FINAL 5-13-20 class of 2020 memory book

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Dear Class of 2020,

Your last year in junior high began anticipating Confirmation, May Crowning,

and Graduation. We do have many good memories of Cotillion, Mardis Gras Parade

with your Buddies, and Irish Dancing.

And then it all changed. COVID 19. This crisis has given us all an opportunity to be our

best selves. And many of you have done just that. Virtues of patience,

empathy, understanding, and kindness became goals we had to lean on as we dealt with

our families and our friends. You had to apply skills of creativity, perseverance,

diligence, determination and hard work to your education as online learning became your

new normal.

As I write this, we do not know how your 8th grade year will end. No matter. Be resilient

and be compassionate so that at the end of the day you will see yourself as a better

person having gone through it. However, your 8th grade year resolves, armed with these

virtues and skills you will be well prepared for high school and beyond.

Always remember, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

God Bless You.


Mrs. Eileen Sullivan

In life, always be the best person you can possibly be. Be a disciple of Christ!

Enjoy the journey…

10 Lessons I Want to Instill in My Kids. . .

If you’re thankful, show it.

If you love someone, tell them.

If you’re wrong, fess up.

If you’re confused, ask questions.

If you learn something, teach others.

If you’re stuck, ask for help.

If you make a mistake, apologize.

If you trip, get back up.

If someone needs help, help them.

If you see wrong, take a stance.

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