The Aussie - Summer 2020 final

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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Chris Foskett

The Aussie

So what has been happening in the world of Aussies since the

last Magazine?


Well there has been no change in the enjoyment our

members are geMng from their Aussies I do know that many

owners were missing taking their Aussies out and about to

different places. But with the easing of lockdown, they are

able to enjoy longer walks and days out. I think the biggest

problem has been geMng to the Groomers. we have some

hairy Aussies out there.

The Aussie

Of course the Aussies are unaware of the pandemic and are

enjoying having people around. They are very much family



And you can see that from all the photos posted as part of the

Aussie Garden Party.

The Aussie

What a great way to celebrate the breed.


With the cancella<on of the Windsor Dog Show, so many of

our members were disappointed. A Sunday, so everyone

could get there easily and we had reminded everyone about

the date for their diaries for so long. But we felt it was

important not to forget the day and get everyone in their own

homes to raise a glass to our wonderful breed and have a

garden party with their Aussie.

The Aussie

Of course in this Magazine we are featuring some of the



Plus the videos. Yes, it was a great way for everyone to be

together via social media.

The Aussie

The Facebook Group seems to have been very popular.


Not only have we had our current supporters pos<ng on a

regular basis, but we had a lot of interest from new members

wan<ng to join the Group. Which is very posi<ve for the


The Aussie

Many breeds have been men<oning a surge in interest in the



And the Aussies are no excep<on. Many people just couldn’t

get their bitches bred due to lockdown, so we definitely have

a demand at the moment. As lockdown eases, I think a few

more people will be breeding their bitches, so we hope that

everyone interested will not have bought another breed that

is available more quickly.

The Aussie

Because of lockdown there hasn’t been many

opportuni<es to introduce more people to the breed.


Yes, one of the best ways for people to see the breed id

for all our exis<ng Aussie owners to be out and about and

geMng the breed seen. This year we decided against

being a part of the Game Fairs as the dates clashed with

other events. There are some dates being suggested

when the Game Fairs might run in August and September.

But we feel that as a club we do not want to subject our

ambassador members to any unnecessary risk.

The Aussie

Do we have an update on Discover Dogs in London?


We know the topic was discussed at the Kennel Club

AGM. The comment was that, as with Crubs 2021, it is

s<ll being considered and the KC is taking guidance from

the Government. Again, I am not sure how our members

feel about being at an event in October . So un<l we have

any defini<ve statements, SCATC is not making any plans.

The Aussie

On the topic of AGMs, what is happening about the

SCATC one.


I have all the paperwork and the CommiUee was

considering how we could organise an AGM before the

usual deadline date. However, as the KC has extended the

date, we are monitoring Government advice and will

make a decision in the Autumn.

The Aussie

Are there any palns to reschedule our Club Show?


The CommiUee thought long and hard about this. But we

have decided that because there are so many unknows,

we would not hold the show this year and plan for

Windsor 2021.

The Aussie

Some Dog shows are being scheduled.


Yes Bournemouth and Blackpool Championship Shows

have been given a licence by the Kennel Club. SKC has a

date for November, so this may go ahead and in theoory

if it’s the May Show there will be Aussie classes. But it is

very much a wai<ng game. The 2 Shows that we support

have both been cancelled for this year.

The Aussie

Hopefully in the next edi<on we may have more news.


we will keep you up-to-date. Un<l then, stay safe


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