Feb/March 2020

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Smart Hardware



Smart windows and doors are a mass opportunity for the hardware sector, but the way

these products are sold requires a step-change in our thinking. Giovanni Laporta, innovator

and inventor of Smart Ready, explains more...

How many of you reading this are doing so

on devices running Windows or macOS,

protected with Norton or Kaspersky antivirus

software; or maybe you’re using Survey

Monkey for your latest marketing campaign? Who

is going home tonight to watch the latest mustsee

on Netflix or Prime Film? Call it licensing fees,

subscriptions or even membership, most of us

now engage with technology providers using a

retainer model to pay them for their technology.

It’s a $270bn industry. So why when it comes to

fenestration can licensing technology feel such an

alien concept?

Consistent quality

To date, the window and door hardware sector

has been promoting different products that claim

to be smart in different ways, but there has been

little or no consistency in the smart message,

leading to confusion in the market. That’s why

Smart Ready was created – to provide a standard

for everyone to adhere to, and a brand logo that

represents simple, affordable, consistency in what

smart should actually be.

But while we all accept it’s the norm to pay a

licence to be able to use someone else’s product

or service when it comes to software or TV, the

window and door hardware market is taking time

to adjust. Sometimes a licence fee can feel like

you’re paying for nothing, because you don’t have

anything tangible to show for your investment. But

in reality, the benefits of being a licensee are vast.

Let someone else do the work for you

Firstly, becoming a licensee means you can offer

a product or service without having to invest in

your own research and development – the most

lengthy and expensive phase of any new offering.

R&D might not sound like much, but, for example,

the monitoring sensors developed by Hug

Technology took four years and cost more than £5

million to develop. By entering into a technology

license with Hug Technology, hardware brands

and their customers can have a product that has

had this amount of investment, for significantly

reduced investment and also have access to

ongoing support and upgrades in technology. The

planned significant consumer marketing of the

Smart Ready standard will also be a critical driver

for its success, so again technology licensees

can take advantage of these bigger budgets with

bigger reach.

Licensing also saves companies time. Anyone

that wants a slice of the smart window and door

hardware market today but hasn’t yet started

their R&D or marketing, won’t be ready to launch

a product for at least three years, at least not one

that works reliably and meets market expectations.

Smart minds

Even if a business does decide to spend the time

and money developing its own offering to avoid

paying a license fee to someone else, they won’t

necessarily be able to find the right expertise

to develop the right product. Hug Technology,

for example, was lucky enough to find a unique

mix of creative experience from sectors such

as hardware, window and door fabrication, and

smart technology, to enable a great product that

is simple and works.

Buying a technology licence for smart hardware

may well take some getting used to, but the

market is entering a new phase which needs

a new approach. It goes without saying the

hardware companies that accept change sooner

rather than later will have the competitive

advantage over those that don’t at all and those

that adopt the ‘wait and see’ approach.

The need for smart windows and doors took off

last year and technology licensing is the best

way for the market collectively to meet that

need quickly and easily. To move forward and

genuinely become a mass smart market, the

industry needs to accept an entirely different

model. It’s no longer only about sourcing best

value for money products; it’s also about securing

your place in something bigger.

Contact Smart Ready



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