inexplicata journal of hispanic ufology

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12/20/2019 INEXPLICATA 08

origin for their guides. The development and dissemination of

Quantum physics over the past years has provided contactees with

ideas on where to locate the point of origin of their

contactors. Thus, a growing number of contactees point to other

dimensions, parallel universes, and even antimatter universes


Therefore, it isn't reckless to predict that the future of the

contactee phenomenon, at least as related to the supposed origin

of the "guides", shall be closely linked with new discoveries in

the fields of physics and astronomy. Otherwise, hang around long

enough and you'll see.

The Technology of Alien Contact

Techniques for contacting non-humans have also evolved

considerably along the course of the 20th century. Currently,

some groups scattered around the world claim to have picked up

radio signals from outer space through crude radio receivers

built according to the instructions given to them by the aliens

themselves. Yet this is merely one of the many ways in which

modern technology has been applied to contacteeism.

Other contactee groups, such as the vanished Más Allá sect, not

only claimed to have maintained physical and personal contact

with alleged aliens and with humans "adopted" by the

extraterrestrials -- they have shown videotapes which supposedly

portray the faces of said non-human entities. The fact of the

matter is that transcommunication techniques applied to alien

contact have grown in popularity in recent years, particularly

in Europe and Latin America.

Other contactees, such as Tefilo, have done the same by means of

spirit recordings (psychophonies): they claim to have audio

recordings in which voices or sounds made by extraterrestrials

can be heard. A similar evolution has been evinced in the world

of spiritism as regards communication techniques. It is for this

reason that well-known contactee groups such as the Aztlán Group

or Charlie Paz Wells make use of the Ouija board and automatic

writing as a means for contacting extraterrestrials.

Obsolete means of communication through typtology or by means of

automatic writing, Ouija or simiar means-- employed by both

spiritist mediums and UFO contactees alike -- gave way to

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