1987-1988 Rothberg Yearbook

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yell and be rude.<br />

aim at pedestrians.<br />

take many drugs.<br />

zip off on my bus to Amman.<br />

drive like a human being.<br />

wear a uniform like they do in civilized America,<br />

have a heart attack,<br />

be pretty bored every day.<br />

help the poor Hebrew Univ. students who don’t know any Hebrew<br />

keep the door open when people are getting on.<br />

quit!<br />

drive a bus.<br />

slam the door in someone’s face,<br />

steal the bus and use it as a car.<br />

paint a white line for people to stand behind,<br />

pass out Elite candy,<br />

play with my stick shift,<br />

be crazy,<br />

move to L.A.<br />

smile all day long,<br />

give the wrong directions.<br />

make Americans feel like guests in my country and<br />

exemplify the laid-back, tolerant, positive<br />

Israeli attitude found everywhere,<br />

learn how to drive,<br />

ask for radio requests.<br />

stop selling youth cartisim to all OYP students.<br />

Memories<br />


The toilet paper feels like sandpaper<br />

You wait two hours for a bus that comes every 10 minutes<br />

There’s no hot water for a week<br />

It’s 30 degrees and pouring rain in the middle of January and the heat goes on for 2 hours during<br />

the night<br />

You have shmira from 2:00-6:00 am<br />

You wait in line at the bank for hours and when it’s finally your<br />

turn, they close for their 4 hour lunch break<br />

You hear 3 beeps followed by the news for the hour<br />

You can’t get to sleep because someone’s car alarm keeps going off<br />

You’re standing in line at the moadon and Shimon Peres gets in line behind yoq<br />

You try to swim in a body of water and all you do is float<br />

You see sheep grazing outside your window<br />

You can buy a kilo of popcorn in the shuk for 1 NIS<br />

Shil-shul lasts more than a week<br />

An Arab in the shuk offers to buy you for 3 camels<br />

Every car parked in the street has funny pieces of cardboard in the windshield<br />

You can’t use American Express in most stores<br />

The license plates are color-coded blue or yellow<br />

The radio stations sign off with Hatikvah<br />

The doctor in the University Health Services is reading a romance novel when you walk in<br />

Milk comes in plastic bags

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