Magazine 3

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Our World Today<br />

Microchips implanted in humans: Practical or perilous?<br />

M<br />

icrochips implanted in human<br />

bodies could transform the way<br />

we tackle many everyday tasks. Some workers<br />

in Sweden are already volunteering to have<br />

chips injected into their hands which can make<br />

some tasks easier and reduce the amount of<br />

personal items employees need to carry.<br />

However, the controversial trend could put<br />

your privacy at risk, reports CBS News<br />

correspondent John Blackstone.<br />

At a recent tech conference, Hannes Sjöblad<br />

explained how a microchip implanted in his<br />

hand makes his life easier. It replaces all the<br />

keys and cards that used to clutter his pockets.<br />

“I use this many times a day, for example, I use<br />

it to unlock my smart phone, to open the door<br />

to my office,” Sjöblad said. Sjöblad calls<br />

himself a biohacker. He explained, “We<br />

biohackers, we think the human body is a good<br />

start but there is certainly room for<br />

improvement.”<br />

The first step in that improvement is getting a<br />

microchip about size of a grain of rice slipped<br />

under the skin. Suddenly, the touch of a hand is<br />

enough to tell the office printer this is an<br />

authorized user.<br />

The microchips are radio frequency<br />

identification tags. The same technology widely<br />

used in things like key cards. The chips have<br />

been implanted in animals for years to help<br />

identify lost pets and now the technology is<br />

moving to humans.<br />

Tech start-up Dangerous Things has sold tens of<br />

thousands of implant kits for humans and some<br />

to tech companies in Europe.<br />

Sjöblad said he even organizes implant parties<br />

where people bond over getting chipped<br />

together.<br />

Even a car door can be tweaked to open with a<br />

touch, but each touch leaves a digital footprint<br />

which can compromise one’s privacy.<br />

“This is serious stuff. We’re talking about a<br />

nonstop potential connection to my body and I<br />

can’t turn it off, I can’t put it away, it’s in me.<br />

That’s a big problem,” said Ian Sherr, an<br />

executive editor at CNET.<br />

“It’s very easy to hack a chip implant, so my advice is don’t put your life secrets on an<br />

implant, Sjöblad said.<br />

Back in 2004, “The Manchurian Candidate” suggested a future where humans are<br />

chipped and controlled.<br />

“It’s about educating the people and giving every person the tools…not only how to use<br />

the technology but, more importantly, when it’s being used against you,” Sjöblad<br />

warned.<br />

Biohackers also predict the next generation of chips will save lives by monitoring health<br />

and fitness. For now, being chipped means never having to say you’re sorry you forgot<br />

your keycard.<br />

Through the lenses of the Word<br />

With technology advancing on a daily basis, we're left to wonder what more can<br />

possibly be done to make our lives easier.<br />

CBS News recently reported of microchips being implanted in humans to help minimize<br />

the hassle of everyday life. These microchips are radio frequency identification tags<br />

similar to key cards that are implanted into the hand.<br />

The rice grain sized microchip is geared towards making the lives of people easier by<br />

storing information that is readily used in our daily routine. For example, car keys,<br />

cellphone passwords, bank account info and much more. Although micro-chipping is<br />

becoming a trend with implant parties and individuals volunteering to become a part of<br />

the movement, we as children of God have been forewarned of this 'breakthrough'<br />

technology.<br />

The bible speaks of a time when the 'beast' which represents authority/government will<br />

enforce control in every aspect of life upon all people, utilizing the mark of the beast<br />

(666). Revelation 13:16-17, " And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,<br />

free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no<br />

man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the<br />

number of his name."<br />

Often times the easiest way to get our society on the bandwagon of new technology is<br />

the promise a simpler way to live and complete the tasks of daily life. This is the<br />

loophole that Satan often uses to lure us into his greater plan which is, making sure<br />

people step out of the will of God. However, we as kingdom citizens must rely on the<br />

word of God to keep us from conforming to the expectation of the world & its<br />

technology as perilous times have been promised before Christ triumphant return.<br />

Christ reminds us that we must "[…] whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the<br />

same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world."-1 Peter 5:9Be<br />

reminded that in order to stand strong during the fight for our souls in the last days, we<br />

must remain diligent in prayer and seeking after God.<br />

Don't put God first, make Him your everything, He will allow you to be an overcomer!<br />


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