Brochure for the Camp Simcha 2020

Brochure for the Camp Simcha 2020


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SUMMER <strong>CAMP</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

June 8 to July 31<br />

Infants to Entering 2nd Grade<br />


20350 NE 26th Ave, North Miami Beach. FL 33180<br />

www.CampBTBRC.org 305.932.2829

THE PREMIER JEWISH DAY <strong>CAMP</strong><br />


We are dedicated to providing our community with a summer program that engages,<br />

inspires, and educates our campers in a safe and positive atmosphere. We recognize<br />

the importace of every child’s individual growth, and we pride ourselves in providing<br />

an environment rich with opportunity.<br />

Shirley Schreiber Family Camp Simcha is devoted to enhancing your child’s sense of<br />

Judaism with enriching experiences including art, song and weekly Shabbat services.<br />

Campers spend their days engaged in activities throughout the Beth Torah campus.<br />

Our daily programs include sports, fitness, games, educational activities and<br />

instructional swimming at our on-site pool.<br />

The safety of all campers is our top priority. Our on-campus security will not allow<br />

any person onto the BTBRC campus without proper identification. All visitors and<br />

vendors are screened before being allowed entry. Before camp begins, all parents<br />

will be asked to obtain a BTBRC identification card in order to gain entry into campus.<br />

Our security staff is specially trained for school and camp facilities.<br />

Camp fees include a nutritious kosher lunch prepared exclusively for our campers by<br />

Events by Executive Caterers.<br />

Our Camp Director, Jeni Buchholz, grew up at Beth Torah Benny<br />

Rok Campus. She worked both in our youth department and at<br />

Camp Simcha before attending and graduating from Florida State<br />

University with a degree in Recreation and Leisure Service<br />

Administration. She brings more than 15 years of youth and camp<br />

experience to the Beth Torah/Camp Simcha Family.



COUNSELOR-TO-<strong>CAMP</strong>ER RATIO 1 TO 4<br />

All of our head counselors are certified in CPR and First Aid, and have teaching<br />

credentials and experience working with their age group.<br />

All of our staff undergoes training sessions before and throughout the summer.<br />

The instructional swim program uses Red Cross and WSI certified swim<br />

instructors and is run by Bubbles Swim School.<br />

Our specialists are trained to provide your child with daily activities that will<br />

enhance their self-esteem and produce a fun and rewarding summer time<br />

experience.<br />

All instructors are equipped to provide<br />

age-appropriate activities.<br />

RUACH<br />

DANCE<br />

YOGA<br />

SPORTS<br />




MUSIC<br />













Halberstein Infant Toddler and Whitebook Bright<br />

Beginnings Programs offer a safe, nurturing and<br />

educational place where children can come grow with us.<br />

Full and part time classes are available to fit every family’s<br />

needs. These programs, directed by Grace Erdfrocht, are<br />

housed in the Shelley Buidling, specifically designed and<br />

equipped for infants and toddlers. Our dedicated,<br />

well-trained, experienced staff will guide individual<br />

children as they take their first steps towards<br />

independence, learn to be part of a group, and gain<br />

confidence in their unique abilities.<br />

.<br />

<strong>CAMP</strong> <strong>SIMCHA</strong><br />

AGES 3 & 4<br />

Kiddie Camp is our developmentally age-appropriate<br />

program for your three-year old who is ready for fun filled<br />

new experiences. Throughout each day, they will be<br />

introduced to hands-on sensory activities and fine & gross<br />

motor skill development. The program will introduce<br />

campers to identifying numbers and letters in an engaging<br />

manner. Swim instruction is provided twice each week<br />

and sports & fitness will be provided three times each<br />

week. The 3-year-old groups do not leave campus for field<br />

trips; the field trips come to camp!<br />

Junior Kindergarten participates in a complete summer experience with a wide<br />

variety of development-enhancing activities for the entire summer. Swim instruction is<br />

provided on campus three days each week and sports & fitness will be provided twice<br />

per week. Campers partake in activities that reinforce literacy, pre-reading, pre-writing,<br />

pre-math and fine motor skills, as well as carefully selected age-appropriate field trips<br />




Children entering Kindergarten will participate in an<br />

expanded variety of camp activities, all designed to be<br />

developmentally appropriate. All children in our<br />

Kindergarten Connection will swim and attend field trip<br />

twice a week as well as have weekly water play time which<br />

includes a water slide. Our Kindergarten program is<br />

specifically designed to give each child the personal<br />

attention they need while exploring and expanding their<br />

horizons.<br />



1st & 2nd Grade Campers will be divided by grade and will<br />

be a part of our Senior Division. In addition to all of the<br />

exciting specialist that we bring to campus for all of our<br />

campers, 1st & 2nd graders will participate in a more<br />

extensive Art & Sports Program. All campers in this<br />

division will attend field trips twice per week and will swim<br />

three time per week. Swim will include one day of<br />

instructional swim, one day of free swim and one day of<br />

water play.

SHIRLEY SCHREIBER FAMILY <strong>CAMP</strong> <strong>SIMCHA</strong> POLICIES<br />

Registration:<br />

1. $250 non-refundable reistration / security fee per camper must accompany each registration form.<br />

2. All enrollments are subject to space availability.<br />

3. All placement requests should be made on the registration form. We will attempt to accommodate one request per<br />

camper<br />

4. A 10% sibling discount is applied and deducted from the lower camp fee.<br />

5. Payment plans can be set up through May 15, <strong>2020</strong>. Final payment of camp fees is due no later than May 15, <strong>2020</strong>. If<br />

payment is not paid in full by this date, a child’s space cannot be guaranteed.<br />

6. Any registrations received after May 15, <strong>2020</strong> requires payment in full.<br />

7. All Health Forms must be submitted to the camp office and be current to begin camp.<br />

Refund & Cancellation Policy:<br />

1. All refunds will be subject to a $100 processing fee and a $250 nonrefundable registration / security fee per child, for a<br />

total of $350.<br />

2. Camp fees are NON-REFUNDABLE after May 16, <strong>2020</strong>, including, but not limited to absences, withdrawals, inclement<br />

weather, or in the event a camper is asked to leave camp for behavioral and/or disciplinary reasons.<br />

Early/Late Stay Care Policy:<br />

1. Early Care hours are Monday-Friday from 7:30 am until camp begins. Afternoon Late Stay Hours are Monday-Thursday<br />

until 6:00 pm and Friday until 5:00 pm.<br />

2. All parents must park to drop off or pick up their child.<br />

3. Hours are subject to change in the event of preparing for the observance of a Jewish or National holiday, in which case<br />

Camp Simcha staff will advise parents/guardians in advance.<br />

4. After 6:00 pm there is a dollar-a-minute charge.<br />

5. In the event that a parent/guardian is unable to pick-up a child by closing time, please inform the camp office and make<br />

alternate arrangements for pick-up.<br />

Accident Form/Medications:<br />

1. All allergies must be clearly noted in the health section of the registration form.<br />

2. The health history provided to the camp of my child is correct so far as I know, and the child that I have registered have<br />

permission to engage in all prescribed camp activities, except as noted by the examining physician and myself.<br />

3. BTBRC/Camp Simcha does not assume responsibility for any injury. In case of medical emergency, BTBRC/Camp Simcha<br />

has permission to take my child to the physician or hospital to secure proper treatment. Parent/guardian assumes<br />

responsibility for all fees.<br />

4. I authorize employees of BTBRC/Camp Simcha to treat my child for headaches, sore throat, minor cuts & bruises, and to<br />

administer over-the-counter medications, i.e. antibiotic cream, .05% Hydrocortisone cream, cough drops, Pepto Bismol, or<br />

Children’s Tylenol. Parent/guardian will be contacted.<br />

Field Trip Policy:<br />

Should the camper be unwilling, unable, or choose to forgo the designated field trip, alternative accommodations are not available.<br />

Campers cannot be dropped off or picked up from an off campus location.<br />

General Policies:<br />

1. BTBRC/Camp Simcha is not responsible for lost or stolen items.<br />

2. I grant BTBRC/Camp Simcha permission to use my child’s photograph in promotional materials. I agree that neither my<br />

child, our assignees, nor myself will be entitled to compensation for such use.<br />

3. I agree to pay the program fees in which my child is registered; including registration, security and safety, and late fees<br />

where applicable. I understand that if my camp balance is not paid in full by May 15, <strong>2020</strong>, I will forfeit my reserved space<br />

with Camp Simcha and all monies paid.<br />

4. I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all camp activities, including PG movies and planned field trips<br />

away from the campus utilizing different modes of transportation.<br />

5. My child and I are aware that rules are established both before and during the summer, which enable us to provide a safe<br />

and secure environment for all. Any rules not followed may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from<br />

camp.<br />

6. I understand that the activities in which my child participates during the course of camp may result in media coverage. I<br />

agree that my child’s image, name, age and quotes may appear in such publicity.<br />

7. I understand that any child who is not picked up by the end of carpool will be taken to late stay, and I will be billed the<br />

late stay hourly rate of $15. (Please see the early/late stay policies above.)<br />

8. All campers must be potty trained.<br />

Food Policies:<br />

1. All lunches and snacks served at camp are kosher (including field trip days).<br />

2. We are a peanut and tree nut sensitive campus.<br />

3. All snacks brought from home must be pareve, and peanut and tree nut free.<br />

4. If celebrating a birthday, all goods brought onto campus must be kosher and adhere to that day’s lunch.

SHIRLEY SCHREIBER FAMILY <strong>CAMP</strong> <strong>SIMCHA</strong> FEES<br />

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20350 NE 26th Ave, North Miami Beach. FL 33180<br />

www.CampBTBRC.org 305.932.2829

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