

SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com 9

perpetual<br />

motion<br />

by dale hemmila<br />

rhonda jones<br />

Rhonda Jones may not be in perpetual motion, but if you blink you<br />

might miss her as she whizzes by.<br />

She works full-time in Corporate America, is the owner of a second<br />

business, and is the new owner of two St. Clair County yoga studios.<br />

Top that all off with a husband and family and you have one very busy<br />

woman.<br />

About her busy life she said: “I always have to be doing something.”<br />

It’s because of that drive, her business success and her commitment<br />

to giving back to her community that she has been named <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong><br />

<strong>Woman</strong> Entrepreneur of the Year.<br />

Her professional career includes more than 20 years as a sales team<br />

leader for Detroit Chemical and Paper Supply Company, which<br />

provides sanitation and cleaning supplies to various industries. In 2010<br />

she opened her own business called Wellness by Prevention, which<br />

provides infection control equipment to long-term care facilities. Then<br />

in 2015 she opened Happy Dog Yoga Studio in Port Huron and a few<br />

months later a companion facility in St. Clair.<br />

“Rhonda is a fiercely hard worker and entrepreneur,” said her<br />

nominator Suzi Straffon. “We all say ‘If you want something done,<br />

get Rhonda to do it.’ Sheer grit and determination are the reasons for<br />

Rhonda’s success.”<br />

It was determination that led her to open Happy Dog Yoga Studio,<br />

the first dedicated facility of its kind in St. Clair County.<br />

“That yoga studio came about because we hadn’t had a yoga studio<br />

here and I got tired of travelling to other studios,” Jones said. “I came<br />

home one day and said if someone doesn’t open a studio, I am and<br />

shortly after that we signed the lease for the space.”<br />

Located on Krafft Road in Port Huron, the original Happy Dog<br />

Studio has been successful from the beginning.<br />

“The response has been incredible,” she said. “We opened with<br />

one teacher and now we have 14 teachers and the client base keeps<br />

growing.”<br />

Not only is the studio itself unique but so is the way she manages its<br />

cash flow. Jones said she didn’t open the studio to make money but<br />

instead to have a place for her and other Yoga enthusiasts to go. So any<br />

funds the studio makes are recycled back into the community.<br />

She has made donations to the Angels of Hope Foundation, which<br />

provides financial assistance and programs to children and parents<br />

with minor children battling cancer, anywhere in Michigan.<br />

She also supports Stiggys Dogs, which rescues and trains shelter dogs<br />

to be service dogs for military veterans living with Post Traumatic<br />

Stress Disorder or Traumatic Brain Injury.<br />

In addition, Special Dreams Farm in St. Clair, a working farm for<br />

adults with developmental disabilities and Mid-City Nutrition soup<br />

kitchen in Port Huron are among other non-profits supported.<br />

Recently, Jones and her daughters, Georgia and Hannah, reached<br />

beyond Michigan to volunteer and donate athletic equipment and<br />

clothes to the Barrio Planta Project in Nicaragua, which supports<br />

the children and youth in the city of San Juan del Sur with free<br />

supplementary schooling and activities.<br />

Their volunteer endeavors were all funded by Happy Dog’s summerlong<br />

beach yoga program.<br />

“It was a life changing trip and we plan to do it again,” she said. “To<br />

go down there and step out of our norm and work with those kids—life<br />

changing.”<br />

So while some people may sit on the sidelines of life, Rhoda Jones has<br />

been motivated to do what she can, where she can, when she can as a<br />

business person, entrepreneur and humanitarian.<br />

“I just want to try everything,” she said. “I tell my girls you have<br />

the opportunity to do anything and you only live once so why not give<br />

everything a try.”<br />

10 SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com

SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com 11

MULTI<br />

tasking<br />

12 SPRING <strong>2017</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Water</strong><strong>Woman</strong>.com<br />

denise dencklau<br />

by Patti Samar<br />

Denise Dencklau of Fort Gratiot lives her life by her favorite Biblical<br />

passage:<br />

“To whom much is given, much is expected,” she said. “I feel it is only<br />

fair to give back the blessings that I have been given in my life.”<br />

But the fact of the matter is, the <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Area is blessed to have<br />

Dencklau as an active and engaged member of the community, as she has<br />

given freely of her time and energy to numerous causes, all while juggling a<br />

large and busy family and life as a full-time working career woman.<br />

As result of her ability to multi-task her work life and her personal life,<br />

along with her dedication to her community over the past 30-plus years,<br />

Dencklau has been named the <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Woman</strong> Executive Professional<br />

of the Year. She was nominated by Don Fletcher and Lynn Griffor.<br />

Dencklau, who has served as the executive assistant to the McLaren Port<br />

Huron chief executive officer since 2007, credits her success to the many<br />

inspiring leaders with whom has had the privilege of working.<br />

“(Former hospital CEO) Don Fletcher and Dr. Kevin Sullivan, those two<br />

were my biggest mentors,” she said of her early working life at then-Port<br />

Huron Hospital where she began as the medical staff coordinator in 1985.<br />

“Dr. Sullivan was the medical director and he always believed that I was<br />

capable of more than I thought I was capable of. He was an inspiration.”<br />

She also noted that she learned much from working for former hospital<br />

CEO Tom DeFauw and current hospital CEO Jennifer Montgomery.<br />

“Tom DeFauw was an amazing role model and now I work for an<br />

amazing woman. We’re always learning and every person we encounter<br />

shapes us. My husband, too. I’ve learned a lot from him over the years.”<br />

Dencklau said other women have been inspirational in her life, as well,<br />

beginning with her mother.<br />

“My mom had five children and she worked as well,” said Dencklau.<br />

“She was always quietly supportive and always positive. She sees the world<br />

as a happy place. She’s always been that cheerleader.”<br />

Dencklau and her husband, Vernon Dencklau, D.O., raised four<br />

daughters and taught them the importance of giving back to the<br />

community by becoming involved themselves.<br />

Over the years, Dencklau has served on the boards of numerous<br />

nonprofit organizations. She was chair of the first American Heart<br />

Association Heart Ball held in the county. She served on the United Way<br />

board for a number of years, as well as the board of the local Girl Scout<br />

Council and the YMCA.<br />

Currently, Dencklau serves as the chair of the Empty Bowl Fundraiser<br />

for Mid-City Nutrition, a nonprofit dedicated to feeding the hungry in the<br />

community.<br />

“Living in this community…it’s such a giving and supportive<br />

community,” said Dencklau. “It’s been easy to get involved in charitable<br />

opportunities. People step up and give their time and their money. It’s<br />

amazing.<br />

“With the Empty Bowl, well, we see pictures on TV of places in the<br />

world where people are hungry and the Empty Bowl signifies that there<br />

are still hungry people here. One hundred percent of the funds raised go to<br />

the soup kitchen. Every dime.”<br />

Dencklau has chaired the event for four years. Last year, it raised<br />

$37,000. This year’s event will take place on April 20 at St. Stephen<br />

Catholic Church on 32nd Street.<br />

Juggling four growing children while working full time and volunteering<br />

in the community was made easier by making good use of her<br />

organizational skills. “I guess you just do what you have to do,” she said.<br />

“My motto was always do the night before what you don’t have time to do<br />

in the morning.<br />

“You have to be organized and you have to have good kids.<br />

“I cannot express the amount of gratitude that I have for the people I<br />

have had the honor to work with personally and professionally,” she said.<br />

“The people I have worked for over the years have always been of the<br />

highest integrity.”

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