inexplicata journal of hispanic ufology

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12/20/2019 INEXPLICATA 08

experience. The importance of the temporal lobe factor is

strongly suggested by the moderate intercorrelations in patient

populations between temporal lobe epilepsy, multiple personality

disorders and early child abuse.


A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print

The new millennium is hitting the ground running, judging by the

rumble of printing presses overseas. In our next issue we hope

to be able to bring you a review of Contributing Editor Manuel

Carballal's landmark book on Spain's intelligence agency, the

CESID, and its role in a number of cover-ups, capers and covert

activity, some of it having to do with UFOs. We heard on the

grapevine that Contributing Editor Lucy Guzmán and her husband

Orlando Plá are working on a book that is to be released later

this year. Stay tuned for details.

Proof that contacteeism is alive and well south of the border

can be found in Martha Rosenthal's Hermanos de las

Estrellas...¿Donde Están? (Caracas:Editorial Texto, 2001. 205

pages. ISBN-980-07-6960-9) which we can perhaps translate as

"Wherefore Art Thou, Space Brothers?" without causing

Shakespearean scholars too much distress. Although contacteeism

is a spent force in the United States, it occupies a privileged

position in South America, where the usually blond, benign nonhumans

are believed to be on a mission to give mankind a boost

up the evolutionary ladder (where have I heard that metaphor

before? Hmmm...). The book contains transcripts of dialogues

(telepathic or through automated writing) with entities such as

Amir and Ashtar -- the latter a fixture of contacteeism around

the world -- and quotes from experiencers. Dr. Rosenthal sums up

her beliefs as follows: "The contactee experience can be an

extraordinary experience from the standpoint of growth, or else

can lead the percipient to believe that he or she has been

"chosen". A significant number of the latter imbue the

experience with a certain religious element. In this way, they

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:_W3Y-9JT1K0J:files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%2520States/Inexplicata%2520(Scott%2520Corrales)/INEXPLICATA%252008.pdf+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk… 34/41

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