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6 2 Quantum Mechanical Aspects

the electrons can be calculated as a one-electron solution. The method used for the

calculation is called MOLCAO (molecular orbitals as linear combinations of

atomic orbitals). As can be derived from the acronym, a molecular orbital is assumed

to be a linear combination of orbitals from the atomic component as is

known from the theory of single atoms. The eigenvalues and coefficients are determined

by diagonalization in accordance with the method of linear algebra. Then

the levels, i.e., the calculated eigenenergies will be filled with electrons according

to the Pauli principle. Thereafter the total energy can be calculated by multiplying

the sum of the eigenenergies by the electrons in these levels. A variation calculation

is performed at the end in order to obtain the minimum energy of the system.

The parameter to be varied is the geometry of the atom, i.e., its bonding length and

angle. The simulations are verified by application on several known properties of

molecules (such as methane and silane), carbon-containing clusters (like fullerenes)

and vacancy-containing clusters in silicon. This method is not only capable of

predicting new stable clusters but is also more accurate in terms of delivering their

geometry, energy states, and optical transitions. This is already state-of-the-art [3–

5]. Thus, no examples are given.

Starting from here, a great number of simulations are being performed for industrial

application like hydrogen storage in the economics of energy, the synthesis

of medication in the field of medicine or the development of lubricants for

automobiles. As an example, we will consider the interaction between hydrogen

atoms and fullerenes (Fig. 2.1). An incomplete fullerene (a fullerene with a vacancy)

is selected. If placed in a hydrogen environment (14 in the simulation), the

aforesaid vacancy captures four hydrogen atoms. In conclusion, a vacancy can

take at least four hydrogen atoms. It is simple to produce fullerenes with a higher

number of vacancies so that a fullerene can eventually be expected to be an active

Fig. 2.1 Interaction between a fullerene (which contains a vacancy) and hydrogen. The

dark-gray circles represent carbon, the light-gray ones hydrogen, and the empty circle (arrow)

represents a vacancy with dangling bonds.

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