NVFH 2020 Integrated Annual Report

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Key audit matter

Goodwill assessment (Consolidated financial statements) –

note 7

The carrying value of goodwill amounted to R87,008,312,

arising from acquisitions by the Group.

Goodwill is tested for impairment annually. The value in use is

assessed using discounted cash flow models. As disclosed in

note 7 to the financial statements, there are a number of key

sensitive judgements and estimates made in determining

the inputs into these models which include growth rates and

discount rates. As a result we have identified impairment

testing of goodwill as a key audit matter. There was no

impairment of goodwill in the current year.

How our audit addressed the key audit matter

The audit procedures we performed included, amongst

others, the following:

• We assessed the design and implementation of

key controls in the goodwill impairment process

performed by management.

• We evaluated the determination of CGU’s based

on our understanding of how management monitors

the Group’s operations and makes decisions about

groups of assets that generate independent cash


• We assessed the mathematical accuracy of the

calculations within the impairment models.

• We reviewed the impairment models for compliance

with ISA 36 Impairments Assets.

• We used our internal valuation experts to assist us

in evaluating the reasonability of assumptions and

methodologies used in the forecast models. We

have challenged management, primarily on their

key assumptions to which the impairment test is most


• We furthermore challenged the reasonability of the

forecasts applied by management by comparing

the accuracy of their prior year projects to the

current year actual and obtaining and corroborating

explanations for significant variations between the

current year and forecasts.

• We evaluated the adequacy and appropriateness

of the presentation and disclosures relating to the

impairment assessments of goodwill including the

respective key valuation assumption used in the

consolidated financial statement in accordance with

International Financial Reporting Standards.

NVest Financial Holdings Limited | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 69

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