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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

procurement processes for the public

sector. This includes the Common User

average Price List, which makes

pricing for goods and services


an array of other digitalization

initiatives are directed at speeding up

and improving the quality of socioeconomic

services provided citizens

by the public sector.

For instance the Ghana.Gov

Platform seeks to allow Mdas to offer

digitised services to citizens from a

single portal. It is currently being

piloted with 15 Mdas. all Mdas will

eventually be on-boarded on the


Ghana.gov enables payment for all

government services digitally.

Implementation of Ghana.gov is

expected to increase government

revenue by at least 50%.



1.3. a Government Machinery That



Then there is the digitisation of

the renewal of National Health

Insurance Scheme (NHIS) with the

result that all NHIS members can

now renew their membership using

their mobile phones

add to this the digitisation of the

Births and deaths Registry which is

nearly complete.

digitisation of the National Lotteries

authority has involved the

Implementation of a digitised, shortcode

mode of accessing the services of

the National Lotteries authority

digital reforms in courts

administration have included an E-

Justice System for online filing

processes; an Electronic Case Tracking

System to enable electronic tracking of

cases; and Electronic Case distribution

system for fair, equitable and

transparent distribution of cases among


Motor Insurance

a digitised motor insurance database

has been implemented to eliminate fake

insurance certificates, while enabling

the police and commuters check the

insurance status of a vehicle through

their mobile phones.

With regards to the purchase of

power for household s, enterprises and

institutions alike, the Electricity

Company of Ghana (ECG) has a

new app which currently allows about

2.8 million ECG customers to buy units

for their meters through their mobile

phone at any time of the day or night.

This app will be available to all ECG

customers by the end of 2020 Services



The on-line filing of Taxes

commenced in 2019 and pensions

applications are now processed within

two weeks.

In the public health sector, Patient

Records Management Systems (E-


introduced to completely digitise and

link all facilities within the health

sector nationwide.

Beyond the introduction of this array

of digital applications for public service

delivery, government has also facilitated

the establishment of the requisite

national platforms for two private sector

delivered services, both of which are

absolutely crucial for the transformation

of the Ghanaian economy into a cashlite


This is why government has used its

own institution – Ghana Interbank

Payments and Settlement Systems - and

public purse financing to establish the

platforms on which they run.

Interestingly though it was

introduced initially by a private operator,

which subsequently attracted

competition. In both cases, recognizing

their transformational potentials,

government used GhIPSS, the wholly

owned subsidiary of the Bank of Ghana

mandated to develop and deploy

electronic payments systems, to set up

national, interoperable platforms usable

by all the customers of the erstwhile

competing operators.

another is the Mobile Money

Payments Interoperability System

which allows customers of the three

different mobile money platforms to

transact with each other. It also enables

interoperability between bank accounts,

e-Zwich accounts, and mobile wallets

across all banks and telcos, it is a major

step towards financial inclusion and

cashless payments for services.

More recently, under government’s

instructions and financing, GhIPSS has

also established a Universal QR Code

Payments System which replaces the

several different platforms deployed by

• The Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

various different banks for their own


Rollout has started. This makes it

possible for retailers to receive payments

on their mobile phones without the

need for a traditional Point of Sale

device. Ghana is the only country in

africa, and one of the few in the world,

with a Universal QR COdE payment

system Combined, all these digital

initiatives are transforming the way

government interacts with individuals,

households, enterprises and institutions

in the delivery of and payment for its

goods and services.

In doing so government is creating a

“Digital reforms in courts

administration have

included an E-Justice

System for online filing

processes; an Electronic

Case Tracking System to

enable electronic tracking

of cases; and

Electronic Case

Distribution system for

fair, equitable and

transparent distribution

of cases

among judges

database that enables faster, more

efficient, better targeted delivery of

public goods and services and which

imminently will facilitate the expansion

of the income tax net to cover the vast

informal sector for the first time ever.

Combined with the ability of digital

channels to reduce, if not completely

eliminate the widespread corruption

which has bedeviled manual

transactions between the public and

government officials, the extension of

the income tax net to the millions of

tax-eligible individuals and thousands

of tax eligible informal sector

enterprises will dramatically increase

government’s tax revenues which up to

now have been notoriously low, with

Ghana’s tax to Gross domestic Product

ratio at barely 12 per cent, which is just

half of the 25 per cent global average for

middle income countries


These platforms and initiatives have

worked together to transform the lives

and businesses of citizens and corporate

Ghana, and is helping transform and

reshape how our economy works.

The benefits of reducing

inefficiencies, tracking inputs and

outflows more accurately, shortening

urnaround time, and ease of access

to required information and services

translate intangible time into tangible

currency and increased productivity.

“One of the key lessons from

ongoing COVId 19 pandemic is that a

robust digital economy is absolutely

critical for growing economies like ours,

not only to enable us to drive growth,

but also to manage critical systems,

from health through manufacturing

and delivery systems in times of crisis”

asserts President akufo-addo “The

Mobile Money Payments

Interoperability System turned out to

be a critical lifeline to individuals and

small businesses, including e-commerce

firms, to send and receive money and

payments, which helped cope with the

disruptions caused by the containment


“The Ghana Card, the digital address

System, the Mobile Money Payments

Interoperability System, the Ghana.Gov

Payments Platform, and the Universal

QR Code are key enablers if Ghana is to

harness the potential of digital

technologies. Our goal is to link the

Ghana Card and digital address System

databases to the “Birth and death

Registry”, closing the final loop in

identification of citizens and residents.”

The next step is to create a digital

services economy through the

expansion of the Ghana Innovation Hub

project to nurture start-ups to accelerate

the development of applications

software, provide regional e-backroom

services, and enterprise-level software.

If re-elected for a second four year

term, the administration hopes to

leverage on the existing digital

infrastructure and make the necessary

investments and policies to establish

firmly Ghana as the digital services hub

of West africa.

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