Dear readers, For adventure explorers, you would not want to miss our special story on the Arctic conquesst by dog sled and the aurora borealis experience – often compared as a virtually magical dance of light. The snowy mountain, ice caves and the whole scenery in Salzkammergut, a region near the Austrian city of Salzburg, will leave you in awe. Or perhaps, you prefer to admire the beauty of late autumn leaves in South Korea under the lens of our photographer Quynh Anh. After receiving positive feedbacks from Travellive readers on the story "60 day trip around Vietnam with my kid" back in June, we decided to invite Oc and her family back to tell us about their latest trip, a 50 day journey around South East Asia. The little girl has now become a ‘seasoned’ traveler after having been to 10 SEA countries. Your trip to Taiwan would be a lot more enjoyable when you try all the food from Taipei, Taichung and Tainan The cold and windy season is finally here, we wish you plenty of new and exciting experiences for your journeys ahead. TRAVELLIVE EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear readers,

For adventure explorers, you would not want to miss our special story on the Arctic conquesst by dog sled and the aurora borealis experience – often compared as a virtually magical dance of light. The snowy mountain, ice caves and the whole scenery in Salzkammergut, a region near the Austrian city of Salzburg, will leave you in awe. Or perhaps, you prefer to admire the beauty of late autumn leaves in South Korea under the lens of our photographer Quynh Anh.

After receiving positive feedbacks from Travellive readers on the story "60 day trip around Vietnam with my kid" back in June, we decided to invite Oc and her family back to tell us about their latest trip, a 50 day journey around South East Asia. The little girl has now become a ‘seasoned’ traveler after having been to 10 SEA countries.

Your trip to Taiwan would be a lot more enjoyable when you try all the food from Taipei, Taichung and Tainan

The cold and windy season is finally here, we wish you plenty of new and exciting experiences for your journeys ahead.



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D1MENSION: D# ÉN "C°N Hó Cï TH•NG HIåU"<br />

ßóC ßÉO TÑI VIåT NAM<br />

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TP.HCM<br />

Savills - ßπi l˝<br />

cho thu ÆÈc<br />

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HKL<br />

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Æ≠Íng ch›nh Nguy‘n<br />

H˜u Th‰ vµ Æ≠Íng nÈi<br />

bÈ khu d©n c≠ Lµng ßπi<br />

H‰c, ta nhµ HKL c„<br />

tÊng di÷n t›ch cho thu<br />

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sÎ gi∏o dÙc... VÌi quy<br />

m´ 1 t«ng h«m, 1 t«ng<br />

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hi÷n Æπi. Bn cπnh dch<br />

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ch› c¨ b∂n, s˘ tÀn t©m<br />

vµ ÆÂng hµnh trong<br />

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Savills lu´n h≠Ìng tÌi,<br />

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(sAViLLs *T«ng 18, Ta<br />

nhµ Ruby, 81 - 85 Hµm<br />

Nghi, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM<br />

*Website: www.savills.<br />

com.vn)<br />

HA NOI<br />

Starlake Hµ NÈi - ßi”m nh†n kh∏c bi÷t<br />

Khu Æ´ th Starlake Hµ NÈi - Æi”m nh†n quan tr‰ng nh†t cÒa D˘ ∏n Khu Æ´ th T©y H T©y, Æ∑ vµ Æang tıng b≠Ìc kho∏c ln m◊nh mÈt di÷n<br />

mπo hoµn toµn mÌi. VÌi di÷n t›ch h¨n 186,3ha, nËi li“n vÌi kh´ng gian xanh HÂ T©y vµ trÙc giao th´ng huy’t mπch tÌi s©n bay quËc t’ NÈi<br />

Bµi, Starlake lµ bi”u t≠Óng cÒa mÈt khu Æ´ th ƺng c†p vµ hi÷n Æπi nh†t Vi÷t Nam, vÌi Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c ti÷n ›ch cÒa m´i tr≠Íng sËng "xanh" hµi<br />

ha vÌi thin nhin, bn cπnh c∏c khu ch¯c n®ng nh≠ hµnh ch›nh, kh∏ch sπn, gi∏o dÙc, th≠¨ng mπi vµ gi∂i tr›.<br />

(sTARLAKe hÄ nói *Hotline: 18001068 *Website: www.starlake-hanoi.com)<br />

34<br />


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