
Prayer book

Prayer book


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Family prayer is essential.—Private prayer, family prayer, prayer in public

gatherings for the worship of God—all are essential. And we are to live our prayers.

We are to co-operate with Christ in His work.—(Testimonies for the Church 7:239.)

Nothing so sad as a home without prayer.—I know of nothing that causes me

so great sadness as a prayerless home. I do not feel safe in such a house for a single

night; and were it not for the hope of helping the parents to realize their necessity and

their sad neglect, I would not remain. The children show the result of this neglect, for

the fear of God is not before them.—(Child Guidance, 518.)

Every home to be a house of prayer.—If ever there was a time when every house

should be a house of prayer it is now.—(Testimonies for the Church 7:42.)

Family prayer places us in God’s direct presence.—Prayer, whether offered

in the public assembly, at the family altar, or in secret, places man directly in the

presence of God. By constant prayer the youth may obtain principles so firm that the

most powerful temptations will not draw them from their allegiance to God.—(My

Life Today, 18.)

Family prayer brings strength and blessings.—We should pray to God much

more than we do. There is great strength and blessing in praying together in our

families, with and for our children. When my children have done wrong, and I have

talked with them kindly and then prayed with them, I have never found it necessary

after that to punish them. Their hearts would melt in tenderness before the Holy Spirit

that came in answer to prayer.—(Child Guidance, 525.)

Simple language is the most appropriate for prayer.—High-flown language is

inappropriate in prayer, whether the petition be


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