inexplicata journal of hispanic ufology

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12/20/2019 INEXPLICATA 08

the best promotional devices to sell their products). The

promotional campaigns and commercial products depicting images

of flying saucers or aliens as devices is truly infinite. Why do

P.R. specialists worldwide agree in employing the UFO image as

the best and most attractive device for their campaigns?

Evidently, because said image has proven to be among the most

profitable for their campaigns: from children's toys to fashion

and restaurant chains to the promotional efforts of the most

powerful multinational corporations. Each passing day, the

concepts of the UFO, the alien and the extraterrestrial are

increasingly present in our culture. By next century, they will

undoubtedly form an intrinsic and inseparable part of universal

belief systems.

One of the most astonishing outbreaks of Chupacabras activity

since the creature's appearance in the mid-90's occured in

Chile last year. Veteran UFO researcher Dr. Virgilio Sánchez

Ocejo, who documented the paranormal predator's activity in

Florida in 1996, visited the country to witness firsthand the

effects of these depredations.

On The Trail of the Chupacabras

by Dr. Virgilio Sánchez Ocejo (Miami UFO Center)

We shall try to summarize the most crucial elements collected

during our field research in the Chilean towns of Calama, María

Elena and Tocopila. Names will be omitted for obvious reasons,

nor will we repeat information gleaned from the reports so

kindly provided by Ms. Liliana Núñez and which can be seen in

our Miami Chupacabras website under the heading "Chupacabras in

Chile." It is unnecessary to state that we met in person with

many of the witnesses appearing in these reports to corroborate

and expand details on their accounts, which shall appear on our

website shortly.

The information appearing herein is documented with photographs,

video and recordings.

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