HPS Student and Parent Handbook 2019-2020

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6. Disrespectful to staff such as rolling eyes, sucking teeth, etc.

7. Dress and grooming code violations (see “Dress and

Grooming” on page 14 of the Handbook).

8. Engaging in offensive conduct of a sexual nature, whether

verbal or physical, directed toward another student or any

other person.

9. Failing to comply with directives of School personnel.

10. Talking back to teacher.

11. Failing to comply with the School’s guidelines for student

conduct in the cafeteria (see “Lunch Periods” on page 19 of

the Handbook).

12. Failing to comply with the School’s guidelines for student

conduct in public areas (see “Public Areas” on page 19 of the


13. Inappropriate physical contact not defined as a Level II or

Level III offense.

14. Missing class or tutorial sessions without excuse.

15. Offensive language, orally or in writing.

16. Parking infractions or violations of campus vehicle operation


17. Possessing a laser pointer on School property or at Schoolsponsored


18. Possession of any electronic and/or telecommunication

devices without permission during school hours (see “Cell

Phones and Other Electronic Devices” on page 18 of the


19. Posting published materials or holding demonstrations or

meetings on School property without School approval (see

“Distribution of Published Materials,” page 19 of the


20. Profanity and/or obscene gestures toward other students.

21. Scuffling.

22. Single acts of disruptive behavior, including non- compliance

and insubordination.

23. Throwing objects not considered an illegal weapon that can

cause bodily injury or property damage.

24. Unruly, disruptive, or abusive behavior that interferes with

the teacher’s ability to effectively communicate with


25. Possession of a cellular phone/paging device during the

school day.

26. Use of Skateboard, scooter, bikes, hover-boards, and/or roller

blades while on school property.

27. Verbal or written abuse, i.e., name-calling, racial or ethnic

slurs, or derogatory statements that may disrupt the school


28. Loitering on campus 2-9 times per school year.

29. Unauthorized use of school or classroom phone.

Disciplinary Consequences (not in order of

progressive disciplinary measures)

1. Lunch Detention.

60 | Revised in July 2019

2. After School Detention.

3. Saturday Detention (3rd-12th grade)

4. In School Suspension.

5. Assignment of school duties such as scrubbing desks or

picking up litter.

6. Behavioral contracts or individually developed behavior

management plans.

7. Confiscation of cell phone; a fee of $10.00 may be charged for

the return of the phone. The school is not liable for lost or

stolen cell phone. All confiscated phones must be turned in to

the Campus Principal’s office immediately, if possible, or as

soon as practicable the day the phone is confiscated.

8. Classroom management techniques.

9. Community service.

10. Cooling-off time or “time-out.”

11. Counseling by teachers, counselors, or administrative


12. Demerits.

13. Confiscation of electronic devices used during the

instructional day.

14. Grade reductions for academic dishonesty.

15. Loss of computer privileges/Internet access.

16. Parent/guardian contracts to restrict home privileges.

17. Parent/guardian observations in student’s classes.

18. Parent/guardian conference with teacher or Campus


19. Peer mediation.

20. Placement in another appropriate classroom.

21. Restitution/restoration, if applicable

22. School-assessed and school-administered probation.

23. Seating changes within the classroom.

24. Temporary confiscation of items that disrupt the educational


25. Verbal correction.

26. Voluntary peer mediation/family management classes/

community service.

27. Withdrawal of privileges, such as participation in

extracurricular activities and eligibility for seeking and holding

honorary offices, and/or membership in school- sponsored

clubs or organizations.

28. Withdrawal of participation in school events such as field

trips, assemblies, etc.

Level II Offenses

The following behaviors are prohibited at all School and Schoolrelated


1. Abusing prescription and/or non-prescription drugs, giving a

prescription drug to another student, or possessing or being

under the influence of another person’s prescription drug on

School property or at a School-related event (except the

possession of asthma or anaphylaxis medications, as allowed

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