August 2020

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Vans: Health & Safety


Despite the easing of some restrictions, observing the new health and safety guidelines is

essential while the threat of Covid-19 remains.Tim Alcock, Head of Online for

LeaseVan.co.uk, has researched and revealed his six tips to help you practice good hygiene

whilst inside or using a van.

Hygiene is one of those things that everyone is on top of whilst out and about in public spaces, but

it can soon be forgotten about in the comfort of your own space, including that of your van. At

the moment, the majority of the population is more clued up when it comes to hygiene than ever

before, as would be expected during a global pandemic, but it’s important that this is related to our

buildings and vehicles, and not just personal hygiene.

Getting into good habits such as cleaning down tools after each person has used and touched them and

making sure everything is cleaned down before being put into your van will help keep everyone safer. If

you share your van with other people when travelling to or from work, it’s important to ensure that

masks are worn and social distancing is observed as much as possible. It’s also important to try and

limit the amount of people who come in contact with the van.

“Gloves will stop

germs being carried on

your skin, but if you

don’t take them off or

clean them before

entering your van, the

germs will also be

spread inside”

Below are my six top tips when it comes to practising safe van hygiene:

1Food: As tempting as it can be to have a

drive-through or eat in your van, it’s better

for you – and the hygiene in the van – if

you eat outside. Find a park or pull over by a river

and spend a few minutes taking in the fresh air. It

means that you won’t find any crumbs in the van,

helping keep it tidier and more hygienic. Any

rubbish you may carry should also be disposed of

straight away. Keeping your van tidy is definitely

more hygienic, and it will have a positive impact

on the way employers and customers look at you.

2Sanitiser: Hand sanitiser is one of the

easiest ways to stop any germs you pick

up being transferred into the van. Get into

the habit of always sanitising or cleaning your

hands before you get into the van to reduce the

number of germs in the cab. Keeping sanitiser

about your person, and using it before you open

the door is a great habit to get into.

3Passengers: If you normally travel with a

passenger, it’s important that social

distancing is maintained at all times. It

should also become a habit to wear a face mask

when sharing the cab with another person. Try to

also reduce the number of people that come into

contact with the vehicle as much as possible.

4Clean: Give your van a good clean inside

with an antiseptic wipe at the end of every

day or in-between jobs. Pay special

attention to places you touch a lot, such as the

steering wheel and gear stick. However, make

sure you don’t ignore the harder-to-reach areas,

such as pockets and dashboards, as this is often

where most of the dirt collects.

5Tools: Wipe down all your tools as they

enter the van to ensure unwanted germs

aren’t brought in. This is especially

important if several people have been touching

the tools – although they should also be cleaned

in between uses.

6PPE: Depending on the type of PPE you

use and how close you come in contact

with other people whilst on the job, it may

be necessary to wear a new set as you enter each

new building or place of work. Gloves will stop

germs being carried on your skin, but if you don’t

take them off or clean them before entering your

van, the germs will also be spread inside – ready

for you to pick them up if you drive with no


Contact LeaseVan.co.uk

0344 745 1616


54 TC AUGUST 2020

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