
Prayer book

Prayer book


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Pray for fellow Christians.—Too often we forget that our fellow laborers are

in need of strength and cheer. In times of special perplexity and burden, take care

to assure them of your interest and sympathy. While you try to help them by your

prayers, let them now that you do it. Send along the line God’s message to His

workers: “Be strong and of a good courage.” Joshua 1:6.—(Testimonies for the

Church 7:185.)

Parents to pray for their children.—God has promised to give wisdom to those

that ask in faith, and He will do just as He said He would. He is pleased with the

faith that takes Him at His word. The mother of Augustine prayed for her son’s

conversion. She saw no evidence that the Spirit of God was impressing his heart, but

she was not discouraged. She laid her finger upon the texts, presenting before God

His own words, and pleaded as only a mother can. Her deep humiliation, her earnest

importunities, her unwavering faith, prevailed, and the Lord gave her the desire of

her heart. Today He is just as ready to listen to the petitions of His people. “His

hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear;”

and if Christian parents seek Him earnestly, He will fill their mouths with arguments,

and, for His name’s sake, will work mightily in their behalf in the conversion of their

children.—(Testimonies for the Church 5:322, 323.)

We should pray to God much more than we do. There is great strength and

blessing in praying together in our families, with and for our children.—(Child

Guidance, 525.)

Let Christ find you His helping hand to carry out His purposes. By prayer you

may gain an experience that will make your ministry for your children a perfect

success.—(Child Guidance, 69.)

You did not consider hard labor a burden if the way would only open that you

might care for your children and shield them from the iniquity prevailing in this age

of the world. It was the


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