inexplicata journal of hispanic ufology

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12/20/2019 INEXPLICATA 08

Guadalupe and a supporting cast of lesser-known saints.

It was noon in Villa Cardel and she was returning home from

school for the midday meal when she noticed people screaming and

pointing to the heavens as a "white ball of fire" bore down on

the town. Shouts of "the world is ending" rang from people's

throats, but the bolide never struck the earth...it continued on

its path out to sea.

Paulina retold the story a number of times, but it would

not be until many years later that I would come upon a similar

account highlighting the state of Veracruz's proclivity toward

these phenomena in John Keel's Operation Trojan Horse: residents

of the city of Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico were wakened by

the a loud rumbling sound in the early morning hours of March

27, 1968. One witness to this terrifying event remarked that the

source of light and its attendant noise made her feel cool at

first and then cold, as night was turned into a frightening

semblance of a daytime that was still many hours away. The light

intensified and the ground shook as if in resonance. Again,

before the world ended on that occasion, the "bolide" appeared

to rise again and vanish. Keel notes that corroboration for the

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event was made by the crew of a Mexican warship and an oil

tanker some twenty-five miles away from Veracruz. These distant

onlookers were able to describe it as "two or three objects in

the center of a bright ball of fire."

But we would be mistaken to limit these bizarre near-misses

(if they in fact are) to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.

Little over a year after the still-unexplained incident over

Veracruz, a colossal bolide appeared in the early morning skies

over the northern Mexican desert. February 8, 1969 could have

been a date every bit as memorable as Tunguska--written in

letters of fire--as residents of Ceballos, Durango woke up to

the blinding light of a fiery sphere that headed straight for

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