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The registry is like a bookshelf where images are stored and available to be pulled for building

containers to run services or web apps. There are private Docker registries on-premises and on the

public cloud. Docker Hub is a public registry maintained by Docker, along the Docker Trusted Registry

an enterprise-grade solution, Azure offers the Azure Container Registry. AWS, Google and others also

have container registries.

Putting images in a registry lets you store static and immutable application bits, including all their

dependencies at a framework level. Those images can then be versioned and deployed in multiple

environments and therefore provide a consistent deployment unit.

Private image registries, either hosted on-premises or in the cloud, are recommended when:

• Your images must not be shared publicly due to confidentiality.

• You want to have minimum network latency between your images and your chosen deployment

environment. For example, if your production environment is Azure cloud, you probably want to

store your images in Azure Container Registry so that network latency will be minimal. In a

similar way, if your production environment is on-premises, you might want to have an onpremises

Docker Trusted Registry available within the same local network.

10 CHAPTER 2 | Introduction to Containers and Docker

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