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Community Development <br />

and Organizing <br />

By Arthur John Sagcal <br />

Being the individuals who have the <br />

access not just to great education but also to <br />

higher status in life, in general, gives us a <br />

sense of responsibility to help those people <br />

who don’t. But of course, it is not all just <br />

about responsibility the reason that we help. <br />

These activities of helping the less <br />

fortunate and people in need somewhat <br />

gives you satisfaction for you will sleep <br />

knowing that you help someone and you <br />

somehow change the “atmosphere” for the <br />

day and for the problems they face everyday <br />

even if it just brief moment in their lifetime. <br />

After all, you may never know what effect <br />

you gave to that particular person in just a <br />

small act of kindness. <br />

So what really is a Community <br />

Development? What are its aims and <br />

purpose in a community? From the <br />

French comunete, community is a large or <br />

small social unit who have something in <br />

common, be it may in values, beliefs, identity <br />

or religion. Development on the other hand, <br />

is the “gradual unfolding, a fuller working out <br />

of the details, of noted changes or growing <br />

improvement”. It may not be the definite <br />

definition of the term but it is however <br />

revolves around the essence of development <br />

which are change/positive change. <br />

Community development then is the <br />

improvement, growth and change of one <br />

community and its people for the better. Us, <br />

being the fortunate ones and the one who <br />

have access to EDUCATION, have the <br />

responsibility to help them for being a <br />

Thomasian, we are encouraged to help those <br />

in need and being in the University of Santo <br />

Thomas, we must illustrate the Thomasian <br />

values we are highly proud of.

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