inexplicata journal of hispanic ufology

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12/20/2019 INEXPLICATA 08

psychologists and a pneumo-allergy specialist focused on the

strange experiences undergone by 16 individuals, ranging from

rural primary school instructors to rabbit and armadillo

Page 24

hunters, who had encountered strange spherical lights, some of

them aggressive, and apparently experienced a loss of time.

Electroencephalographic tests, psychological tests, frontal and

lateral cranial X-rays, angiographies of the carotid artery and

CAT scans proved that none of the sixteen cases showed any signs

of pathology. In other words, no evidence of mental, physical or

psychic illness was discovered. However, two of the patients

presented X-ray images showing unusual structures with metallic

characteristics located at the cranial level. One of them

underwent a craneotomy, revealing the presence of metallic

material composed of nickel and small amounts of titanium. All

of this research was supported with video and audio backup with

the consent of the persons studied. A preliminary report was

published within the country in a UFO magazine. All of the cases

originate in the Chavarrillo region and "Rancho Viejo", located

some 3 kilometers from the state capital of Veracruz. These

areas are well-known for their UFO sightings.

May 16, 2000: Renowned Monterrey residents Jerónimo Flores and

Santiago Iturria reported the presence of a large silver-hued,

metallic object flying at a low altitude along the slopes of

Cerro de la Silla in a heavily populated area. The photographs

taken were analyzed and appear to be authentic. Curiously,

reports of a strange winged creature, approximately three feet

tall, became intensified. The entity is covered with something

similar to feathers and has enormous round eyes: it is dubbed


May 27, 2000: Medical tests begin in earnest on a 27 year-old

woman known only as "Diana" who claims to be beset by unusual

paranormal experiences (clairvoyance, dermovision, poltergeist

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