
Prayer book

Prayer book


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neglect the duty of praying with our children is to lose one of the greatest blessings

within our reach, one of the greatest helps amid the perplexities, cares, and burdens

of our lifework.

The power of a mother’s prayers cannot be too highly estimated. She who kneels

beside her son and daughter through the vicissitudes of childhood, through the perils

of youth, will never know till the judgment the influence of her prayers upon the life

of her children. If she is connected by faith with the Son of God, the mother’s tender

hand may hold back her son from the power of temptation, may restrain her daughter

from indulging in sin. When passion is warring for the mastery, the power of love,

the restraining, earnest, determined influence of the mother, may balance the soul on

the side of right.—(The Adventist Home, 265, 266.)

The prayers of Christian mothers are not disregarded by the Father of all, who

sent His Son to the earth to ransom a people for Himself. He will not turn away your

petitions and leave you and yours to the buffetings of Satan in the great day of final

conflict. It is for you to work with simplicity and faithfulness, and God will establish

the work of your hands.—(Child Guidance, 526.)

Family prayer is important, but other types of prayer are needed as

well.—Family or public prayer alone is not sufficient. Secret prayer is very important;

in solitude the soul is laid bare to the inspecting eye of God, and every motive is

scrutinized. Secret prayer! How precious! The soul communing with God! Secret

prayer is to be heard only by the prayer-hearing God. No curious ear is to receive the

burden of such petitions.—(Testimonies for the Church 2:189, 190.)


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