The Aussie - Summer 2020 final

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

Magazine for members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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What to do when a dog misses their owner

If the dog is mourning a deceased owner, you want to show comfort without reinforcing an unwanted behaviour. It is temp<ng

to give a grieving dog lots of aUen<on when he is moping or crying, but you don't want to teach the dog that this behaviour

will be constantly rewarded. Mourning is natural aber any loss, but if the symptoms persist for weeks, consult with a

veterinarian as soon as possible, especially if the dog isn't ea<ng. With the vet's help, you can come up with a plan to get a

grieving dog back to his normal disposi<on and behaviour. And remember, it’s not just mourning people, some dogs suffer

when another household pet dies or leaves.

Will my dog miss me when they move to a new home?

As a caring owner, some<mes you realise your home may not be the best place for your dog. Breeders can find homes for

young dogs that don’t quite make it in the show ring, or those who re<re from showing aber a successful career. You've

accumulated many great memories made sure your dog has always felt loved and secure. Your dog will most likely miss you for

a bit if they move on. Good owners are hard to forget! But, if you're sending your dog to a new, equally loving home, then their

care and aUen<on will mean the dogs becomes happy and comfortable in the new home. If you ever come across your dog

years later, a change in your appearance may make it difficult for them to remember you, or your scent will have him leaping

and licking you like not a day has passed. Either way, most know that their new home is great and mee<ng up with you is just

an added bonus for their day.

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