
Laid Out Magazine - Issue One

Laid Out Magazine - Issue One


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meeting him at shows and shit. Like he said, Ben

was like, a man let’s do this band. It kind of fell apart,

yeah and now we’re here.

Any albums in the works?

Brian: We have an EP this month.

James: We have an EP. You know what, I’m not going

to go in depth on that. But, we had a guy that was going

to record and produce our EP. We had two guys,

producer kind of engineer that was going to do our

EP. That fell through, so in January I believe we are

recording our first actual full EP which is going to

be called “Rotten Few”. Rotten Few EP is going to be

a 7 inch on vinyl as well as tapes. Apparently tapes

are a thing now. I feel like they’re really cheap to do

also and people are buying them man. (BURP) We

are going to do that and digital as well, so that may be

coming out either mid 2018 or around March.

Alex: Early 2018.

James: Whatever happens! It’ll happen when it happens!

It’s happening though.

So about how many gigs do you play a year?

You started in June, so since then?

James: That’s a question that we can’t answer correctly

right now. We’ve only played show for the last 2


Brian: If you want to average it out, say a year!

James: 7 or 8 in the last two months.

Alex: Yeah, something like that.

James: You do the math, I’m not, you know! (Laughing)

So, no math right now?


James: Yeeaahh! No math right now.

Alex: Our first gig was in October, like mid October.

James: October 13th.

Alex: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

What was it? The Friday the 13th show?

So when I saw you guys, that was your first


Nice, very nice!

Alex: Since then we’ve had at least…

James: at least once a week, once every two weeks.

Alex: 7 to 8 shows, something like that for us.

James: Lots of shows.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5


James: In 5 years!

5 Years!

James: That’s a hard question!

Brian: Tour the world!

James: Tour the world, we’re going to take over. We

are going to play our first show on the moon. Where

they landed, the lunar lander.

Alex: You’re going to ask that to guys who have been

drinking all night.


That’s what makes it even better!

James: Really though on a real note in 5 years…

Brian: We’ll be the first “REAL HUMANS” who actually

landed on the moon.

Alex: God Dammit!


James: In 5 years, honestly I don’t know! That’s

anyone’s guess and being in a band, you can never

predict what’s going to happen. We’re trying to tour a

lot, we’re trying to do anything we can. So my prediction

in 5 years will be, we will be on the road a lot.

That’s what I want to do. That’s what we all want to do

eventually. Just want to play and play everywhere as

much as possible.

Alex: I just want people singing along man. That’s it!

Brian: it would be nice to go to Europe and Japan.

James: Europe’s possible. Who knows. We might be in


Brian: Australia!

Gen Why: Yeah!

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