NVFH 2020 Integrated Annual Report

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The Committee is satisfied that the Group has optimised

the assurance coverage obtained from management

and external assurance providers, in accordance with an

appropriate combined assurance model.

The Committee has, at its meeting held on 25 May 2020,

recommended the Integrated Report for approval by the

Board, subject to certain stylistic and formatting changes

requested at that meeting.

• Going concern

The Committee has reviewed a documented assessment

including key assumptions, prepared by management, of

the going concern status of the Company and has made

recommendation to the Board in accordance therewith.

The Board’s statement on the going concern status of the

Company, as supported by the Committee, is elsewhere in

the Integrated Report.

until his appointment onto the Board. The Group is currently

assessing the appropriate course of action to take in respect

of the appointment of a permanent Financial Director.

Where necessary, additional skills and expertise have been

contracted to strengthen the overall timing and delivery of

outputs, particularly in relation to IFRS and the preparation

of the Annual Financial Statements. The Committee satisfied

itself that the Interim Financial Director has the appropriate

expertise and experience to discharge the responsibilities

of that role.

The Committee has considered and has satisfied itself of

the appropriateness of the expertise and adequacy of

resources of the Finance Function and the experience

of the senior members of management responsible for

the Finance Function, in conjunction with the insourced

expertise and skills.

• Governance of risk

The Committee is further assigned oversight of the Group’s

risk management function. The Committee fulfils this

oversight role with particular regard to financial reporting

risks, internal financial controls, fraud risk as it relates to

financial reporting, and information technology risk.


Dr Lana Weldon


25 May 2020

• Internal audit

During the year under review, the Group did not have an

internal audit function. The Committee is satisfied that the

current nature of the business warrants a Group Compliance

function as opposed to an internal audit function. The

Committee has satisfied itself that no factors have arisen which

have caused the Committee to amend its recommendation

that no internal audit function is required for the Group at

this time. In addition, the Committee continually assesses

the need to establish an internal audit department as the

Group’s operations increase and this is a standing agenda

item for consideration at each meeting. The Board has taken

responsibility to ensure that an effective governance, risk

management and internal control environment has been


During the year under review, the Committee had the

opportunity to meet with the external auditors without

management being present.

The Committee is satisfied that it has complied with its legal,

regulatory and other responsibilities.

Evaluation of the expertise and experience of

the Financial Director and the Finance Function

Mr Glenn Orsmond resigned as Financial Director of the

Group with effect from 01 May 2019 in order to take up a

position in the aviation industry. Charl Herselman CA(SA)

was subsequently appointed to serve on the Board as

Interim Financial Director with effect from 1 November 2019.

Charl had already fulfilled the duties and responsibilities

of the Financial Director since the departure of Glenn

Orsmond as well as having served as Head: Group Finance


NVest Financial Holdings Limited | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020

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