International Catalogue Melon

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Galia export<br />

Causal<br />

Tribal<br />

Earlyness and flavour<br />

Colour and post-harvest for late cycle<br />

Causal is an early Galia variety with a very strong plant. This variety has perfect size and<br />

uniform fruits with excellent netting. It has a good brix-level, green-white flesh colour and<br />

small seed cavity.<br />

Resistances: HR: Fom:0,1/MNSV | IR: Px:1,2,5<br />

Tribal is a Galia variety for late cycle. It has a vigorous plant and a concentrated production.<br />

Fruits have a perfect size.<br />

Resistances: HR: Fom:0,1/MNSV | IR: Px:1,2,5<br />

Causal<br />

Tempral<br />

Early Galia with high production<br />

Tempral is a very strong plant with earliness. Tempral stands for perfectly sized and uniform<br />

fruits with excellent netting. The fruits have a good brix-level, green-white flesh colour and<br />

small seed cavity. The taste is traditional.<br />

Resistances: HR: Fom:0,1/MNSV | IR: Px:1,2<br />

Abisal (E25G.00476)<br />

Flavor, ideal size and shelf life for late cycle<br />

Abisal has a strong plant ang high Px resistance with good capacity to second settings and<br />

fast recovery. Fruits are well protected with round shape and good size around 1 kg. Very<br />

uniform and does not mark the slip. Internally fruits have a white greenish flesh color with<br />

nice texture, a small cavity and good shelf life.<br />

Resistances: HR: Fom:0,1/MNSV | IR: Px:1,2,5<br />

Abisal (E25G.00476)<br />

Yukal<br />

High production and consistency<br />

Tempral<br />

Albal<br />

Yukal is a Galia for mid-cycle with a high and concentrated production. This variety has<br />

uniform fruits with a good size, an excellent colour and a very uniform net. Yukal stands out in<br />

brix-level and post-harvest quality.<br />

Resistances: HR: Fom:0,1,2/MNSV | Px:1,2<br />

Albal<br />

Ideal size for late cycle<br />

Albal is a Galia type melon suited for the late cycle. Albal has a vigorous plant with a very<br />

good setting. The fruits are perfectly sized, have a high brix-level and great taste. Albal has a<br />

good resistance level against Oidium.<br />

Resistances: HR: Fom:0,1/MNSV | Px:1,2,5<br />

Galia export Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov<br />

Estelar<br />

Spain<br />

E25G.00461 Spain<br />

E25G.00653 Spain<br />

Causal<br />

Spain<br />

Tempral<br />

Spain<br />

Yukal<br />

Spain<br />

Albal<br />

Spain<br />

Tribal<br />

Spain<br />

Abisal (E25G.00476) Spain<br />

Harvest<br />

26 | Enza Zaden<br />

Enza Zaden | 27

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