The Aussie - Summer 2020 final

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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The Aussie Toilet Roll challenge

certainly became an instant hit

with everyone. So far nearly 1000

views, which is impressive for a

breed with not a huge number of

followers. A challenge to get as

many people involved. Sadly the

wet and snowy weather did

prevent some owners from taking

part. But we are grateful that a

few took time to organise a video

clip and Anka Van de Sand.

For those who missed the video

here is a link.

Allergy test

Yes, dogs can get allergies as well. And

Aussies are no excep<on. It could be

something in the food they eat or one of the

common environmental triggers include

fleas and dust mites as well as moulds and

pollens from trees, grasses, weeds and

flowers. Reac<ons are caused by an

overac<ve immune system that perceives

harmless substances as threats. This will

trigger reac<ons which can include common

symptoms such as itching and sneezing. For

those owners wondering whether this is a

problem with their dog, you can get your

dog tested at the vets. However, there is

now another op<on, companies are offering

home tests and evalua<ons. There are

several companies adver<sing their services.

Cos<ng around £90


We are always trying to find new ways of

making people aware of our breed. Not

just because we have to explain to most

people we meet that it’s an Aussie! This

year the pandemic has meant the Cub

cannot get the Aussies out and about to

introduce more people tot he Aussie.

Imagine our delight to find that Country

Living Magazine has featured Aussies in

its ar<cle about 8 Dog breeds with

exo<c origins. The link sent also gave

details of an offer for the Magazine.

Included incase anyone needs some

extra reading.



Increasingly owners are looking for ways to control parasites that involve

fewer and fewer chemicals. Recently, owners have been men<oning the using

of dried rabbit’s ears with fur dog chews as a great way to manage worming.

The dogs love them and with this added bonus that owners are repor<ng, it is

something worth considering. Although, you do have to look around for


Please note that the views expressed in this magazine

are those of the authors of the ar<cles and not

necessarily those of the CommiUee and Officers of

The Southern Coun<es Australian Terrier Club. We

would like to thank all the contributors for their input,

without which the Magazine would not have such a&

diverse range of topics supported by some wonderful

photographs. All images have been provided for

the sole use of The Aussie Magazine and are not for

reproduc<on without consent from the owner(s) of

the image.

In the last Magazine, we featured Ticks. Thank you to a reader who forwarded

this image to show the different types of <cks being found on our dogs during

walks. This year seems to be a bumper year for <cks, so make sure you use

protec<on for your dogs and watch out yourself. Ticks like us too.

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