
Laid Out Magazine - Issue One

Laid Out Magazine - Issue One


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Photo: Ant

Being an older gentleman myself, how do

you push pass the fear of getting injured?

I’m going to be honest, I’m turning 48 this week and

it does creep into my mind more than it used to. I’ve

been hurt a lot, I’ve had 5 knee surgeries and I need

another one. A lot of different shit but I think I once

I get going I forget about it, you know. I might think

about it once I first show up to the spot but I’m not

going to let it change the way I skate, that’s for sure

Also how proud are you to have a son that

rips just as hard as you?

More proud than words can even describe. Man that

kid, he’s been on skateboards since he was 1-1\2 , 2

years old. He’s been obsessed with it, I never pushed

it on him. He saw it, and he’s been around it and was

obsessed with it ever since. And he is gnarly man,

he’s scares the crap out of me, man he scares the

carp out of me but he is gnarly and he’s done that

all himself. He doesn’t listen to me and I don’t tell

him how to do tricks. I don’t do any of that, he does it,

that’s his deal and I’m extremely proud of not only

the young skater he is but the young man he is. It’s

pretty awesome to skate with him and for him to like

me. You know he’s 17 and we still hang out, so that’s

pretty cool.

Who did the filming when he slammed in

that waterslide?

That was me, and thank god I was looking through

the camera because when I look at it afterwards it

looked like he was dead.

That was a gnarly slam.

I ran down there because I heard it more than I

saw it and he jumped up and was ready to go again

immediately. Like I don’t really think he knew what

really happened and he was already just… cause that

thing is already scary to be in, and its illegal and everything

else and we were hyperventilating already

and he just jumped up took one more fall, a way more

graceful fall and then third time got it. Now that was

the second time he’s done that loop though, he just

wanted to do it front-side. He’s done it backside 2

years ago but he wanted to go back and get it frontside.

But man it was gnarly.

Thank you for the opportunity you have

given us to interview you. Do you have any

last words of wisdom?

Have fun. Find spots, build spots and give back to

skateboarding. Don’t just take, give back. Do whatever

it takes to make it grand, that’s what I think.


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