
Laid Out Magazine - Issue One

Laid Out Magazine - Issue One


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a kid and would joke around about it. What would

Marion Cobretti do?


It’s a very nice name and could find no

definition of it. Most band names, there is a

definition with meaning behind the name.

Jeff: Also you are the disease and I am the cure.


I’ve seen you guys playing at these different

bars, but don’t actually know how long you

guys have been playing together or how you

guys even met?

Jeff: Since 2012, at least this band. That’s a multi-layered

question. As far as how it got started. First of all,

how should we start? We’ve all known each other for

a long, long, time. I guess we want to start from the


Donnie and I have been friends for a long time. He

ironically just posted some crap on Facebook. “Anyone

looking to start a hard core band?” mad ball

influence, I emailed him as soon as possible and said

let’s do it.

Donnie: it totally doesn’t sound like mad ball, nothing

like mad ball.


Jeff: We’ve known each other for a long time. I’ve

known you (Mark)20 years or more, I don’t know.

Mark: Yeah it was probably around 90, 96 0r 97,

when we first met.

Jeff: And, I’ve known him (Donnie) my whole life. We

met in high school in 90 or whatever!

Donnie: Yeah, either late 80’s or early 90’s and we

started playing in bands then. We were terrible, we

sucked! Nobody knew how to play or sing. And you

know, we grew up together and we all had the same

passion for the same music. We went to shows, spent

a lot of money going to shows, and tapes, and CD’s,

and stuff like that. And uh, then we uh, graduated

high school, then everyone had a life after that. Jeff

went off to the military, I went off and did some touring

with some bands and stuff. Jason was still here

at school you know, he was younger than us. Mark

was doing his thing. And you know, all these years

go by and… a lot of years go by and actually went to a

Chilis restaurant and I hadn’t seen Jeff in probably,

man, 10 plus years. I saw him and said hey what’s

going on and just chatted.

Jeff: Ah, you don’t remember how it went. You and

your wife were just sitting there and I went, so is everything

going well with your meal so far? (Donnie)

ah yeah! Oh What!!!


Donnie: And there was another gap of years that

went by before I saw or heard from Jeff again until

I posted, “Want to start a hard core band!” and I was

kind of particular how I wanted to do it cause, I was

listening a lot to that NYC hardcore at the time. We

lived in the glory days so I was like man, it would be

fun to do this and then Jeff hit me up and said he

has a bass player and will still didn’t have a guitar

player. Didn’t even think about Jason, but I doubt

he’d want to do it! And Jason was like, “Yeah, I’ll do it,

cool!!” and we’ve been doing it ever since 2012. It’s

been a lot of fun, been a growing experience and uh,

a learning experience. You know I think we still uh,

I personally think we are getting better. Every time

we get together it’s awesome. It’s an awesome feeling

man, being in a band. This is honestly one of my first

bands that I’ve ever been and don’t argue, or fight…

any of that stuff. We’re all mature enough and think

because we grew up with each other, we don’t try

and step on each other’s toes. Not saying it doesn’t

happen, but it’s very laid back, calm and reserved,

compared to the other bands. I was usually the guy

that was flippin out, or freakin out. What’s really cool

is that this band is something different. That’s why I

really like it and personally me, I wish the market for

hard core was much bigger.

Especially here, geographically its not, but with that

said, that’s how much I love being in this band. I’m

still doing it! Like you said (ANT) earlier, we’ve done

shows were there’s not a lot of people and it kind of

gets discouraging but at the same time we’re the

type of band that’s like, you know, once it’s already

setup, it’s a rehearsal. Let’s do it!! If there’s 2 or 3

people there or if there’s 50 people, we’re going to

play exactly the same, with the same amount of energy.

It’s just the way it is, it’s who we are and that’s

how we’re going to do it.

So, no matter how many people are in attendance

you still play the same show! So

if it’s a packed house it doesn’t change the

energy, the vibe?

Donnie: No, not at all! For me even rehearsals are

that way. I’m out here like, I’m at a show cause I feel

it. That’s why it doesn’t matter who’s there. To me!!

To be honest with you and it may sound douchey

to say but I’m not playing for anyone, I’m playing

for me. I’m having a good time. Now if you like and

vibe what I’m feeling, then cool! But I don’t play for

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