
Laid Out Magazine - Issue One

Laid Out Magazine - Issue One


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Photo: Ant

Brian: Beginning of June.

Alex: Started off with James hitting me up and like

hey man you want to play bass in a street punk band

and I was like, Fuck Yes.

Brian: That ain’t how it started!

Alex: He had a lot of songs written, he had this idea

of what he wanted to do. Hit up Brian on fucking

Craig’s List. They had a conversation on what they

wanted to do, they jammed a bit and had one practice

before I came in. Then started doing that.

James: Called him (Alex) up cause we were in band

previously. I won’t even say we were a band.

Alex: We Weren’t!

James: We practiced with a band before and I knew

he was a decent bass player. So I started practicing

with him (Alex), we started getting together practicing

at my house a lot. We did all the songs I had

previously written for a long time and it eventually

became Gen Why. Then we realized that we needed

a second guitar player and it’s hard to find cause

I’m kind of picky with who I pick for my band. Curtis

moved from Austin, When?

Curtis: 6 Months ago.

James: So, around when we started and also Craig’s

List with you.

Curtis: Yep, I posted an ad.

James: Someone shot me the Craig’s List ad he

(Curtis) posted and I hit him up, then he came in, to

play. We started practicing, we ended upwith our own

studio that we started paying rent for.

Alex: Now we are here just playing shows and shit!

I was going to ask you guys how you met,

but I guess this is a shout out to Craig’s List.

Craig’s List!

Brian: Shout out to Ben Andrews from Broke Off!

James: Ben Andrews actually did that for both.

James: Ben Andrews!

Brian: That’s how me and James got in contact. Ben

Andrews saw my Craig’s List ad and shot me over to


James: Big shout out to Broke Off on that one!

Alex: I’ve known James for a couple of years, just

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