HPS Student and Parent Handbook 2019-2020

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Students shall:

Demonstrate courtesy at all times.

Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising selfdiscipline

and control.

Attend all classes, regularly and on time.

Be prepared for each class.

Follow dress code requirements

Obey all campus and classroom rules.

Respect the rights of others, including property and school


Cooperate with and assist school personnel, including

volunteers, in maintaining safety, order and discipline.

Adhere to all requirements of the Code of conduct.

Show high standards of behavior to create a positive and

welcoming school atmosphere.

Responsibilities of Parents

Parents are expected to:

Serve as a model for students by showing respect for

themselves, students, teachers, other parents, and school


Ensure their student’s compliance with school attendance

requirements, promptly report, and explain absences and

tardies to the school;

Assist their student in being properly attired;

Take an active interest in the overall school program;

Communicate regularly with the school concerning their

student’s conduct and progress;

Discuss report cards and work assignments with their student;

Bring to the attention of school authorities any problem or

condition which affects their student;

Maintain up-to-date home, work, and emergency telephone

numbers at the school;

Cooperate with school administrators and teachers in their efforts

to achieve and maintain a quality school system;

Respond promptly when notified by campus to pick up student

due to medical or disciplinary problems.

Respond promptly when notified of student disciplinary matters.

Reinforcement Point

Harmony Public Schools has implemented a Reinforcement Point

System in which students are given “Reinforcement Points” for

small infractions. Reinforcement Points are to be utilized as a

warning system by the teachers in the classroom, cafeteria and

hallways for small infractions. Parents will be notified when

Reinforcement Point is assigned. Each unwanted behavior is

equivalent to 1 Reinforcement Point and will correspond to a

certain consequence. The School administration will assign 15

minutes of after school, lunch, community service or Saturday

detention for each 3 Reinforcement points. A point will be

cancelled if a student does not receive any points for 10

consecutive school days. The Reinforcement Point System will be

used for Pre-K through 12th grade students.

Reinforcement Points


Lack of Materials 1

Inappropriate behavior towards another student 1

Sleeping in class 1

Lack of Cooperation 1

Antagonistic behavior 1

Excessive talking 1

Eating/drinking in class and/or common areas 1

Not being in assigned location 1

Dress code violation 1

Talking back to teacher 1

Leaving the classroom without permission 1

Leaving paper/trash on the floor 1

Being in the hallway without a pass 1

Disturbing class 1

Disrupting an extra-curricular activity 1

Inappropriate hallway/cafeteria behavior 1

Unprepared for class 1

Offenses and Consequences

Corporal punishment is never an acceptable

disciplinary measure

Level I Offenses

The following behaviors are prohibited at all School and Schoolrelated


1. Accessing restricted areas.

2. Late to Class 5-9 tardies

3. Late to Class 10-14 tardies

4. Any violations of “Standards for Student Conduct” listed in the

Code of Conduct on page 58–page 59 of the Handbook.

5. Causing damage to School property in an amount less than


59 | Revised in July 2019

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