The Aussie - Summer 2020 final

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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Why is muscle pain so important to understand?

When the body suffers muscle pain the affected muscle

starts to shorten in length. This becomes apparent when

observing changes in a dog’s posture. The shortening is

due to the pain from the injured or inflamed muscles,

where the body is trying to avoid using these painful

regions where possible, further inhibi<ng it.

Why is muscle pain so important to understand?

Dogs tend to hide their pain, oben suffering in silence!

Look for subtle changes in your dog’s mobility and

behavioural paUerns. When your dog is excited, adrenalin

can temporarily mask whatever pain they have, so it is

important to look for changes in mobility and behaviour

when your dog is relaxed too.Have you no<ced any of

these signs that your dog may be uncomfortable…?

Is your dog:

Struggling to jump in and out of the car or on and off the


Changing its gait?

Struggling to get up from lying down?

Not interac<ng as much with you on a day to day basis?

Showing discomfort when being touched anywhere on

his body?

Dislikes being groomed?

Showing behavioural changes around other dogs for no

known reason?

Licking his paws constantly?

In the same manner as us, dogs some<mes need a

helping hand to address exis<ng mobility issues as well as

preven<ng future degenera<on. Massage has been

around for thousands of years as a therapy that targets

muscles, effec<vely easing chronic muscular pain as well

as reducing inflamma<on, easing joints and promo<ng

mobility and flexibility.

Could your dog be suffering from a repeHtaHve strain?

Repe<<ve strain in human terms is oben thought of as

office work, siMng at a desk and how we work with our

computers. These are most certainly repe<<ve strains,

but more usually from a sta<c perspec<ve, which are

impacwul to the bodies posture. Dog’s suffer repe<<ve

strains, but more commonly from the kine<c perspec<ve,

or their ac<ons.

A body, both ours and dogs, are designed to work

mul<ple planes of movement, i.e. forwards, backwards,

sideways and in rota<on, but not con<nuously or

repe<<vely in any one. Also, not con<nuously at one

pace/gait or speed. Therefore, it is so important to give

our dogs a variety of ac<vity – and I use that word wisely

– not ‘exercise’! We are condi<oned to ‘exercise’ our

dogs, to take them for walks that oben involves running

and chasing objects. This appears to ‘exercise’ them, <re

them, so they will sleep when they return home. Most of

these ac<vi<es are causing repe<<ve strains and also

over exci<ng them crea<ng addi<onal psychological


Common ac<vi<es causing repe<<ve strains

• Slippery floors within their living environment

• Ball chasing (likewise s<ck/frisbee)

• Car jumping in and out

• Always told to ‘sit’

• Running with your dog

• Cycling with your dog

• Always walking on one side when on a lead

• Doing the same ac<vity or training

• Going up and down steps or stairs

• Jogging or running with a person or person on bike

All these done repe<<vely i.e. more than twice a week will cause

issues within your dog’s muscles. An over worked muscle will

naturally repair but by doing so will shorten in its total length,

therefore create a closing of healthy gaps between joints. This

change will go unno<ced for possibly many years, eventually

leading to secondary joint disease as well as other health issues.

Other musculo skeletal condiHons

There are other instances when Galen Myotherapy can be a

useful treatment.

• Post-opera<ve care

• Compensatory issues caused by condi<ons such as hip

and elbow dysplasia and arthri<s

• Lameness

• Cruciate ligament issues

• Assis<ng the older dog with mobility problems

• To help keep your working dog working, op<mising their

performance by maintaining their muscles.

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