NVFH 2020 Integrated Annual Report

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Legal Compliance: The inherent

risk that the Group breaches

primary legislation applicable

to. Primary legislation/regulation

includes: the Companies

Act, JSE Listings Requirements

and Regulations, King Code

on Corporate Governance,

Employment Equity, Broad-Based

Black Economic Empowerment,

Protection of Personal Information

Act, Financial Intelligence Centre

Act, Financial Advisory and

Intermediary Services Act and the

Income Tax Act (amongst other).

Business Continuity: Potential

inability of the business to

implement business continuity in

a crisis situation whereby system

access, communication and/or

resourcing is materially impacted

(e..g owing to fire, flood, disease

or other crisis). This risk has been

tested under the prevailing

COVID-19 lockdown conditions.

To date, the Busines has

responded well and has been

able to formulate robust Business

Continuity Plans and execute

those to minimise disruption and

reduction in productivity.

Cyber Crime: The risk that

internal controls and measures

are not suitably robust to prevent

company confidential or private

client data being accessed

by an unauthorised party

and the Group or parts of the

Group being victims of Cybercrime.

There is an increased

risk of Cyber-Crime during the

COVID-19 lockdown measures

as hackers take the opportunity

and unusual circumstances to

gain unauthorised access to

data and systems.

Earnings Growth: The risk that

earnings growth and broader

financial performance returns

of the Group do not meet

shareholder/market expectations

precipitating a drop in share

value. The COVID-19 pandemic

has caused substantial volatility in

markets across the world which

have precipitated material losses.

There is an increased risk of client

litigation for such losses. To date,

the Group and client investment

portfolios have fared better than

the markets.

X X X X Yes

X X X X X Yes

X X X X X Yes

X X Yes

1.13 Transfer office

Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited acts as Transfer Secretary to the Group.

1.14. Application of King IV Principles for the year ended 29 February 2020

King IV advocates an outcomes-based approach towards the achievement of four key governance outcomes being;





an ethical culture,

good performance,

effective control, and,


A summary of the King IV principles implemented by the Company in meeting and/or supporting those outcomes is set out below.

While recommended practices were applied where and to the extent applicable to the business, further enhancements will be

made over time in line with the Company’s aspirations to continuously adapt and improve its corporate governance practices.

NVest Financial Holdings Limited | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 49

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