
Laid Out Magazine - Issue One

Laid Out Magazine - Issue One


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Brian Curtis James Alex

Photo: Ant

We are her with Gen Why and will start

with introductions?

Brian: My name is Brian, I play the drums and have

been playing for 20 years and favorite band is Global

Threat or Complete Control if you want to keep it

Texas, formally known as the Strap-ons.

Curtis: I am Curtis, I play guitar and have been in

the band 2 or 3 months and favorite band is Berkeley

from Sweden and will keep it short. That’s all I got!

James: James, I play guitar and have been playing

like forever, since I was like 13,12, 11, I don’t even

remember. My favorite band was going to be Global

Threat, however at the same time I have a lot of

favorite bands. Trombones has always been one of

my biggest influences being from Texas after all and

honestly I’m going to go ahead and give it to Alex

right here.

Alex: play bass and do vocals every now and then. I

have been playing, coming up on 5 years now, something

like that. Favorite band, Flatliners.

Band: AAHHHHH!!!

Alex: Fuck you dudes, Flatliners are amazing and I

fucking love those guys.

Why the name Gen Why?

James: Alright, real answer time, so Gen Why, this

band called FIDLAR, not punk band, had a song Why

Generation and I liked it a lot and I kind of like their

take on the generation we live in and how everyone

is always on the phones. Even in their music video

people were on the phones while they were playing

taking selfies with the band and they were kicking

the phones out of their hands. It was just a good way

to display our generation right now and what kind

of ridiculousness goes on in it. I’m not saying our

generation is bad but, there is a lot of fucking people

in our generation that I think are ridiculous. Either

way I came up with the name because of that song

basically and it also kind of makes you think Gen Y,

Generation Y, because we are generation Y, millennials.

And that’s about it.

How long have you guys been playing together?

Alex: Since about mid-June.

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