January 20

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THE FORMER Board Chairman

of the National Communications


(NCA), Eugene Baffoe Bonnie,

has vehemently denied

claims that he and Matthew William

Tetteh Tevie, a former Director General

of the NCA, discussed how they were

going to share the four million dollars

which came as part of their share in

purchasing the cyber security machine.

Baffoe-Bonnie, who was being subjected

to cross-examination by the Director

of Public Prosecution (DPP),

Mrs Yvonne Atakorah Obuobisah, also

disagreed with the DPP that he held a

meeting with Tevie and Dr. Ani, a Director

of Finance of NCA, to make

NCA bear the cost of the cybersecurity


Baffoe-Bonnie, Tevie, Nana Ensaw, a

former NCA Board Member, Alhaji

Osman Mimina, a former Deputy National

Security Coordinator, and George

Derek Oppong, a businessman, are

being held for allegedly causing financial

loss to the state.

The case has been adjourned to January


Below are questions

and answers

Director of Public Prosecution

(DPP): In your own statement to the police

dated July 25, 2017, which was tendered

without any objection from you,

you stated that you had a verbal discussion

with A4 (Alhaji Salifu Mimina

Osman) and you agreed to share the

total cost of $8m.

$4M NCA trial


chair grilled



• Over $4million to be shared

• Eugene Baffoe-Bonnie, former

NCA board chairman

It is therefore correct that you

acted on exhibit G (request)?

Baffoe-Bonnie (BB): But we

didn’t mention exhibit G here.

DPP: What I mean by exhibit G

is that you acted on the request.

BB: That was not a formal act

on my part that NCA should pay

half of it. It was a casual conversation.

I was trying to make A4 (Alhaji

Osman) understand that the $8m

was not something the NCA could

support based on the content of the

deliberation of the finance subcommittee.

DPP: This conversation also

shows that you were copied because

you had fair knowledge and you

were waiting for it to come.

BB: I was copied but to say I was

waiting for it to come is not correct.

DPP: It is correct that you had

fair knowledge?

BB: Correct, because I was


DPP: When you look at exhibit G,

did it make any reference to exhibit 6?

BB: It does not. The same content, different

figure. One is $34m and one is $8

million and if you situate it within the deliberations

made within the financial committee,

it says I’d get something less than

$34million, then I can because I’m interested

in the project.

DPP: You just agreed and told this

court that provisions will be made in the

future budget and this was not done.

BB: With respect to the budget, I think

I did answer the question and I can repeat

that since I was not a member of the finance

subcommittee, I was not intimately

familiar with most of the things they were


DPP: The budget was approved by the

board of which you were the chair, is that

not so?

BB: That is not so. The budget gets approved

by the financial subcommittee and

it is reported to the board at meetings.

DPP: Take a look at the minutes of 131

meeting of the NCA board. From the minutes,

it is said the meeting considered and

approved the provisional budget as recommended

by the finance subcommittee, so

the finance committee only made recommendations

and it is the board that makes

the final decision by approving. In this particular

instance the board chaired by you

approved the budget which did not make

any provisions or whatsoever for support

to national security. Is that not so?

BB: That is so with an explanation. To

my recollection, Dr Ani explained how the

NCA, I believe currently still, handles industry

support and development. These reports

come in on regular basis to the

authority. In other words, you can have a

request from a particular institution today

and you can get another from another institution

the next day.

DPP: Dr Ani explained that NCA always

makes provisions in its budget for institutional

support, is that not correct?

BB: That is correct.

DPP: When you look at exhibit F,

which is a request to transfer $4m to IDL

account and from Dr Ani’s evidence in this

court, you and A2 (William Matthew Tetteh

Tevie) were the ones who were trying him

to make these payment to IDL? Is that not


BB: That is not so, my lord.

DPP: Now from your own police statement

in which you wrote that you agreed

that NCA will pay half of the request of

the $8m, which is $4m, and also the fact

that at the time exhibit F was authored, the

request had not been received at the NCA

and Dr Ani who was not privy to the conversation

between you and A4 (Alhaji

Osman) could not have been privy to this

amount except you told him.

BB: If you look at exhibit F (letter of

transfer) I was not quoted so I had no idea.

DPP: You said in your statement that

you took the decision to split the cost so

that NCA pays $4m and national security

pays $4m. Where was this decision taken?

BB: It’s been three years. I don’t remember.

DPP: Can you tell this court whether

Dr Ani was present at this meeting.

BB: I don’t remember.

DPP: I put it to you that Dr Ani was

not present at this meeting you had with

Alhaji Osman where you and Alhaji

Osman took a decision to pay $4m as the

cost to be borne by NCA to cover the

cyber security equipment.

BB: That is correct. Dr Ani was not

present at any meeting I had with A4. Dr

Ani in this court outlined how payment is

made by NCA. Nowhere in his description

could you find the role of the board chairman.

DPP: I put it to you that you in A2’s

(Tetteh Tevie) office and together with A2

directed Dr Ani to prepare exhibit F.

BB: That is not so.

DPP: I further put it to you that exhibit

G makes no reference or whatsoever to exhibit

6. Therefore exhibit G stands on its


BB. That is not so.

DPP: It is clear from exhibit E that

when exhibit G was received, payment had

already been authorized without any approval

from the board.

BB: That is not so.

DPP: This is further born out of exhibit

F, which predates exhibit G.

BB: That is not so.

To my recollection

Dr Ani explained

how the NCA I

believe currently

still handles

industry support

and development.

These reports come

in on regular basis

to the authority.

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