inexplicata journal of hispanic ufology

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12/20/2019 INEXPLICATA 08


Keeping an Eye on our Southern Neighbor's Skies


by Dr. Rafael A. Lara Palmeros

In the wake of the Millennial fever that shook the world, our

country continued providing us an endless array of events

concerning not only UFOs, but cryptoarchaeology, paranormal

phenomena and cryptozoology as well.

This is a detailed report on the most outstanding events that

took place in the Year 2000.

January 5, 2000: At 00:35 hrs. on January 5, 2000, a

considerable number of witnesses observed a large object moving

at a moderate speed over the skies of Alto Lucero and Mesa de

Guadalupe in the state of Veracruz. Numerous witnesses describe

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the object as being a square structure that gave off a reddishyellow

light without making a single sound. A photograph taken

by one "Mr. Ruiz" shows a polygonal shape with well defined

contours, yellow in color on a dark background. While some local

papers published said photograph, we do not know the technical

characteristics of the still camera or the film employed.

February 14, 2000: On this day, one of the most important UFO

cases in Mexico's UFO history took place. Countless witnesses,

including radio operators, civilians and more importantly,

police officers, saw a UFO some 10 meters in diameter with

spotlights that gave off a variety of colors (green, blue, red,

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