
Laid Out Magazine - Issue One

Laid Out Magazine - Issue One


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Digital Music or YouTube?


Record Stores

Written by

Christian Hernandez

In a culture of instant gratification and all

the mediums of entertainment that enable

instant gratification (Netflix, Youtube,

Apple music, the list goes on and fucking

on) sometimes we forget that at one point

humanity blissfully lived without these

frivolous luxuries and the thought never

occurred “Hey wouldn’t it be great to have

every song ever made at my fingertips?

Wouldn’t that be awesome!” Not quite.

There are holes and drawbacks to living in

a musical utopia where anything we can

possibly listen to is just a Youtube click

away. Sadly, the average teenager has no

idea what it’s like to live in a time where

your every desire isn’t satisfied, that there

was a time when, Gasp!, your options for

what to listen to were not infinite as the

desires imposed upon us by our capitalist

consumerist society.

There used to be a time when what

you wanted to listen to was limited to what

your record store carried. It didn’t matter

how awesome you thought Jesus and The

Mary Chain were. If your local record store

didn’t have it you continued to browse until

you found something else worth listening

to. And that’s precisely what we did, and it

was that limited option that caused us to

make choices that were exciting and exhilarating

because having a small option to

choose from, what your record store had,

was far from oppressive but was actually

fun and exciting. A wise person once said

(Lisa Simpson), “Getting everything you

want all the time will ultimately leave you

empty and unfulfilled” and the same is true

when you have every song at your fingertips.

Fun at first but ultimately unsatisfying.

But why? Why is it unsatisfying to have


Yeah, no. it must be great to search and

listen to any song that comes to your mind

at the drop of a hat. Mindless consumption

sounds amazing. We all try to turn nothing

into something. The mass produced jeans

that look the same in every store around

the nation becomes “something” unique

and tangible when wear and tear creates

faded colors, holes, and rips that makes one

of the most ordinary products in the world

something distinctly and uniquely yours.

But to try to turn digital music from nothing

to something is a futile cause. No matter

how much you replay a song, it will always

be one option among literally billions subject

to your own whims. The songs you like

become a temporary fulfillment to a desire

and will only get replaced shortly after,

like very shortly after, like 2 seconds after

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