December Magazine

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LIVE<br />


This is most likely our last Live <strong>Magazine</strong> for a while.<br />

As we head into Christmas and the new year, we’re looking at big changes for our beloved magazine.<br />

More on that in a moment, but first a few things we’d like to share.<br />

When we started, this was little more then a catalogue with a few cosplay and game stories. Not many<br />

people understood what we were doing creating a magazine. After all, many big name magazines had<br />

the market to theselves. Still we had a vision. Our first issue got around 2,500 readers. Not many but a<br />

start. We grew our content, our contributors and also the reader numbers.<br />

Our previous issue got over 30,000 readers. Not bad for a small publishing team with next to no<br />

marketing budget. Those reader number many not seem huge but when you stack them up agains other<br />

big name magazines and their digital issues, we’re way ahead. While some publishers combine web<br />

with digital magazine readers we’ve found some stats that give true reader numbers of just magazines:<br />

However we found a good article from “Statista - The Statistics Portal” that you can visit here:<br />

https://www.statista.com/statistics/324561/digital-magazines-ranked-by-circulation-uk/<br />

A screen shot on the opposite pages shows the digital readership from some big name titles. We looked<br />

back at the last 12 months of our readership from our two main newsstands - Issuu and Yumpu and, on<br />

average, we’re getting 30,000 plus readers per magazine/catalogue.<br />

So why are we mentioning all this? Bragging - no, not at all. We’re wanting to thank our readers for their<br />

support as we transition into the next season. Changes here at Gametraders may see this as our last<br />

issue, but we’re in talks to keep Live going. More on that soon. For now I’d like to say a big thank you to<br />

some special people who made Live possible...<br />

“On average Live <strong>Magazine</strong> & sister titles Retro Live<br />

and Cosplay Live each would average around 30,000<br />

reads per issue.”


Paul Monopoli our Retro Editor whoes passsion is inspiring.<br />

Scott Sowter, Comics and movies Editor who was alway there to create his magic.<br />

Anny and Tiffany our Cosplay Contributors and editors who sought out the most amazing cosplayers to<br />

be featured in each issue.<br />

Nick and the team from Sticky Trigger.<br />

The team from VG Chartz who supported us with news and reviews.<br />

The wargaming team - Ben and his group.<br />

A big thank you to Loretta from Sony for always supporting us plus our brilliant art director/designer -<br />

Giselle.<br />

Have a great Christmas - hope to see you in February next year.<br />

Rob Jenkins<br />

Publisher.<br />

Screenshot from: The Statistics Portal” :<br />




Paul: Joining me now at Hybrid<br />

World Adelaide, its Bajo and Rad!<br />

Bajo and Rad: Hello!<br />

Paul: Rad, whose name when you<br />

type it into Facebook turns out pink!<br />

Rad: Yeah, I’ve seen that now. If<br />

you click it rockets fly across the<br />

screen.<br />

Bajo: Fantastic!<br />

P: Little thumbs up rockets!<br />

R: What happens when you type<br />

Bajo into Facebook?<br />

B: Hmm It deletes it! No one wants<br />

to see what I have to say on Facebook<br />

*laughs*<br />

P: So, from Good Game Spawn<br />

Point. Good Game, unfortunately no<br />

longer with us at this time.<br />

B: Alas, it’s dead.<br />

P: It is, but I was talking to Janet (the<br />

producer) and she is hopeful of a<br />

resurgence. You never know.<br />

B: You never know. I would feel like if<br />

it’s gonna come back it’ll come back<br />

in a different form. What we wanted<br />

to do this year is really change up<br />

the show and make it more panel<br />

based, more lively, more shooting<br />

on the day, going to air that night,<br />

and that was kinda our plan for this<br />

year, and that would have been really<br />

exciting, so I think we were due<br />

for a change. Hopefully if it ever<br />

comes back that’s what it’ll be like.<br />

P: Hopefully, and you’ll be joining<br />

Bajo (Rad)?<br />

R: Well, I was supposed to be on<br />

Good Game this year if we did that<br />

panel show<br />

B: Yeah, if we did that panel show<br />

R: We were going to have a rotating<br />

host panel, of the 6 of us? The 5 of<br />

us?<br />

B: Something like that. We were<br />

going to have all sorts of people in,<br />

like special guests. Think The Project<br />

with the flashiness and much<br />

more awkward *laughs* That’s kinda<br />

what we were going for.<br />

R: Yes, and talking about games! But<br />

unfortunately that didn’t go ahead,<br />

but thankfully I got the opportunity<br />

to do Spawn Point, which I wouldn’t<br />

have gotten to do had Good Game<br />

gone ahead this year, and I love doing<br />

Spawn Point, so yeah.<br />

P: Fantastic. It’s a very hyperactive<br />

show.<br />

B: It is, yes!<br />

R: I think that’s mostly actually just<br />

due to our natural energies when<br />

we bounce off each other, like not<br />

really a case of us meaning to do<br />

that. It just happens.<br />

B: I always wonder when I get home,<br />

I’m like, why am I so tired? Oh that’s<br />

right, I was jumping around like a silly<br />

person all day!<br />

R: Because I moved a lot, yes.<br />

P: Even when you’re sitting there<br />

it’s all facial expressions. It’s not a<br />

criticism, just an observation. Compared<br />

to The Zone, where it was<br />

more subdued<br />

B: It was chill<br />

P: It as very chill<br />

B: It was cool<br />

P: Bajo, (before the interview) you<br />

said you’d seen The Zone?<br />

B: Yeah, I grew up watching that. I<br />

remember taping it and watching it<br />

over and over and over again just<br />

to get glimpses of games and that<br />

sort of thing. It’s actually lovely now<br />

when kids come up to me and they<br />

say they watch Spawn Point. They<br />

download it and fill up the DVR with<br />

Spawn Point and Good Game and<br />

they watch them over and over<br />

again. At first I was like, ‘I don’t understand<br />

why you would watch it<br />

more than once’, then I think, ‘oh,<br />

I used to do that when I was a kid<br />

with The Zone’.


“We’ve been very lucky at the ABC<br />

because when Janet created Good Game I don’t feel like the ABC<br />

actually understood games or knew what games were, really, and I<br />

feel like there are parts of the ABC that now do, but over the course<br />

of the part decade I’ve felt like we’ve been in this beautiful,<br />

protective bubble...”<br />

- Bajo

P: Yeah! Rad, you’re probably a little<br />

bit too young for The Zone.<br />

R: I don’t know what it is. When you<br />

say The Zone I literally just think of<br />

Brittney Spears<br />

P: It was a Channel 9 video game<br />

show in the late 90s.<br />

R: OK.<br />

B: Were you alive in the late 90s<br />

Rad?<br />

R: I was, I was born in the early 90s.<br />

P: Were you being cool?<br />

R: Was I being cool?<br />

P: In the 90s?<br />

R: I was a child in the 90s, and I<br />

don’t think children can necessarily<br />

have a concept of cool, they’re just<br />

being that young I was just mostly<br />

trying not to dribble on myself.<br />

B: I definitely wasn’t cool.<br />

P: That’s what I like to hear, cos I<br />

wasn’t either.<br />

B: There ya go.<br />

P: Talking to Bev and Muttley from<br />

The Zone, they said they came in<br />

with a bunch of ideas for the show<br />

and executives kinda took over and<br />

made it their own because they felt<br />

THEY knew the demographic, they<br />

felt they knew the target audience,<br />

and as a result they didn’t end up<br />

with the type of show they wanted.<br />

How much input do the two of you<br />

have into Spawn Point?<br />

R: In the creation... well, obviously<br />

you (Bajo) would have had some<br />

input into Spawn Point, but for the<br />

creation of Good Game neither of<br />

us were there. That was mainly the<br />

brain child of Janet, who’s our amazing<br />

ex-executive producer, she no<br />

longer works on the show. But for<br />

the day to day of Spawn Point we<br />

actually have quite a lot of input,<br />

so we do write our own reviews<br />

and play the games and come up<br />

with segment ideas and things like<br />

that. For example, learn-scursions,<br />

which we’ve done a couple of this<br />

year was something that I came up<br />

in tandem with Elliot, who’s now our<br />

series producer, and also we did a<br />

profile on a game called Paperbark,<br />

which happened because Book<br />

Week was coming up and I knew<br />

about this game that was based on<br />

children’s books, and I was like ‘I really<br />

want to do this!’ So we do get to<br />

bring stories to the table, and things<br />

like that which is really great.<br />

B: We’ve been very lucky at the<br />

ABC because when Janet created<br />

Good Game I don’t feel like the ABC<br />

actually understood games or knew<br />

what games were, really, and I feel<br />

like there are parts of the ABC that<br />

now do, but over the course of the<br />

part decade I’ve felt like we’ve been<br />

in this beautiful, protective bubble<br />

where we’ve had creative control...<br />

complete creative control over the<br />

shows we’re made. Obviously we<br />

have EPs (executive producers)<br />

and series producers, and all things<br />

going up the chain watching the<br />

show and making sure everybody’s<br />

happy with the content we’re making,<br />

but luckily we being the experts<br />

and we being the ones who are<br />

explaining it to the people above<br />

us which gave us such freedom to<br />

make what I think... I’m so proud of<br />

the shows we’ve made. Our mantra’s<br />

always been a celebration of<br />

gaming and I felt like we stuck to<br />

that core in all the work we did.<br />

R: I do think that it is like, in a lot of<br />

ways down to Janet championing<br />

the show for us and the ideas behind<br />

it so strongly for what her vision<br />

for the show was, and having<br />

her there to be like, ‘no, no, no, but<br />

this is what games are and this is<br />

what we need the show to be...<br />

B: And it worked. The impact, when<br />

Good Game ended this year, the<br />

flood of messages and emails... I<br />

had no idea...<br />

P: Oh, it was intense!<br />

R: Yeah<br />

B: I know. The impact we had on<br />

people’s lives is very humbling, especially<br />

when you would hear stories<br />

about how... because, something<br />

I always is games are about<br />

community for me and about me...<br />

it’s how I met my friends and a lot of<br />

people met their people with Good<br />

Game and still continue to do that<br />

with Spawn Point which is a beautiful,<br />

beautiful thing to see.<br />

P: Absolutely. Now at the moment<br />

I’m at university studying media<br />

with a focus on video game journalism<br />

so I really have an appreciation<br />

for what you guys are doing.<br />

You’re bringing it to the mainstream.<br />

Is there still a perception out there<br />

where video games are for kids,<br />

or is that, do you think, lifting and<br />

we’re seeing more acceptance of<br />

adult gamers in the community?<br />

R: I think it’s a bit of a weird split<br />

actually. I think there is definitely...

I would say that adults that didn’t<br />

grow up playing games themselves<br />

see games a being for kids, and<br />

that’s why you get issues with parents<br />

accidentally buying R rated<br />

games for their kids, because they<br />

don’t understand that not all games<br />

are for children. But I also think, now<br />

we have a lot of adults who grew<br />

up playing games themselves, but<br />

that has almost, in a way, created<br />

the opposite problem, where<br />

sometimes they think games are<br />

for them rather than games being<br />

for everyone, so they only kinda see<br />

the games that are geared towards<br />

them and see themselves as the<br />

core group of gamers rather then<br />

seeing that stretch beyond their<br />

circles. So yeah, I don’t know if it’s<br />

particularly one way or the other.<br />

B: I think, in a way, when I was a kid<br />

that so few people played games. It<br />

was all the boys, there was like, one<br />

girl in my school that played some<br />

games sometimes. It was all just all<br />

the boys, so it was very, very different<br />

back then. But we’re all in our<br />

mid 30s now, that generation, and<br />

you look at anyone who’s under the<br />

age of 14 now, they’ve all played<br />

games. Every kid plays games. It’s<br />

just like a standard thing now as<br />

opposed to being an exception. So,<br />

the good thing is that while there’s<br />

this split that you talked about Rad,<br />

this split of people who think games<br />

are just for kids and people who obviously<br />

realise what games are, this<br />

incredible art form for everyone, as<br />

the kids now get older that split will<br />

be gone in like, 10 years, 15 years.<br />

Everyone’s gonna play games. It’s<br />

just going to be a normal thing.<br />

R: That’s the really exciting thing,<br />

with that generation growing up<br />

I think a lot of the divisiveness in<br />

games, I don’t know if that’s a word...<br />

P: It is now!<br />

R: It is now! You know what I mean!<br />

I think it’s going to disappear because<br />

you have all these brilliant<br />

kids who are just like, ‘well, this is<br />

just a thing I like.’<br />

B: They live and breathe it.<br />

R: Yeah.<br />

B: More than me. When I see kids<br />

using. Touch screen for first person<br />

games...<br />

R: *laughs*<br />

P: I cringe when I see that!<br />

B: I don’t understand how they can<br />

do it! I CAN’T DO IT!<br />

R: It’s this interesting thing where<br />

they talk about native platforms,<br />

and so for us our native platforms,<br />

a lot of people would be a controller,<br />

because that’s what they started<br />

with, or for me it’s keyboard and<br />

mouse cos that’s what I played with.<br />

But for most kids it’s touch screens,<br />

and they can do things, disgusting<br />

things like play a first person shooter<br />

on a touch screen...<br />

B: *laughs* I don’t understand that...<br />

R: And we look at that and we’re<br />

like, ‘STOP, STOP IT!’<br />

B: YOU GET A MOUSE! *laughs*<br />

R: Yeah, but for them it’s the most<br />

comfortable, which is hurtful to me.<br />

*laughs*<br />

P: What are your personal backgrounds<br />

with gaming? What did you<br />

grow up with?<br />

B: My first console was a little handheld<br />

Ms Pacman. That was first<br />

game I ever played from memory.<br />

Maybe some Game and Watches,<br />

but I grew up with an Atari 2600.<br />

That was my first proper console.<br />

Then Master System, Megadrive,<br />

SNES, PS1, and then I went to PC<br />

and when I could finally afford a PC<br />

my first one was a Pentium 133.<br />

P: Wow!<br />

R: I’m trying to remember...<br />

B: Yeah, I do. I remember them all<br />

very fondly, because they were<br />

such landmarks. Each new thing<br />

you bought was such a generation<br />

change, whereas that’s slowly slipping<br />

away now and we’re getting<br />

consoles 2.5 and 1.5. So I guess I<br />

started with a lot of console gaming,<br />

and when I discovered PC gaming<br />

and the modding you could do<br />

with it and I started making levels<br />

and just getting into the nitty gritty<br />

of the craziness of the PC land-

scape, it just added to the gaming<br />

I grew up with.<br />

R: I started with DOS games, so my<br />

Dad would just install games for us<br />

to play. Toddler games, basically, like<br />

Mixed up Mother Goose and things<br />

like that, and I moved on to things<br />

like Commander Keen which I don’t<br />

think I ever finished cos it was really<br />

difficult, and Space Quest 3, and<br />

Battle Chess.<br />

B: Battle Chess was awsome!<br />

P: That was brilliant.<br />

R: That game was great.<br />

B: I played it at my friend’s house,<br />

yeah...<br />

R: Did you ever win?<br />

B: No<br />

R: Yeah, I was really bad at chess,<br />

but it was really fun, and then kinda<br />

moved on to PC games, so...<br />

P: Did you ever play Star Wars Battle<br />

Chess?<br />

R: NO!<br />

B: YES!<br />

P: That is a thing, yes!<br />

R: That was a thing?<br />

B & P: Yes<br />

R: I had normal, crummy Battle<br />

Chess *laughs*. Scrub Battle<br />

Chess. So I played PC games for<br />

most of my life. Actually, because<br />

my parents would staunch not buy<br />

us consoles I never grew up with<br />

Nintendo stuff, I never grew up with<br />

all the kinda things that you (Bajo)<br />

did.<br />

B: I was a Sega guy. I did Nintendo<br />

on the weekends.<br />

R: So I actually learned how to run<br />

emulators at a young age so I could<br />

play Pokemon like everyone else<br />

on the PC... which was illegal sorry.<br />

I didn’t know it at the time cos I<br />

was like eight years old. So I grew<br />

up with PCs and kinda only got into<br />

console gaming very, very late in<br />

life.<br />

B: Now I just go where the games<br />

are. I don’t know about you Rad,<br />

but I don’t really care too much on<br />

platform. I have a bit of a bad back<br />

though, so if I can play it on my PC<br />

I will, cos I find that more comfortable<br />

than on a couch, but it’s really<br />

where the games are.<br />

R: Yeah. I think I like having it on PC<br />

just so my games are all collated.<br />

B: It’s nice having it all collected<br />

there, isn’t it? Yeah, nice having the<br />

list. And for some reason I can never<br />

find where my games are in the<br />

console menus anymore.<br />

R: Yeah.<br />

B: Every time I boot my my PS4, my<br />

XBOX One, they’ve done some update.<br />

They’ve changed everything!<br />

I can’t find where my games are.<br />

I can’t reload them or download<br />

them!<br />

R: The hard drives are too small!<br />

B: The hard drives are too small!<br />

R: You put four games on there then<br />

the whole thing’s filled up!<br />

B: No sound and 30 frames per second<br />

and I’m like, ‘WHAT IS THIS?’<br />

*laughs*<br />

P: Well thanks for your time. That’s<br />

all the time we’ve got. It’s been a<br />

pleasure speaking with you Bajo<br />

and Rad.<br />

B: Thanks for having us.<br />

R: Thank’s very much.




Paul: Thanks to First Contact Conventions<br />

I am sitting here with Ryan<br />

Kelley. Pleasure to meet you.<br />

Ryan: The pleasure’s all mine<br />

P: You got started at a young age.<br />

Commercials at the age of 2?<br />

R: Yeah, so I have 14 brothers and<br />

sisters, so it started as a way to give<br />

my parents a head start on helping<br />

us pay for college, and it bit my parents<br />

in the butt because I didn’t go<br />

to college. *laughs*<br />

P: And you did your first movie in the<br />

first grade.<br />

R: I did. Roommates I think.<br />

P: What was that experience like?<br />

R: So it’s sort of that thing when<br />

you’re bought up into acting and<br />

you’ve been doing it your whole life<br />

you don’t really know any different<br />

so it wasn’t... it was fun, it was magical<br />

and I had a blast doing it, but as<br />

a kid it was just something I did, just<br />

on a bigger level than doing commercials<br />

or smaller television.<br />

P: You did a lot of guest spots in a<br />

lot of different shows, big shows!<br />

R: Yeah.<br />

P: Smallville, Boston Legal, Cold<br />

Case, and one of my favourites,<br />

Early Edition. Do any of those stand<br />

out for you?<br />

R: Every show you do, every guest<br />

spot I’ve done is interesting. It’s interesting<br />

because you see a whole<br />

different show. Every show is like a<br />

different machine. Smallville stands<br />

out to be the most because I was<br />

16 and that was the first time in my<br />

life I realised I looked around at other<br />

young actors who were younger<br />

than me at the time and they were<br />

doing it for a living. Up to that point<br />

it had just been my parents... not<br />

pushing me, but helping me along<br />

and telling me ‘you have to be here,<br />

you made a commitment’, and that<br />

was the first time where I really realised<br />

I could do this for the rest of<br />

my life. I like this! This is fun! I want<br />

to do this! That was the first time it<br />

became a reality.<br />

P: And it took you on to some lead<br />

roles, and some varying different<br />

roles. We have Prayers for Bobby,<br />

which is a heavy movie.<br />

R: Yes<br />

P: That is a very heavy movie. What<br />

was the experience like filming<br />

that?<br />

R: So Prayers for Bobby is one of<br />

those films that comes around once<br />

in a blue moon that truly changes<br />

lives. I mean, all television does in a<br />

sense. Teen Wolf, it makes people<br />

escape from their reality. It’s why I<br />

love being an actor. It’s what brings<br />

me the most joy, movies and television,<br />

but there are certain films that<br />

have a higher power or a higher<br />

purpose, and I was lucky enough to<br />

be a part of Prayers for Bobby. Man,<br />

I hope to God I experience something<br />

else like that, but if I don’t then<br />

that means I was just blessed to<br />

have that. It was not a lot of fun to<br />

film, because it was extremely dark<br />

and depressing. It was a true story,<br />

as you know, so I was in a head<br />

space that was not a lot of fun. I’m<br />

extremely proud of my work, but it<br />

wasn’t, for instance, like showing up<br />

for Ben 10 where I’m running around<br />

as a super hero. It was definitely<br />

dark and it was rough, but once<br />

it’s said and done and I didn’t have<br />

to film it anymore I had moms and<br />

dads and daughters and sons coming<br />

up to me and saying it changed<br />

their lives.<br />

P: I was going to ask, what was the<br />

feedback from the LGBTQI community.<br />

R: Incredible. It was at times overwhelming,<br />

because you’d have parents<br />

coming up to you bawling, telling<br />

you that because of your film I<br />

look at my son differently. That’s a<br />

lot of power, and being able to be<br />

even a part of that... I didn’t write the<br />

script, I was just the actor, so being<br />

a part of that was such a blessing...<br />

such a blessing.<br />

P: And as you mentioned before<br />

you go to playing Ben 10, a superhero.<br />

A cartoon superhero. What<br />

was that like?<br />

R: Man, that was just fun. That was


just going to set every day and just<br />

playing make believe. I’m dressing<br />

up in costumes, playing with cars<br />

that are big and muscly and obnoxious<br />

and crazy colours. We’re fighting<br />

aliens rom outer space, it was<br />

just a lot of fun. For a kid it was literally<br />

like going to the playground.<br />

P: Had you seen the show beforehand?<br />

R: I had. My younger siblings were<br />

actually pretty big fans of it, so I’d<br />

known of the show. I hadn’t watched<br />

every episode of it. Once I got cast I<br />

did my research with due diligence<br />

and actually became a fan of it.<br />

P: And before the interview we<br />

were talking about what you like to<br />

do with your spare time. You’re a<br />

PC gamer?<br />

R: I love games. I can dabble in consoles<br />

but PC is my thing. DOTA 2<br />

and a game called Playerunknown’s<br />

Battlegrounds are what I’ve been<br />

obsessed with.<br />

P: And you’re not a fan of using a<br />

controller?<br />

R: My thumbs aren’t as good!<br />

*laughs* My hand eye coordination<br />

with a mouse and keyboard... it’s<br />

just because I was lucky enough to<br />

have a computer when I was younger<br />

so I played a lot of games on my<br />

computer. It feels like a second<br />

hand to me, whereas my thumbs<br />

are just not as good and I’m just not<br />

as good.<br />

P: Did you have much time to play<br />

gams growing up? I mean, with<br />

school and acting?<br />

R: Oh yeah. Games have always...<br />

some of my favourite moments<br />

growing up were playing Playstation<br />

with my brother. It was always<br />

my older brother and he was always<br />

good at console games, like Mario<br />

Kart on Nintendo 64. We had a<br />

Playstation, we had an Atari, we had<br />

all of those things that my brother<br />

was really good at, so I looked up<br />

to him and any chance I could try<br />

to beat him, that was super special<br />

for me. My brother probably hated it<br />

*laughs* and I was never as good<br />

as he was, it was probably annoying<br />

to him but I looked up to him and I<br />

wanted to beat him.<br />

P: Of your busy career do you have<br />

any specific highlights?<br />

R: Every job you do has its own special<br />

memory or connection, or like<br />

I said, Prayers has a much deeper,<br />

powerful meaning, but Teen Wolf<br />

for the last 4 or whatever years it’s<br />

been... the fandom is unlike anything<br />

I’ve ever experienced, and a lot of<br />

shows don’t have the fandom that<br />

Teen Wolf has. I hope, again just like<br />

Prayers for Bobby, to experience<br />

another fandom like Teen Wolf, but<br />

if I don’t... Man, I’m just lucky enough<br />

to be a part of this ride.<br />

P: And we have a lot of other Teen<br />

Wolf actors coming to Australia this<br />

year. Tyler (Hoechlin) from Teen<br />

Wolf and Supergirl as well now, as<br />

well as a bunch of others who are<br />

coming to conventions. It seems<br />

like it’s ‘the show’ at the moment.<br />

R: Especially now it just ended. Ian<br />

Bohen and Linden Ashby were here<br />

a couple of months before. Holland<br />

(Roden) is coming out. So right now<br />

I hope we have some good publicity<br />

because the show just ended and<br />

we can hopefully end it on a high<br />

note, so I think that’s why a lot are<br />

coming out right now.<br />

P: Any chance of coming back for<br />

any specials do you think?<br />

R: Scheduling wise, if it’s not interfering<br />

with our work, are you kidding?<br />

We love to travel. It’s half the<br />

reason a lot of us became actors.<br />

It’s a little bit more of a leisure life<br />

but there’s times where it’s stressful<br />

and there’s times when it’s a lot<br />

of work, but you know: Work hard,<br />

play hard. We’re big children. I feel<br />

like all actors just never really grow<br />

up.<br />

P: Teen Wolf is over, as you mentioned.<br />

What’s next for you? You’ve<br />

been working non stop since you<br />

were a kid...<br />

R: Yeah, so I did a horror film called<br />

Realms in Bangkok not that long<br />

ago right when we finished filming<br />

(Teen Wolf) and that was awesome<br />

because it was 6 weeks in Thailand.<br />

Then I got back and I’ve done a little<br />

bit of travelling. I was in Belgium doing<br />

some press for Teen Wolf, and<br />

as you know someone ended up<br />

booking a job (Gideon Emery) and<br />

backed out. I came in last minute,<br />

I wasn’t planning on being here but<br />

I got lucky that I had the time off. I<br />

was in Belgium and they said ‘Hey,<br />

do you think you can make it to Australia?’<br />

I was like ‘when?’ ‘In 2 days!’<br />

I was ‘alright, let’s do it!’<br />

P: Geez!<br />

R: I like travelling and I like getting<br />

to see the world and also Australia<br />

is awesome because there’s no

language barrier and I’m very sarcastic<br />

and witty. I like to enjoy like<br />

and I feel like Australians have a lot<br />

of my qualities of what I love in life.<br />

You guys just enjoy life and like I said,<br />

there’s no language barrier so coming<br />

over here just feels comfortable.<br />

It’s awesome.<br />

P: And it’s great having you here.<br />

Thank you very much for your time<br />

Ryan Kelley.<br />

R: Thank you so much. The pleasure’s<br />

all mine.<br />




Paul: Thanks to First Contact Conventions<br />

I’m sitting here with Khylin<br />

Rhambo from Teen Wolf and<br />

Ender’s Game. How are you doing?<br />

Khylin: Hey, what’s up man? How<br />

are you doing?<br />

P: Good. How, you were initially<br />

a model. That’s how your career<br />

started.<br />

K: Yeah, that’s how I started. Not like<br />

a model, model, but more like a toy<br />

box model. Like for Target, posters<br />

and stuff like that as a kid.<br />

P: What was that like?<br />

K: It was actually super easy. It was<br />

so easy to me, it was boring. I was<br />

really young and it wasn’t something<br />

that I loved doing, it was just something<br />

that was happening, and people<br />

were saying “we want you to be<br />

on this toy box”, and I was like “cool,<br />

yeah, take a picture.” And that’s all<br />

it was for me, just taking pictures,<br />

and I didn’t really understand it as<br />

a job or a career, it was just something<br />

I was doing as a hobby. I really<br />

started to get into enjoying creatively<br />

when I started to act.<br />

P: So modelling was never the end<br />

goal?<br />

K: No, see, being in LA I fell into it.<br />

It’s funny because my little sister<br />

was born and I was normally the<br />

only child. Once I started getting<br />

these siblings I started to get really<br />

jealous, and everyone was like,<br />

“oh, she’s so cute. She should be a<br />

model. Like a little baby model.” And<br />

they were taking pictures (of her)<br />

and she got so much attention from<br />

people, being a little baby model<br />

that I was like, “fine! I want to do<br />

modelling.” *laughs*. I ended up doing<br />

it and people started giving me<br />

these jobs. I got an agent and it just<br />

started happening, and I wasn’t opposed<br />

to it, it was just something I<br />

fell upon.Then I tried an acting class<br />

and that’s when I started meeting<br />

friends that I really liked and I wanted<br />

to do that a lot more.<br />

P: And you’ve been in some pretty<br />

high profile stuff, and your career<br />

is very recent. We’re talking as far<br />

as acting, your credits begin in this<br />

decade. There’s some high profile<br />

stuff. You’ve been in First Family.<br />

K: First Family, yeah. That really<br />

sharpened my chops as a comedic<br />

person, because I didn’t necessarily<br />

consider myself a funny guy,<br />

especially as a performer. Being on<br />

a sitcom helped me a lot. Playing<br />

the character, Mason, he had some<br />

comedic parts. It just helped me<br />

sharpen my chops as a performer.<br />

I was on that show for 2 years<br />

I think...<br />

P: Now, was that based on the Obama’s?<br />

Because you could be forgiven<br />

for thinking it was.<br />

K: Yeah, you could think so. I guess,<br />

of course it was inspired by it, but<br />

I think it would have been a wacky<br />

family in the white house thing.<br />

P: You were working on that and<br />

Teen Wolf at the same time. How<br />

do you manage that kind of workload?<br />

K: It wasn’t hard at all actually. While<br />

one wasn’t filming I was filming the<br />

other. First Family was actually ending<br />

while I started Teen Wolf. It wasn’t<br />

bad at all. I thoroughly enjoyed just<br />

having a job and being able to do<br />

that. I enjoyed Teen Wolf, definitely<br />

a lot more *laughs*. It was more my<br />

scene, but I love both. I was blessed<br />

to be able to do both jobs.<br />

P: Would you go back into comedy<br />

if the chance came up?<br />

K: Yeah. I’d definitely do it if I felt I<br />

could be that character and make<br />

that character really likeable. I<br />

definitely would do it. I just never<br />

dreamed of being a comedic actor<br />

but if I had a comedic role I would<br />

definitely love to play it.<br />

P: And you did it well, I have to say.<br />

K: Thankyou<br />

P: Ender’s Game. This was an interesting<br />

project because the author<br />

claimed that it’s unfilmable. How did<br />

it work out for you?<br />

K: Well, that was crazy. I didn’t know<br />

what I was getting into. I was young<br />

and I hadn’t booked a role in like... 3


years. The only role I’d booked was<br />

as a guest star on a sitcom. I auditioned<br />

for that and 3 months later<br />

I get the call and they said that I’d<br />

booked it, and it was a big movie,<br />

and I was going to be one of the<br />

main characters. I was completely<br />

stunned! It didn’t really hit me until<br />

way later, until I flew out. It was a<br />

big deal but I was very new. I didn’t<br />

even really know what I was doing,<br />

so I was very scared.<br />

P: Good way to cut your teeth<br />

though.<br />

K: Yeah! Definitely! *laughs*<br />

P: Who are some of the more memorable<br />

people you’ve worked with?<br />

K: Well Sir Ben Kingley was interesting.<br />

He was a real actor, you know?<br />

Him and Harrison Ford were insane<br />

to be around. Viola Davis was also<br />

in Ender’s Game. I saw her briefly, I<br />

didn’t get to really work with her, but<br />

I would honestly say I loved working<br />

with O’Brien. I actually look up to<br />

him and Posey as actors, so being<br />

on the show for so long and being<br />

in the vicinity of other people I admire...<br />

it was so helpful.<br />

P: What’s next for you? Teen Wolf<br />

has ended, so what have we got<br />

coming up?<br />

K: I wish acting was a thing where I<br />

could write the list of my next job. I’d<br />

like to be an Avenger or something.<br />

P: Which one?<br />

K: I dunno. Maybe... Hawkeye is<br />

cool. I like Hawkeye, but I don’t know<br />

what my next role is but I know it’s<br />

gonna be cool.<br />

P: It always is.<br />

K: *laughs* Oh it has to be.<br />

P: In your down time, I was talking to<br />

the organiser of the event and he<br />

said you’re a bit of a gamer.<br />

K: Oh, I’m a gamer man! It’s bad because<br />

I think I could pursue it as a<br />

career if I wanted to.<br />

P: Especially with your profile right<br />

now.<br />

K: Yeah, I’d definitely have to put in<br />

a lot of work but that’s how much I<br />

love video games. Because I have a<br />

very active imagination and in most<br />

of my young years it really hurt me,<br />

and once I realised I could harness<br />

it in ways video games was a big...<br />

you know like babies have to gnaw<br />

their teeth on something? That was<br />

my thing. I have so much going on<br />

in my head that when I played video<br />

games it would just focus me and I<br />

could just go in that world. But yeah,<br />

I’m gamer man. I love video games.<br />

The Last of Us is a game I remember<br />

playing and it wasn’t a game. It<br />

was literally me playing a movie out<br />

in my head, and I wrote stories, spin<br />

off versions of it. It’s such a creative<br />

outlet for me. It’s more that just<br />

sitting there and mindlessly playing<br />

something, because my mind if just<br />

going all over the place when I’m<br />

playing it.<br />

P: Have you thought about getting<br />

into writing? Maybe scripts for video<br />

games or movies?<br />

K: Well... I never thought of writing<br />

for a video game. That’s really cool,<br />

because I have amazing ideas for<br />

them. Just thing that are gamer<br />

heaven, because as a gamer I know<br />

what will make a great video game.<br />

Anyway, to answer your question,<br />

I’ve been writing since I learned<br />

how to spell. That was just the first<br />

thing I was doing and it was just a<br />

part of my life, and just journaling. I<br />

remember finding stuff from when I<br />

was 8, just journaling about my day,<br />

so I love to write, and I have plenty<br />

of ideas and stories I want to do.<br />

P: What would you write about?<br />

What is the big idea? The one you<br />

think ‘this is the ultimate! This is the<br />

idea that’s going to work!” It could<br />

be a video game or movie.<br />

K: I gotcha. I have THE big idea, but<br />

it’s too long to tell, so I’m going to<br />

give you the most recent one. It is<br />

VERY interesting. Alright, so imagine<br />

a world where there’s this<br />

new technology that you can record<br />

an experience, and then sell that<br />

experience. There’s a chip in your<br />

cerebral cortex that mimics every<br />

electrical signal and every sense<br />

that you feel, you can now send<br />

that to someone. Someone can experience<br />

being a rock star, you can<br />

experience being the best kung fu<br />

fighter ever and feel everything that<br />

they’re feeling. I think just with that<br />

concept there would be so many<br />

routes you could take to make a<br />

story out of that.<br />

P: Absolutely.<br />

K: Yeah, just somehow selling an<br />

experience. You know, like the<br />

movie “Nerve”, where you have to<br />

do something crazier and crazier,

there could be people selling stuntman<br />

things. I dunno, that’s just a<br />

new idea that I’m working on.<br />

P: That’s great! Anyway, that’s all<br />

the time we’ve got. Thankyou very<br />

much for your time. It’s been a<br />

pleasure speaking with you.<br />

K: Yeah, nice talking to you.<br />




Paul: Thanks to our good friends at<br />

First Contact Conventions, I’m sitting<br />

here with Dylan Sprayberry<br />

Dylan: Hello<br />

P: Pleasure to be sitting here with<br />

you. How are you?<br />

D: Good. How are you?<br />

P: Good. How is Australia treating<br />

you?<br />

D: Oh, it’s great. I love it. I’ve some...<br />

Tim Tams, ting tang, what are they<br />

called?<br />

P: Tim Tams<br />

D: Tim Tams? Yeah, I’ve had those,<br />

so I’ve been treated well.<br />

P: Awesome. Now beginning as an<br />

actor, you got an early start on Mad<br />

TV.<br />

D: I did, yeah *laughs*<br />

P: How was that?<br />

D: That was really fun. I did not think<br />

that was what you were going to<br />

start with. *laughs* That was really<br />

fun. Funnily enough, the girl I<br />

was working with was my next door<br />

neighbour and she played my sister<br />

in it, and the other kid I was working<br />

with is Zachary Gordon, who was<br />

the star of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the<br />

first 3 movies... or 2 or 3... so that’s<br />

just a really weird fun fact. But yeah,<br />

that was fun. I did that, like I jumped<br />

around a lot on like little guest star<br />

funny thing. I was on the Tracey Ullman<br />

sketch show, which was really<br />

fun. I played her son in a couple<br />

of different things. I did one of the<br />

first episodes of iCarly, and I did a<br />

Spooky Buddies film, which is a spin<br />

off of Air Bud, so I did a bunch of little<br />

random things when I was a kid.<br />

P: Cool. And you played young<br />

Clarke Kent.<br />

D: Yes I did.<br />

P: Which got you a Saturn Award<br />

nomination.<br />

D: It did, a Saturn Award, yeah!<br />

Which was epic.<br />

P: And Tyler Hoechlin (Derek Hale<br />

on Teen Wolf) is playing Superman<br />

and he hasn’t had a Saturn Award<br />

nomination.<br />

(I got this fact wrong. Tyler Hoechlin<br />

has been nominated for his role as<br />

Superman in the TV series, Supergirl.)<br />

D: *laughs* So I think I beat him.<br />

P: I think you did. You also received<br />

one for Teen Wolf. What’s your personal<br />

feeling on getting these nominations<br />

and awards? Do they mean<br />

much to you?<br />

D: You know, it’s interesting. Sometimes<br />

like... Well, cos I look at them<br />

and I see all the other great nominees<br />

there are and they, in my<br />

opinion, I’m just me. You know what<br />

I mean? And when I look at them<br />

I think how... not necessarily how<br />

they think of me, cos I don’t know<br />

how they think of me, but how I<br />

think of other actors. I look up to<br />

other actors, so when I see all these<br />

other nominees, like, they all definitely<br />

deserve this and I’m like ‘eh’,<br />

you know, if I got it that’d be cool<br />

but I think they deserve it because I<br />

don’t think of myself that way if that<br />

makes sense.<br />

P: So it’s not kind of a validation of<br />

your art form or anything?<br />

D: Mmm, mm. No, actually like... purposefully<br />

and all that kinda stuff I<br />

don’t let that be a validation to my<br />

art because I don’t think there’d be<br />

a point in me doing it if... that makes<br />

it more of a competition. More of a<br />

checkpoint thing, and I’d rather just<br />

do what I wanna do and not really<br />

care... not, not care. You know, not<br />

let it affect... If I let the fact that I<br />

did or didn’t get an award affect my<br />

next job or how I think about myself<br />

I don’t think that’s healthy, but<br />

everyone’s different. I don’t think<br />

that’s good for me. You know what<br />

I mean?<br />

P: Yeah.<br />

D: Some people value that and<br />

that’s good for them. It’s just not the<br />

way my brain really connects thing<br />

I guess.


P: That’s fair. Now you came to Teen<br />

Wolf in later seasons. What’s it like<br />

joining a cast that’s already established?<br />

D: It;’s a bit nerve wracking at first<br />

honestly. Especially after season 3,<br />

which was, I think, a really big landmark<br />

for the show because it kinda<br />

really took it to a serious place, and<br />

there were a lot of really epic performances<br />

in that season. And also,<br />

I think that being the first 20 episode<br />

season, it’s kinda like, alright,<br />

Teen Wolf became a really established<br />

show at that point, and that’s<br />

when Khylin and I and a couple of<br />

other characters came on. So it’s<br />

a bit nerve wracking, especially<br />

being like, I was 15 when I started<br />

on the show and I hadn’t worked in<br />

a couple of years cos I did Man of<br />

Steel, but that hadn’t come out until<br />

quite... not too far before Teen Wolf,<br />

and that’s kinda what helped get<br />

me some traction, but I had 2 years<br />

there where I wasn’t really working.<br />

So going from not working to coming<br />

on an already established TV<br />

show is definitely nerve wracking,<br />

but getting there and kinda getting<br />

into it... like, I think my first day was<br />

a night shoot, which means I got<br />

there at 6pm and then worked until<br />

6am.<br />

P: Geeze.<br />

D: Yeah, so kinda like immediately<br />

I got into... in the shit pretty much,<br />

like that’s what we would call it.<br />

Like, I get there, it’s 6pm, 12 hour<br />

night shoot and stunts and jumping<br />

off things. I got hung off a roof, so I<br />

immediately got into it and it was almost<br />

like I didn’t even have a chance<br />

to realise how crazy it was. I just got<br />

pushed into it, almost, which was, I<br />

think, good. I immediately switched<br />

into work mode, and everyone was<br />

so cool and so kind and I got to work<br />

with O’Brien and Posey for the first<br />

part of when I started, and that was<br />

a big thing too, cos I really learned<br />

a lot, like how to act on set, from<br />

them. They set the tone for me,<br />

which I think was quite necessary.<br />

P: Kind of acting mentors?<br />

D: Yeah, like acting mentors and this<br />

is their set, they kinda set the tone<br />

of how... it’s actually interesting, its<br />

like if they don’t act this way, like<br />

any of the OG characters... I don’t<br />

know. It’s like, they built this bible,<br />

the blueprint of how this set works.<br />

They’ve been there since day so,<br />

so they know. It’s kinda like, you get<br />

on board with how they act, and<br />

that’s kinda like how a regular job<br />

is too. You go in, you kinda feel out<br />

what it’s like. You feel out what the<br />

boundaries are, you feel out how<br />

people talk to each other and you<br />

adapt to it. Luckily I got to adapt to<br />

something that was pretty cool.<br />

P: So aside from Teen Wolf, what<br />

are some of the most memorable<br />

roles you’ve done?<br />

D: I mean, Teen Wolf is definitely<br />

number 1 because it spanned a big<br />

chunk of my teenage years. I went<br />

from 14, 15 years old to now I’m 19.<br />

I’ll be 20 next year and becoming a<br />

young adult.<br />

P: It’s basically growing up on set.<br />

D: Exactly. So growing up and being<br />

on set is that same thing technically,<br />

because I wasn’t going to school,<br />

I graduated early and I was working<br />

on set every day, pretty much,<br />

and that was kinda my life for the<br />

past 3 years. I guess Man of Steel<br />

is quite memorable for me because<br />

Zach Snyder was an amazing director<br />

and Henry Cavill is an amazing<br />

lead and was such a sweet guy.<br />

Obviously I didn’t work with him cos<br />

we played the same character, but<br />

I met him and he was so kind to me.<br />

Diane Lane took myself and the<br />

younger version of me, we all went<br />

out and bowled and I think played<br />

laser tag for a day, just to kinda get<br />

to know each other. And I hung out<br />

with Kevin Costner and he gave me<br />

amazing acting tips, so that was really<br />

a big stepping stone for me to...<br />

just being able to travel somewhere<br />

and work like a real actor. The sets<br />

that they had, and seeing all this<br />

crazy stuff, it was kinda fantastical.<br />

So those are probably the biggest<br />

things. There’s also this movie I did<br />

when I was younger called Bedrooms,<br />

and it’s on IMDB. I don’t even<br />

know if there’s even a way to watch<br />

it, but it’s an independent film, and<br />

me and my sister play twins in it, because<br />

at the time we were a similar<br />

height and had the same coloured<br />

hair and all that stuff. So it was a<br />

movie about four different relationship<br />

scenarios and they all take<br />

place in a bedroom. So my sister<br />

and I had this one where we had a<br />

single mom, we were twins and our<br />

dad had left. Me and my sister had<br />

been fighting a bunch cos our mom<br />

was fighting, our mom was agitated,<br />

so it was kinda trickling down<br />

on us. And then we ended up taking<br />

our room and building a giant wall in<br />

between us to split us in half. So we<br />

had privacy cos we had to share a<br />

room, and pretty much by the end<br />

of it we became close. The characters<br />

in the story, the brother and<br />

sister became very close because<br />

we were building this wall together,<br />

and so in trying to separate each<br />

other they became closer and do-

ing something together, and then at<br />

the end of the thing we are both on<br />

either sides of our bed and there’s<br />

a line in between, so it’s like a divide<br />

sign, which was really interesting.<br />

So it’s like a very... interesting kinda<br />

film and I think one of the most artistic<br />

things I had done when I was<br />

a kid, and I understood it all. I really<br />

gravitated towards it and understood<br />

it for some reason, and that<br />

was a thing that has always stuck<br />

with me because it was so artistic<br />

and so let field and not the average<br />

thing and I pulled a lot from<br />

that. I pulled a lot from the lady who<br />

played our mother, her name’s Sarah<br />

Clarke. She played the mom in<br />

Twilight and she’s done a bunch of<br />

other stuff. But she was great and<br />

we just learned so much at such a<br />

young age, and that’s another thing.<br />

We got to play such specific, interesting<br />

characters at a young age,<br />

which is quite a treat. You usually<br />

get one dimensional characters<br />

when you’re a kid. It’s hard to find<br />

really good characters. Anyway, I<br />

could keep going on about that.<br />

P: That’s fine. That’s the problem<br />

with independent films. They come<br />

out and you can see them for a little<br />

while and then they just disappear.<br />

D: Exactly, but they’re so worth it<br />

to find. If you can find the film festivals<br />

or figure out a way to watch<br />

them they’re so interesting. It’s hard<br />

because the mass majority of people...<br />

not people that are invested in<br />

all movies, people who just want to<br />

see something that’s going to wow<br />

them or have them escape, it’s like<br />

space stuff, it like the big stuff right<br />

now, super hero films which is all<br />

great, but independent films just<br />

don’t get the light of day because<br />

they get so serious and close to<br />

real life that it’s like... people are trying<br />

to watch movies cos they wanna<br />

escape from what’s going on in<br />

their life and see something fantasy<br />

and wonderful, or just something<br />

to get them out of their space. So<br />

that’s why the mass majority of<br />

films are what they are. That’s why<br />

those genres are kinda popular,<br />

whereas independent films can get<br />

into touchy subjects, they get into<br />

things you don’t want to watch after<br />

a bad day at work and that kind<br />

stuff. So that’s why they don’t really<br />

get the time of day, but you can<br />

still find them, and it’s about finding<br />

them, so I understand that as well.<br />

That’s just the way that it is.<br />

P: Which kinda leads me to my last<br />

question. Would you return to the<br />

DC universe? A lot of actors who<br />

were in DC, Adam West, he came<br />

back, guest starring in different<br />

things like Lois and Clarke. Brandon<br />

Routh is currently in a DC universe<br />

TV show. Would you come back?<br />

D: Yeah, definitely. I always really<br />

liked Teen Titans, so I would love<br />

to do something for Teen Titans so<br />

hopefully one day they do something<br />

with that. I don’t know if they<br />

plan on it, but that would be a cool<br />

thing to do. I guess the answer’s<br />

yes, and I also thought, the series<br />

Batman Beyond, with the red and<br />

black suit. What’s the character’s<br />

name?<br />

P: Not sure off the top of my head.<br />

D: I can’t remember either, but I<br />

would love to do a live action version<br />

of that cos that cartoon was so<br />

cool to me when I was a kid, cos I always<br />

liked seeing when people took<br />

super heroes and they changed.<br />

They took a turn from the classic.<br />

P: So an evolution?<br />

D: Yeah, an evolution. All sorts of<br />

stuff like that is interesting, like I<br />

watched Ben 10 when I was a kid.<br />

In Ben 10 you could go on and you<br />

could create your own alien and<br />

that was your super power. That<br />

was so cool to me.<br />

P: Did you watch Ryan (Kelley) in<br />

the Ben 10 movie?<br />

D: I just found out like, yesterday<br />

he was in Ben 10! *laughs* I didn’t<br />

even know. Now I gotta go back and<br />

watch it because I really am interested<br />

to see. Because I remember<br />

watching it when I was little but I<br />

had no idea. And also Ryan’s way<br />

more buff then he probably was on<br />

Ben 10.<br />

Ryan (in the background): I was<br />

skinny as F#$* *laughs*<br />

P: Well, thank you very much for<br />

your time Dylan, it’s been a pleasure.<br />

D: Thank you so much, I really appreciate<br />




PAX<br />

Every year PAX Australia draws some<br />

of the best cosplay across the country<br />

to Melbourne Convention and<br />

Exhibition Centre. Even without an<br />

official cosplay competition, PAX’s<br />

gaming based nature draws incredible<br />

costumes to it’s doors. This year,<br />

Gametraders LIVE paired with Sydney<br />

photographer Charmaine Morgan<br />

Photography who captured through<br />

her lens and brought to life some of<br />

the best costumes on display.


Photographer: Charmaine Morgan Photography<br />

www.facebook.com/charmainemorganphotography/<br />


Archistratege Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/archistrategecosplay/ as Josephine Christiansen from Dream Daddy<br />

Black Heart Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/blackheartadelaide/ as Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XIV<br />

Chatty Anny https://www.facebook.com/ChattyAnny/ as Mt Lady from Boku no Hero Academia<br />

Cinohrui https://www.instagram.com/cinohrui/ as Winged Victory Mercy from Overwatch<br />

Dashy https://www.instagram.com/lisadashy/ as Hayseed Junkrat from Overwatch<br />

Floksy Locksy Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/FloksyLocksyCosplay/ as Nidalee from League of Legends<br />

Hayley Elise https://www.facebook.com/HayleyEliseCosplay/ as Andruil from Dragon Age, and as Valravn from Hellblade:<br />

Senua’s Sacrifice<br />

JusZ Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/JusZcosplay/ as Sif from Avenger’s Academy<br />

K Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/kcozplay/ as Hanzo from Overwatch<br />

Keita Law https://www.instagram.com/keitalaw/ as Squall from Final Fantasy VIII<br />

Moko https://www.instagram.com/moko.63/ as Terra from Final Fantasy VI<br />

Nutmeg Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/nutmegcosplay/ as Cassie Cahn from Dream Daddy, and Yennefer of Vengerburg<br />

from Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt<br />

One Minute Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/OneMinuteCosplay/ as Mercy from Overwatch<br />

Rose Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/RoseCosplay/ as Lady Loki from Kotobukiya Marvel Bishoujo<br />

Soylent Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/soylentcosplay/ as Ciri from Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt<br />

Spiralight https://www.facebook.com/spiralightcosplay/ as Triss Merigold from Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt<br />

GROUP 1, L to R – Dream Daddy<br />

Archistratege Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/archistrategecosplay/ as Josephine Christiansen<br />

Chatty Anny https://www.facebook.com/ChattyAnny/ as Robin Small<br />

GROUP 2, L to R – Dream Daddy<br />

Pastry Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/ughpotatoes/ as Joseph Christiansen<br />

Archistratege Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/archistrategecosplay/ as Josephine Christiansen<br />

Dapple Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/dapplecosplay/ as Damien Bloodmarch<br />

Nutmeg Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/nutmegcosplay/ as Cassie Cahn<br />

Chatty Anny https://www.facebook.com/ChattyAnny/ as Robin Small<br />

Matte Bat https://www.instagram.com/matte_bat/ as Helena Vega


BOARD<br />

GAMES!<br />




Ask staff for details.

Ask staff for details.



GET THEM A<br />







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CREDIT &<br />


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YOU TRADE with<br />

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sitting around at home? Bring them<br />

into Gametraders and we’ll give<br />

you store credit that you can use<br />

when you buy anything in-store!<br />

Ask staff on how you can<br />

trade & save now!<br />

PLUS at Gametraders you can<br />

choose from our massive range of<br />

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TRADE<br />

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Packed with Aussie Kulture.<br />

Straya made mate.<br />

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you all wanted to be.

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KLASK<br />


A popular pub game in Denmark, Klask is like a fast-paced table-top version of Air Hockey, only it<br />

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O GAMES<br />

OLES!<br />


Great gift ideas! Ask staff for details.<br />



TMNT 1:4 SCALE<br />



TRADE & SAVE on<br />

Bring in your unwanted games or consoles<br />

PLUS at Gametraders you can choose from our massiv


anything in-store!<br />

& we’ll give you store credit to use in-store!<br />

e range of discounted pre-owned and retro gaming!



POP! VINYLS!<br />


Ask staff for details.



POP! VINYLS!<br />


Ask staff for details.



POP! VINYLS!<br />


Ask staff for details.


POP! VINYLS!<br />


Ask staff for details.

GRAB YO<br />

JOIN<br />

CLUB &<br />

FREE<br />

Conditions apply. Selected stores only. Ask staff for details.

OUR TCG<br />


BOOSTER!*<br />


Selected stores only.

SEE MORE ON...<br />

facebook.com/Gametraders.Australia<br />

twitter.com/GametradersAus<br />

instagram.com/Gametraders<br />

WEBSITE: gametraders.com.au<br />

PUBLICATIONS: issuu.com/gametraders

DID YOU KNOW...<br />

Each Gametraders store have their own<br />

Facebook page! Want to ask your local store<br />

a question or keep up to date with their latest<br />

product releases? Check out their pages below!<br />


Ingle Farm: facebook.com/gtinglefarm<br />

Salisbury: facebook.com/gtsalisbury<br />

Marion: facebook.com/gtmarion<br />

Mt Barker: facebook.com/GametradersMtBarker<br />

Seaford: facebook.com/gtseaford<br />


Blacktown: facebook.com/gametradersblacktown<br />

Macarthur Square: facebook.com/gametradersmacarthur<br />

Hornsby Live: facebook.com/GametradersHornsby<br />

Penrith Live: facebook.com/GametradersLivePenrith<br />

Parramatta: facebook.com/GametradersParramatta<br />


Chermside: facebook.com/gtchermside<br />

Morayfield: facebook.com/Gametraders-Morayfield-153189641494243<br />


Hyperdome: facebook.com/GametradersHyperdome

Check our latest Cosplay Live Photo Live, <strong>Magazine</strong>, Retro<br />

Live <strong>Magazine</strong> & past Live issues HERE: issuu.com/gametraders<br />


www.gametraders.com.au/subscribe<br />


South Australia<br />

Ingle Farm.................................. (08) 8265 7283<br />

Marion....................................... (08) 8296 1144<br />

Mt Barker................................... (08) 8391 6300<br />

Salisbury.................................... (08) 8281 0966<br />

Seaford...................................... (08) 8327 1966<br />

ACT<br />

Hyperdome................................ (02) 6293 3751<br />

New South Wales<br />

Gametraders LIVE Penrith.........(02) 4731 3894<br />

Blacktown................................. (02) 9676 1411<br />

Macarthur Square (Campbelltown) (02) 4620 0750<br />

Parramatta................................ (02) 9633 2833<br />

Gametraders LIVE Hornsby....... (02) 9477 6477<br />

For more info visit:<br />

www.gametraders.com.au<br />

Queensland<br />

Chermside................................. (07) 3861 5000<br />

Morayfield.................................. (07) 5495 7705<br />

Terms & Conditions<br />

Stock is subject to availability. Pricing and advertised products valid only at participating stores.<br />

No Rain Checks. All ratings and prices are correct at the time of printing.

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