
Prayer book

Prayer book


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Enoch walked with God through prayer.—I wish I could impress upon every

worker in God’s cause, the great need of continual, earnest prayer. They cannot be

constantly upon their knees, but they can be uplifting their hearts to God. This is the

way that Enoch walked with God.—(The Review and Herald, November 10, 1885.)

While engaged in our daily work, we should lift the soul to heaven in prayer.

These silent petitions rise like incense before the throne of grace; and the enemy is

baffled. The Christian whose heart is thus stayed upon God cannot be overcome.

No evil arts can destroy his peace. All the promises of God’s word, all the power

of divine grace, all the resources of Jehovah, are pledged to secure his deliverance.

It was thus that Enoch walked with God. And God was with him, a present help in

every time of need.—(Messages to Young People, 249.)

Individuals sought out enoch for prayer.—Enoch became a preacher of

righteousness, making known to the people what God had revealed to him. Those

who feared the Lord sought out this holy man, to share his instruction and his

prayers.—(Patriarchs and Prophets, 86.)

The greater enoch’s labors, the more earnest his prayers—In the midst of a

life of active labor, Enoch steadfastly maintained his communion with God. The

greater and more pressing his labors, the more constant and earnest were his prayers.

He continued to exclude himself, at certain periods, from all society. After remaining

for a time among the people, laboring to benefit them by instruction and example, he

would withdraw, to spend a season in solitude, hungering and thirsting for that divine

knowledge which God alone can impart.—(Patriarchs and Prophets, 86, 87.)


Daily prayer to ascend to God as sweet incense.—The life of Abraham, the

friend of God, was a life of prayer. Wherever he pitched his tent, close beside it was

built an altar, upon which


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