The Aussie - Summer 2020 final

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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Calm, Cool and Collected

Are you confident when you compete with your dog?

This might not be the obvious dog compe<<ons, it could be

doing the Good Ci<zen Award, or even a training club task.

The Aussie was sent this ar<cle which might just give owners

a different view on how they can increase confidence and

improve their part of the team. Your emo<ons are felt by

your dog, so by remembering some of this advice can help

your chances of success.

Compe<ng with dogs is really a mental game. Compe<tors

are con<nually trying to reach new goals and surpass

expecta<ons. However, the road to success always hits a

bump or two along the way. This is perfectly normal and is

even experienced by athletes in every sport.

Unfortunately, this causes many to have self-doubt. This

doubt kills more dreams than anything else can. The feeling

of incapability even leads some to quit altogether. The

problem is that the con<nuous striving for perfec<on oben

drives people away from the big picture.

Overcoming self-doubt is what sets the winners apart from

the other compe<tors. It is essen<al to strive for progress,

but do not let the bumps in the road crash your dreams.

Realise that you are more than capable

You are a dog enthusiast. Do not take this label lightly. You

are a person who with an animal that does not speak the

same language and for many breeds are stronger and

tougher than ourselves. If that isn’t courage and bravery,

what is?

Everyone hits a bump now and then, but that should not take

away your en<re confidence. You are more than capable of

overcoming any challenges that you may face.

Ac<vi<es with dogs has become a mental game that you have

to play wisely. Most dog owners in this category are

energe<c, passionate, and courageous, even in <mes of

doubt. Recognise your capabili<es and be proud of yourself.

Change each doubt into a statement of confidence

“I can’t…” or “I won’t…” are the two killers of confidence.

Sport is challenging; exhibitors pay for other people’s

opinions of their capabili<es. You must first recognise the

obstacles and think of ways to turn that doubt into a

confident statement.

For example, “I’m not going to win today because I don’t

think my dog is concentra<ng,” becomes “We will try our

best and highlight our talent with what I can get the dog to

do.” Focus on the good, acknowledge the bad, and try your

best. Never underes<mate the power of posi<vity.

Show graHtude

The world is full of the hustle and bustle, geMng from one

thing to the next. Through this chao<c state, it is easy to

forget to show gra<tude. If you start having those feelings of

self-doubt, realise how many people support you. This could

be your family, trainer, etc. It indeed takes a village to

achieve success. Therefore, it is crucial to appreciate those

who make your journey possible.

Ask for advice

Do not be afraid to ask for help. Even if it is nerve-wracking

at <mes, the informa<on may change your outlook. The dog

community is full of individuals who would be more than

happy to offer some wise words. Whether this is a friend, or

even an exhibitor who you look up to, ask a friendly face for

their thoughts. The best way to learn is from one another.

Give yourself Hme to grow

Chances are you have heard the saying, “Good things take

Fme.” This rings true in every facet of life, including in the

world of dogs. Allow yourself to make mistakes, but most

importantly, learn from them. Use your newfound

knowledge to beUer your skills. Self-doubt hinders your

ability to learn from prior experiences. Time is the most

valuable tool, and it is essen<al to recognise this. Good

things honestly do take <me.

Remember that everyone feels doubt someHmes

You are not the only one who experiences the plague of selfdoubt.

Everyone from the highest to lowest levels has felt

this at one point or another. Aber all, we are human. Do not

feel like you are alone or the only one who understands.

Connec<ng with a friend, fellow exhibitor, etc. and sparking

a conversa<on would be extremely beneficial.

Keep hustling

James MaUhew Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, once

said, “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease

forever to be able to do it.” When in doubt, keep hustling.

The only way to overcome self-doubt is to face it head-on. If

you are struggling then push forward and go for it to the

best of your ability.

Hard work is essen<al to achieve success and overcoming

doubt. Be posi<ve about yourself and your abili<es. Always

strive for improvement, but do not believe in non-existent

perfec<on. Overall, remember why we do these things in

the first place – for fun.

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