
Prayer book

Prayer book


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But prayer is not understood as it should be. Our prayers are not to inform God of

something He does not know. The Lord is acquainted with the secrets of every soul.

Our prayers need not be long and loud. God reads the hidden thought. We may pray

in secret, and He who sees in secret will hear, and will reward us openly.

The prayers that are offered to God to tell Him of all our wretchedness, when

we do not feel wretched at all, are the prayers of hypocrisy. It is the contrite prayer

that the Lord regards. “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity,

whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a

contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart

of the contrite ones.”(The Youth’s Instructor, August 18, 1898.)

Spiritual strength comes through private prayer.—Those who will put on the

whole armor of God and devote some time every day to meditation and prayer and

to the study of the Scriptures will be connected with heaven and will have a saving,

transforming influence upon those around them. Great thoughts, noble aspirations,

clear perceptions of truth and duty to God, will be theirs. They will be yearning

for purity, for light, for love, for all the graces of heavenly birth. Their earnest

prayers will enter into that within the veil. This class will have a sanctified boldness

to come into the presence of the Infinite One. They will feel that heaven’s light and

glories are for them, and they will become refined, elevated, ennobled by this intimate

acquaintance with God. Such is the privilege of true Christians.

Abstract meditation is not enough; busy action is not enough; both are essential

to the formation of Christian character. Strength acquired in earnest, secret prayer

prepares us to withstand the allurements of society. And yet we should not exclude

ourselves from the world, for our Christian experience is to be the light of the world.

The society of unbelievers will do us no harm if we mingle with them for the purpose

of connecting them with God and are strong enough spiritually to withstand their

influence.—(Testimonies for the Church 5:112, 113.)


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