
Prayer book

Prayer book


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hours. His time, His heart, His soul and strength, were given to labor for the benefit of

humanity. Through weary days He toiled, and through long nights He bent in prayer

for grace and endurance that He might do a larger work. With strong crying and tears

He sent His petitions to heaven, that His human nature might be strengthened, that

He might be braced to meet the wily foe in all his deceptive workings, and fortified to

fulfill His missions of uplifting humanity. To His workers He says, “I have given you

an example, that ye should do as I have done.” John 13:15.—(Ministry of Healing,


Jesus prayed early in the morning.—The early morning often found Him

in some secluded place, meditating, searching the Scriptures, or in prayer.

With the voice of singing He welcomed the morning light. With songs of

thanksgiving He cheered His hours and brought heaven’s gladness to the toilworn

and disheartened.—(Counsels on Health, 162.)

Jesus had specific places for prayer.—Have a place for secret prayer. Jesus had

select places for communion with God, and so should we. We need often to retire to

some spot, however humble, where we can be alone with God.—(Thoughts from the

Mount of Blessing, 84.)

Jesus prayed on our account.—Jesus was often weary from incessant toil and

self-denial and self-sacrifice to bless the suffering and needy. He spent whole nights

in prayer upon the lonely mountains, not because of His weakness and His necessities,

but because He saw, He felt, the weakness of your natures to resist the temptations

of the enemy upon the very points where you are now overcome. He knew that you

would be indifferent in regard to your dangers and would not feel your need of prayer.

It was on our account that He poured out His prayers to His Father with strong cries

and tears.—(Testimonies for the Church 3:379.)


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