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oUr 200Th eDiTion!



for Penn &

Tylers green

OCT/NOV 2020

Autumn Around

the Corner...

● Around The Villages ● Schools & Sports News ● Woodland

● GP Surgery Update ● Your Letters & Photos ● & Much More...

Cover Photograph: Keith Hawes


...to the October /November 2020 edition of

Village Voice...

Dear VV Readers,

Welcome to the 200th edition of Village Voice.

Over the past more than 34 years of production,

Village Voice has evolved and changed, and so

too has Village life. Edition 1, was 24 pages

long - this edition is 64 pages! The diversity of

content in VV is achieved by the inclusion of a

wide range of news items, information and

updates from many contributors

Of course, the past 6 months have been

exceptionally unusual, with the rhythm and flow

of Village life being compromised to a very

great extent. Living in such beautiful

surroundings and having experienced some fine

weather during the six months, has at least been

compensation for the inconveniences and stress

of being locked down. Newspaper reports

suggest that a larger than usual proportion of

people who live in more built up towns, and

cities are looking to move to more rural settings.

There have been reports that being connected to

nature is beneficial for our mental health, and

certainly walking around the village and woods

during the summer has been an uplifting

experience. Our cover picture captures a

dragonfly resting on a blackberry bush in Penn

woods towards the end of September. For a map

of walks in Penn Woods go to http://www.


In this edition of VV, we report the ways in

which the various clubs and societies are

adapting to meet the ever changing

requirements regards socialisation and

distancing, and we are able to report on the

Open Gardens which took place on 13th

September (just before a revised lockdown

measure limiting gatherings of over 6 people

was put in place!) It was a beautiful day as the

photographs on Pages 26 and 27 show, and just


Village Voice October/November 2020

under two thousand pounds was raised for

charitable causes. Sadly, the Village Show, due

to take place on the same day, was cancelled.

This was the one year when perhaps some of us

spent more time in the garden and had hoped to

showcase the fruits of our labour! Next years

event is scheduled for 26 June 2021

Readers will see that there are several appeals

in this edition. The P&TGRS are looking for

volunteers (see page 4) Emma Byrne is

appealing for filled shoeboxes for 'Operation

Christmas Child' (see page 21) and on P15 there

are details of how VV readers can nominate a

neighbour for a 'Neighbour of the Year Award'

Our next edition of VV is our Christmas

edition (December 2020 and January 2021) and

we invite your contributions. The deadline for

copy is the first week in November. We look

forward to hearing from you. In the meantime,

stay safe and well. Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor


04 Around the Villages

13 Church News

17 Woodland & Green Spaces

18 Schools News

22 Sports News

31 Noticeboard

32 Clubs & Societies

37 Fields in King's Wood

55 Index of Advertisers

56 Village Contacts

In This Issue...

10 Update from Your GP Practice

26 Village Care Open Gardens

29 Parnell's EV Electric Dreams

30 Excelsior: Village Memories

38 Rayners (Penn School) Update

In The Insert...

• Village Voice: Our 200th Edition


Village Voice October/November 2020



P&TG Together

P&TG Together was formed in March with over

200 residents offering to help each other during

the lockdown imposed by the Government.

Once lockdown eased, we were less needed

for shopping and errands but found that One

Can in Wycombe was finding a sharp uptake in

people needing additional support in the form of

food donations. Our area co-ordinators, Emma

B, Gill M, Ian F, Beth P, Catherine M, Kate V

and Madalyn R rallied around and we held 4

monthly food bank donation drives across the

village, with donations being collected at street

level and then combined to make mega donation

from the whole village.

One Can have found that supermarket

donations are increasing as Street donations fall

reflecting the change as we slowly return to our

places of work, school and some sort of routine,

We have experienced this too, so have

decided not to continue with our regular

collections for now, although if you do want to

donate you can do so easily at various local

supermarkets including Village Store on the

Green, Co-op, Waitrose and Sainsburys. As well

as supermarkets, there are other Street Heroes

who are continuing to collect including Emma

Byrne at 11 Kings Ride, who together with her

husband, Dave, made such a difference by

offering their van to take our donations to


We do need to take a moment to congratulate

ourselves. We have completed 4 village-wide

donations, amounting to about 20 car fulls and

made a huge difference to those in need in the

area. We set up networks in our area and

provided support to many residents during

lockdown and created a huge sense of

community across Penn & Tylers Green.

We are not disbanding P&TG Together, but

mothballing for the moment, until needed again.

Madalyn Roker, 07774 834615

Do You Love Living in P&TG?

The P&TG Residents Society do too.

We are a friendly team of 12 (who would like to

increase our numbers to 14 or 16). We all live

across both villages, and we all enjoy working

to ensure that the village is open and appealing

to all. Perhaps during the recent lockdown, you

spent more time locally and developed an

increased appreciation of where you live as you

went for a walk or checked your social media

feeds. It could be you don't know anything or

much about the P&TG Residents Society and

what we do.

The P&TG Residents Society manages

Common Wood, runs the Village Pre School, is

invited by planners to review and comment on

planning applications in our villages to ensure

the continuation of the amenity value of living

in a village setting, publishes Village Voice, runs

a P&TG Facebook page, website and more.

We work as a team and frequently encourage

wider effort from other local volunteers. We

played a key role in the organisation of the

recent Covid-19 group, P&TG Together.

We would like to recruit 2 or more people to

join us; particularly, if you have admin and/or

organisational skills/ experience to potentially

take on the Company Secretarial role or to

contribute to the Residents Society's future

plans and activities in the village.

We would also like to recruit a treasurer to


4 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Photograph: Ian Petrie

produce our annual accounts. Could you, or

someone you know, help with this?

Even if you don’t feel you have the specific

skills outlined above, but are just keen to join

us, enthusiasm is welcomed too. We would love

to hear from you - and would invite contact

from anyone who would like to know a little

more – you can attend one of our meetings (via

Zoom) or just meet us for a coffee.

Please contact Madalyn Roker on 07774

834615 or madalynroker@hotmail.com for

more information.

P&TGRS and P&TG Together

- An Update

Dear Residents and VV readers,

Unbelievably it has been 6 months since the

Covid19 lockdown started, and Penn & Tylers

Green Together was created.

P&TG Together would like to take this

opportunity thank all our co-ordinators,

volunteers and the residents of Penn & Tylers

Green for their support during this time.

We are having a bit of a rest at the moment as

the needs seem to have diminished - but

depending on how things progress during the

autumn and winter - could well change.

In the early days of lockdown we undertook

deliveries, sought out neighbours who needed

support as well as Village Care helping with the

collection and deliver of prescriptions.

As time progressed we got involved with the

admirable collection of food donations for One

Can in High Wycombe. We collected an

amazing volume of goods, amounting to over

20 carloads!! And this continues with donations

being made the local shops. We are very proud

of our collective effort.

We have recently moved into a new phase

– and are now restricted to the ‘Rule of 6’ in the

Covid19 pandemic. As we learn to cope with

the new Rule of 6, we are writing to ask

everyone for a different type of support in

looking after the village and woodlands that we

so treasure.

We have recently seen a spate of bonfires in


Village Voice October/November 2020

Commonwood and revellers enjoying

themselves, which isn’t the problem. It’s the

mess they leave, tables, chairs, bottles, broken

glass, picnic debris as well as smouldering

bonfires. With the recent hot weather we have

had fires that required assistance from the fire


We would like to ask everyone for your

support and to encourage you, if you feel able,

and are visiting the woods, to remind these

visitors to clear up after themselves? Take home

all their rubbish and leave the woods as they

would like to find them? The Countryside Code

gives some sensible advice that we would like

everyone to consider:

• Respect other people

• Consider the local community and other

people enjoying the outdoors

• Park carefully so access to gateways and

driveways is clear

• Leave gates and property as you find them

• Follow paths but give way to others where

it’s narrow

• Protect the natural environment

• Leave no trace of your visit, take all your litter


• Don’t have BBQs or fires

• Keep dogs under effective control

• Dog poo - bag it and bin it

• Enjoy the outdoors

• Plan ahead, check what facilities are open, be


• Follow advice and local signs and obey social

distancing measures

Then as we look further ahead to Christmas,

we can’t predict where we’ll be with restrictions

related to Covid19, but we can think ahead to

planning festive activities which are different

from previous years, but still bring a smile to

your face!

P&TGRS working with P&TG Together are

in the early stages of planning a virtual 12 days

of Christmas Calendar of activities that we hope

will be able to help with. At this stage we are

particularly interested in any ideas you may

have. We have thoughts and ideas which could

include a virtual Christmas tree competition, a


Village Voice October/November 2020

children’s competition, perhaps a photography

competition, as well as a quiz. If you have any

bright ideas- please let us know! Please email

info@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. Also do look

out for more letters from us, information and

updates on the website https://

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk and find us on our

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/

PTGResidentsSociety, P & TG Residents Society

Tyles Green Village Hall Update

Tina Brown is retiring after 20 years as the

manager of Tylers Green Village Hall. If

anyone is interested in taking on the five

mornings a week role which involves coordinating

bookings and dealing with the hall

admin, please contact Paul Ricketts, chairman

of the Village Hall’s management committee,

on pfr.66@talktalk.net.

The hall has now reopened for users/hirers

only after a five and a half month closure due to

restrictions imposed in the coronavirus

pandemic. There are strict social distancing

rules in place and a number of other measures to

keep all our users and staff safe. Not all of our

groups have returned as they are waiting to see

how restrictions develop and some have

indicated they will not return until after


Under the present restrictions we are unable

to take bookings for children’s parties but our

organised sport and exercise/dance classes are

resuming with limits on the numbers in each

hall. Please see our website, www.

tylersgreenvillagehall.co.uk or email Tina on

tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com for guidance.

Please note that our toilets and foyer area are

not available for public use during the current

situation. In fact all the hall’s facilities are for

the use of hall users only and the track and trace

system is in operation.

Although planning permission to build a Penn

and Tylers Green Heritage Centre in the area of

the changing rooms has been obtained, a

decision on whether to progress to building

stage is still on hold. The trustees will discuss

the position in a few weeks and we will let you

know the latest in the next Village Voice.

Peter Brown Secretary

Beaconsfield & Chepping Wye

Community Board

Some of you may have seen the press release

announcing the launch of the new Community

Board funding process. If not details on how to

apply for funding can be found here: https://



The website includes detail on the application

process and criteria for all three of the funding

streams – Community Area Priorities, Health &

Wellbeing and Local Infrastructure.

If you have ideas for projects that you feel

would meet the relevant criteria and are in line

with Board priorities or address an identifiable

local need, please do speak to the Community

Board Co-ordinator Andy Chapman. He is very

keen to engage with people and help with

contacting other stakeholders as appropriate for

support and information.

The Board are hoping to set up some working

groups linked to the priorities and listed below.

If anyone is interested again please contact

Andy, either as an individual or if you are

involved with a local group who might be


• Young people's activities - including drugs

awareness and action on crime

• Loneliness and isolation - including mental

and physical health

• Transport/Highways - including parking,

speeding and cycling

• Covid Recovery and Regeneration

• Community facilities – playgrounds, outdoor

spaces, community centres

At the moment the meetings are still being

held on teams with the most recent one being

held on 29thSeptember. If you missed it and are

interested on what the Board does then the

meeting will be made available online. For any

queries please contact Andy Chapman on

6 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

01296 383490 and 07753 288039 or andy.

chapman@buckinghamshire.gov.uk Katrina Wood

– Vice Chairman, Beaconsfield and Chepping Wye

Community Board

Chepping Wycombe Parish Council

The Parish is continuing with meetings online

which are working well. If anyone wants to

attend, then please let the clerk know and she

will send you joining instructions. We want to

remain as open and transparent as possible

during these difficult times and we welcome

public participation. If you are unable to attend,

you will find reports and minutes of the

meetings on our webpage.

It has been quite quiet this summer although

we have of course continued with all the usual

maintenance work. In Cock Lane cemetery the

path and driveway to the new cremation area

have been finished. This has much improved the

cemetery and allowed for more widespread

disabled access.

We are still dealing with Ash die back in

King’s Wood and there will be a considerable

number of trees being

removed over the

next few months.

In Ashley Drive

Recreation park, we

will be renewing the

surface under the

zipwire and are

investigating costs

for fencing around

the younger

children’s play area

as this has long been

an ambition but it is

proving very costly.


mentioning Ashley

Drive, we are still

seeing a


amount of littering,

broken bottles and


Village Voice October/November 2020

vandalism in there. Only recently the

steppingstones in the adventure play area were

all hacked to pieces and will have to be

replaced. Unfortunately, this all comes out of

public funds as it is the precept that pays for

things like this and means we may have to put

other projects on hold. Katrina Wood, Chairman

– Chepping Wycombe Parish Council

Penn Parish Council

Penn Parish Council's September meeting

marks a return to a new kind of normal. A

majority of Councillors felt it was important to

meet face to face and the opportunity to

welcome a new Councillor provided the

necessary impetus. We look forward to

welcoming Mrs Debbie Marsden, a retired GP,

who joins us to represent the Ward of Knotty

Green. Councillors were fortunate to have three

excellent candidates apply to become the new

Parish Councillor and we are grateful to all

three, who have offered to lend us their

expertise in future. Penn Parish is comprised of

nearly 3,500 people who live in five vibrant

communities and we have never felt the benefit

of belonging to a community more than over the

last six months. As the Parish's Planning

Committee re-starts its vital work considering

local planning applications, Parish Councillors

will also consider the impact of the

Government's far reaching planning reforms.

We will put that new sense of community,

kindness and the importance of local

representation at the heart of what we do. It

gives me great pleasure therefore to salute

Village Voice on its 200th Edition and to remark

on the vital role it plays helping us do this. Roy

Bentham, Chair

The Village Show

Sadly you will have heard we had to cancel the

village show, due to take place on 13th

September. The ideas we had for staging the

show on the common, were intended to be

simple, but the plans to manage the flow of

people round each gazebo to amaintain social





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distancing, proved too great to manage.

The next show is Saturday 26 June 2021, we

will keep the schedule for craft, art, photo and

domestic categories the same as this year and

adapt the flowers and produce to reflect the

seasons. David Deadman

Penn Pond Waders Golf Society

Following my last update, I am pleased to report

that our golf society is up and running again.

Most clubs are currently restricting the number

of people who can play at their courses for

society events. Sadly, we have had to disappoint

a few of our members who didn’t reserve their

place early enough.

30 of our members visited the challenging

Oxfordshire GC on Friday 14th August 2020.

Despite a damp, drizzly day, some excellent

scores were recorded with 6 players scoring 38

points or more:

• Kevin Croxon H/C 9: 40pts

• Roger Stewart H/C 11: 39pts

• Keith Burwood H/C 9: 39pts

• Graham Garrett-Smith H/C 14: 38pts

• Jason Philp H/C 9: 38pts

• Rod Jones H/C 14: 38pts

On Thursday 10th Sept, 24 of us made the

trip to the beautiful Hindhead GC in Surrey.

After a chilly early start to the morning, the sun

came out with most of us playing in tee shirts

and shorts by mid-morning. Dave Cooper was

the winner with 38 points closely followed by

Julian Harris and Kevin Croxon with 37/34

points respectively.

We are now looking forward to a trip to

Bournemouth in mid-October and returning to

the lovely Ashridge course in late November.

Our remaining 2020 UK events will be:

• Thurs 15th October - Remedy Oak GC

• Friday 16th October - Ferndown GC

• Friday 27th November - Ashridge GC

If you are interested in joining our friendly

Society or coming along as a guest at any of our

future events, please contact our Secretary Bob

Teuton on 07973 137446. We would love to

welcome some new Waders at some of the great


Village Voice October/November 2020

golfing venues above, but this may be

dependent on any restrictions on numbers that

these clubs may impose. For more details,

please visit our website: http://www.


Litter in P&TG

• L - itter

• I - n

• T - ylers Green

• T - his is

• E - verybodies

• R - esponsibility

If only everybody would take their litter home

and clear outside their homes Wouldn't it be

wonderful to have a clean village? We have

been litter picking for the past few weeks and

each week collect 4 plastic bags of cans, bottles,

crisp packets etc. Litter picking can be soul

destroying but it is also very rewarding. From the

'three litter pickers of Chiltern Close'

Hazlemere Gardening Association

Like many other organisations both local and

National its been a unique year for us all. The

first time we have had to cancel our Spring and

Autumn garden shows since we started 1n 1977.

Sadly our Barn store remains closed for our

normal Sunday morning shopping and we will

not be opening again this year. However despite

depleted stocks of compost we are still running

our ‘Order & Collect service’ online till we

close in October.

I sincerely hope the Covid situation improves

sufficiently for us to re-open the barn store

safely in February, so please keep an eye on our

website for further updates. Peter Pearman

(Membership Secretary) 01494 711570, http://www.


Advertising in Village Voice

If you would like to advertise in Village Voice,

our advertising rates are very competitive and

start at just £25 per issue (initial commitment is

3 issues). Please email Ruthie Pocock on:



Village Voice October/November 2020



Dear VV Readers,

Unbelievably it has been 6 months since the

onset of the COVID 19 crisis, and during that

time the Simpson Centre and Penn Surgery have

continued to offer a GP service, albeit with

some changes, and following the guidance from

NHS England.

The arrangements we put in place were to

safeguard both staff and patients, whilst

continuing to provide patient support for the

elderly and infirm, as well as to patients with

illnesses and conditions unconnected to

COVID. We are very fortunate to have

remained open throughout, despite some staff

illness, as we are aware that some local

surgeries have had to close for COVID reasons.

Very early on we moved to limiting the

number of patients visiting the surgery in person

and instead moved to telephone consultations. If

a face to face appointment was clinically needed

this was arranged. To safeguard staff and

patients we introduced strict processes to

minimise the risk of infection transmission.

The past 6 months have been a challenging

time for everyone. Now that the lockdown has

been eased, we are now operating at Covid

Phase 3, as are all GP practices nationally.

Your Health is Our Priority

The Simpson Centre and Penn surgeries are

open as usual.

Covid 19 has not gone away so we need to

remain vigilant and ensure we all follow the

current guidelines. We all need to do everything

we can to reduce the potential spread amongst

visiting patients and staff, to ensure we are able

to maintain a service to all our patients

including those most at risk, the elderly, our

cancer patients and all those who have been

required to shield over the past few months.

10 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

We currently triage all our appointment

requests by telephone. Where possible we are

offering telephone advice or a video

consultation to avoid the need to attend the

surgery. Dr. Jo Layng

As you can probably imagine, all surgeries

are now experiencing an unprecedented demand

for healthcare services, and we are seeing many

more patients presenting with non Covid related

issues. We know that patients can become

frustrated as they did not contact us at the peak

of the pandemic and are now experiencing some

delays in the resumption and availability of

treatment. We know that patients are concerned

that many hospital follow up appointments have

been postponed and further concerned about

when these will be re arranged.

Many patients who have a chronic disease

such as diabetes or asthma, who we would

normally call in for a regular review, have not

been called in over this period and we are now

working hard to ‘catch up’ on these reviews. It

is important that we do this safely.

We are very grateful for your patience as

we increase our non Covid related work again.

It is likely to take us several months to complete

this catch up and this may be delayed further if

Covid cases rise again over the winter months.

Dr. Moona Rakhit (Senior Partner)

All the doctors and staff are very busy,

working hard to help as many people as possible

at this time. We know that when things change

as rapidly as they have over recent months,

sometimes things go wrong, or patients feel

frustrated by the changed systems that have

been put in place, but please remember that this

has all been put in place to meet government

guidelines, and to safeguard the wellbeing of

patients and staff.

In a few instances, staff have been subject to

abuse or rudeness, and this cannot be tolerated.

If you feel that you have not been given the

support you would expect, please contact

simpson.practicemanager@nhs.net. The doctors

and staff are happy to receive feedback and will

work hard to resolve any issues.

We would also like to say that we really

appreciate the kind words and gestures we have

received from many of our patients.

The Doctors and the surgery support teams

would like to thank you for your patience and

understanding at this time. The Simpson Centre and

Penn Surgery

Appointment Availability:

• We offer a mix of routine, 48hour access and on

the day appointments.

• Some appointments have to be face to face.

• We are offering nearly 900 appointments each

week with our doctors.

• We also have two duty doctors each day

covering The Simpson Centre and Penn surgeries

who can deal with up to 70 additional emergency

on the day calls.

• Our nurses and phlebotomist offer as near

normal a service as they can

• The midwife continues to work with us as do our

health visitors, district nurses and palliative care


• We continue to offer the majority of our nurse

appointments: dressings, phlebotomy and some

GP /Paramedic appointments outside to reduce

the risk of Covid transmission.

• We have an indoor space dedicated for

examinations that need to be carried out inside.

All staff seeing patients are wearing the required

PPE and equipment and surfaces are cleaned

between each patient contact according to

public health guidance. We have had to increase

face to face appointment times to allow for this.

Did You Know? You can now e mail us

with non-urgent enquiries by following the link

on our website. (For example if you need a sick

note or because we have asked you to send us

some readings of your blood pressure or blood

sugars (if you are diabetic)

• We can now accept photographs to help in

diagnosis. Please ask reception to send you a link

if you would like to do this when you book your

telephone appointment.

• We can arrange a video consultation, so if you

would prefer this please let the doctor know

when they call you.

• ‘Ask NHS’ is an online triage and advice tool

which you can access via our website. You can

also make a telephone appointment with the

surgery through this site if required.


Village Voice October/November 2020

• We have increased our staffing levels: During the

pandemic we have taken on two new Doctors

and have a third starting in October. We have two

new nurses who joined our team in September.

Working Together– the ways you can help

our surgeries provide the best possible support to you

• Only attend the surgery if your enquiry cannot

be dealt with by telephone, email or via patient


• Please sign up for Patient access and order your

repeat prescription online. This can be sent

electronically directly to the chemist avoiding any

need to visit the surgery.

• Please respond to any requests to book for a

medication review.

• Please remember that a telephone appointment

like any other appointment. Please ensure you are

available at the time the telephone appointment

will take place. Please remember to cancel the

appointment if you no longer require it or will not

be available. We aim to call around the time

indicated, however if we are delayed be mindful

this may be because we have been delayed by

another call or because we are dealing with an


• If your query is not urgent, please book for the

next available routine appointment.

• Please do not attend the surgery if you have any

symptoms of Covid 19. Call 111 for advice.

Remember to wear a mask when you are asked

to attend the surgery and follow social

distancing advice. If you do not have a mask

please call reception and they will try to help

you. Masks are worn to protect you and our


Flu Clinics - This year we are offering flu

vaccinations to a much larger number of people.

(Several thousand of our patients will be eligible

for a flu vaccine should they wish).

• Providing for such a large number of patients in

a Covid secure manner has taken a lot of planning.

• The Beaconsfield cricket club has kindly allowed

us to use their site and we will be inviting the

majority of our patients to attend there.

• Eligible patients will be invited by letter which

will contain a bar code. Please look out for your

letter and only attend the flu clinic when you have

received an invitation.

• The most vulnerable patients will be invited first

as per NHS England guidelines


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Holy Trinity & St Margaret's

We have been running an 8am Prayer Book

Communion service at Holy Trinity and a

contemporary Morning Prayer at 10am at St

Margaret’s, with Communion once a month. It

has been a real joy to meet with those who are

able to come and it does feel like a moment of

normality in otherwise strange times.

Of course our ‘on line’ audio services

continue each week. They are recorded earlier

in the week so usually go on the website on

Friday or Saturday. I know many people who

enjoy the on line services and some who have

even confessed they like them more than ‘real’

church! I think that may have more to do with

listening in bed with a cup of tea. Our on line

services will continue for the foreseeable future.

After the Sunday services, the churches are

shut for Monday and Tuesday to give the 72

hours necessary for any infection to ‘time out’.

We have had to cancel our Harvest Supper at

the Village Hall at the end of September as there

is no way that 150 people squeezed in for an

evening of food and entertainment was ever

going to work with the current restrictions.

However, our Harvest Sunday service will

happen on 4th October and we will be receiving

gifts of tins and anything that lasts (ie nonperishable

items) which will go to Wycombe

Women’s Aid. We know this service is popular

with young people so we will start at 9.30am

that week with a short 20 minute Harvest

Celebration in St Margaret’s especially for

them. We will be well finished by 10am when

the normal service will start. If you are not able

to bring gifts on the Sunday then you may leave

them in the porch of either Holy Trinity or St

Margaret’s from the Wednesday.

Both churches are open for private prayer

from Wednesday to Saturday from 9am to



Village Voice October/November 2020

One of the hardest things about the lockdown

for me and the life of our Parishes has been the

uncertainty. So, we do know that we will have a

memorial service for those who have lost loved

ones on All Saints Day (1st November) and we

will celebrate Remembrance Sunday the

following week (8th November) but the timing

and form of both those services is dependent

upon the Government guidelines at the time.

Details will be posted on our website www.

holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk as soon as we

know what we will be able to do.

I am aware of many who are finding the

current restrictions are deeply affecting their

mental and spiritual health. I do encourage you

to be as open and honest with those you trust

about how you are feeling (they may understand

better than you expect) and all of the staff at

Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s are available for

you to ring and chat. Ultimately, of course, we

have a God who when he was here on earth in

Jesus Christ spent a disproportionate amount of

his time with the outcast and the lonely. He

understands. Blessings, Revd Mike Bisset, www.

holytrinityand stmargartes.co.uk

Penn Free Methodist Church

All are welcome to our services at the church on

Sunday mornings at 11am and in the evening at

6.30pm. Please also come along to our midweek

prayer meeting and Bible Study

on Wednesdays at 8pm. Those

with special health

vulnerabilities can join virtually

on Zoom - please email revps@

icloud.com for the link.

On Sunday November 8th at 10:45am there

will be a special Service of Remembrance to

commemorate before God those who have

fallen in war in the service of our nation.

Details of our open air preaching work can be

found on www.facebook.com/britainsonlyhope .

As a church we consider it vital to go into the

public squares and high streets to declare the

message of salvation to so many who are

oblivious of their great need.


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Such open air activity is part of longstanding

historical tradition in this country. In the mid

and latter decades of the 18th century, eg, under

the open air preaching of men such as John

Wesley and George Whitefield, even secular

historians are prepared to acknowledge that this

public proclamation of the gospel, as it

transformed the lives of so many ordinary folk

up and down the land, helped to save Britain

from being enveloped in a violent revolution

such as occurred in France in 1789.

A selection of audio sermons delivered at the

church can be found on www.soundcloud.com/


The church also has a Youtube channel with

videos of various expositions of God’s word on

it. Please go yo www.youtube.com and type in

Pastor Peter Simpson Penn

For any queries about the Christian faith and

the Biblical approach to the great issues of our

time, please email me at revps@icloud.com.

Pastor Peter Simpson, www.realchristianity.org

Tylers Green Methodist Church

Open at last! I write these notes the day after the

Methodist Church reopened for public worship

on Sunday 6th September. The long months of

waiting are over. The previous six months had

been months when all our lives had changed and

church life was not excluded.

We had to get used to being church in

different ways. We had to constantly remind

ourselves that the church is not defined by the

buildings in which we meet but by the great

family of faith and the fellowship we share

together in different ways. Yes, we have had

streamed services on Sundays across the High

Wycombe Circuit. We have been specially

blessed that we have had a BBC sound engineer

in the Circuit to produce services of true

broadcast quality. We have met by Zoom to

pray and to study the Bible on many occasions

as well as to conduct necessary church business.

We have telephoned or ‘door-step’ visited those

who do not go online. We have surveyed

worshippers to find out how they feel about


Village Voice October/November 2020

re-opening the church whilst adhering to

Covid19 regulations. We have undertaken risk

assessments and taken necessary precautions.

Now we are back!

This first Sunday approximately 75% of our

usual congregation came to worship under safe

distancing rules. The service was well-led by

Leslie Hatten, one of our senior local preachers

and was conducted in compliance with Covid

rules with no singing and with our faces

covered. But what we were able to do was to

worship God together. This we will do every

Sunday at 10.45am unless circumstances force a

stricter lockdown. Meanwhile our thoughts and

prayers are with all who are trying to get back to

some state of changed normality. Take care and

God bless! Peter Stevens, Senior Church Steward

Neighbour of the Year Award

2020 Now Open

Dear Neighbourhood Watch supporters,

Why not nominate a neighbour that goes above

and beyond for your community for the

Neighbour of the Year Award 2020 run by Co-op

Insurance and Neighbourhood Watch.

For the third year running, we’re excited to

launch the nationwide search to find and

celebrate some of the UK’s best neighbours.

Our members have told us that to be a great

neighbour people share some clear qualities: a

willingness to look out for others; being

sociable and friendly; offering practical help;

and being kind, caring and respectful.

In addition to our Neighbour of the Year Award,

this year we have a brand-new category,

Co-op’s Young Neighbour of the Year. This

award will celebrate someone aged 18-24 who

has gone above and beyond to help enhance

their community and has brought people,

young and old, together. Nominations are

now open. If you’ve got someone who ticks all

these boxes and more in either category, tell us

all about them and how they go above and

beyond. Go to www.smartsurvey.co.uk/

Neighbouroftheyear2020 to be taken to our

nomination form, where you can share your

stories of great neighbourly activities and acts

of kindness. The deadline to nominate is 27th

October 2020.



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The cows are back in Farther Barn Field. This

time we have four females and their names are

Doris, Flower, Connie, Hoopoo. They are

British White cattle and owned by Burnham

Beeches. Some of these cattle reside at Odds

Farm so they may be familiar. They are

extremely docile and are kept purely for

conservation grazing. By using cattle to graze

off the field we hope to promote the growth of

the wild flower population. Their hooves open

up the surface to help seed germination. British

Whites are one of the oldest breeds in Britain

and classed as a rare breed. These four will be

with us until mid October. If you do go down to

see them please ensure the gates are shut.

To prepare for the cows we had weekly work

parties on Tuesday mornings to clear Wild

Parsnip and latterly Ragwort. Wild Parsnip

because of the damage the sap can do to

people’s’ skin and Ragwort because of horse

grazing in a neighbouring field which is a legal

requirement. I have to thank all the volunteers

who turned out to help with this large task over

the summer. By removing these pernicious

plants we stop seeding and hopefully reduce the

population over time.

We have started holding our winter work

parties. The first on September 5th/6th cleared

the drainage grips beside the Rushmoor Path

and cut back the vegetation on the sides of paths

at the north end of the Wood. The planned dates

for future work parties are

October 3rd & 4th, November 7th & 8th,

December 5th & 6th, January 2nd & 3rd,

February 6th & 7th, March 6th & 7th, April

10th & 11th.

We depend on volunteer help for many of the

simpler tasks so if you could give a couple of

hours to help us one weekend it would be

greatly appreciated. Email


Village Voice October/November 2020


We have to remind everyone that foraging

requires permission and contrary to a report

elsewhere we have always held this position.

Last year and this year we put up notices telling

wood users that fungi picking is prohibited

primarily because groups of people were

coming into the wood and stripping large

quantities of wild fungi. This is bad for the

ecology and illegal, particularly if they sell on.

Generally we tolerate a small amount being

taken by an individual

but when it gets to

large scale we have to

enforce the rules.

As we head into

the autumn hopefully

you can enjoy the

rich changes in leaf

colours. Mike Morley


Village Voice October/November 2020



Tylers Green Middle School

Dear VV Readers, I am delighted that the

Autumn term has begun so smoothly as we

invited all of the pupils back on a full time

basis. It is certainly super to see our pupils and

how settled they are in school. Our new Year 3

pupils had an extra morning on Wednesday 2nd

September so that they could have a tailor-made

induction to the Middle School. Normally we

would have invited them in to spend at least one

day with us during the summer term. Alas, the

restrictions meant this was not possible.

We have had to put in a variety of measures

to ensure that the school complies with the DFE

guidelines. These include a staggered start, one

way system, routines for handwashing and Year

group bubbles. It has worked so well that the

children in each bubble (and staff) do not see

each other from one day to the next! I appreciate

that the new timings for the beginning and end

of the day have meant lots of juggling around

for parents in the village to make sure they meet

their children at the correct time.

The famous Tylers Green Bear has been

reintroduced as we have relaunched the Bear

Necessities. At the time of writing Year 4 have

been winners and the bear has spent a fortnight

in the Year 4 bubble. As part of the school

behaviour policy, the Bear Necessities is a class

reward system and supports outstanding

behaviour and collective responsibility from

everyone. We have also reintroduced the green

cards and will be awarding badges as part of the

Friday Achievements Assembly, which is

delivered virtually!

Over the summer we had lockers installed for

all of our pupils which was kindly funded by the

Friends of Tylers Green Middle School .

Everyone is very pleased with this and I must

admit the cloakrooms are so much tidier and

there is less lost property!

As the Autumn Term progresses, we hope

that the school can begin to return to normal or

whatever normal is! Vanessa Pinkney, Headteacher

Tylers Green First School

The children at the heart of the School, the

School at the heart of the Village

18 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

The children in Year 1 and 2 had a super start

to the school year on the 3rd September. The

teachers had been working hard in school to

prepare the classrooms ready for the children to

come back and it was worth it to see how

excited the children were to see all of their

friends again.

Our new additions to the Tylers Green First

School Family have joined us in Reception with

an extended transition period to support them as

some of the children have not been able to go to

nursery for a long time. The children have

started off with visits to the school in small

groups before eventually starting full time on

the 21st September. We have had new furniture

delivered for our Reception classrooms so their

rooms are looking bright and colourful.

We’ve invested in a new phonics scheme for

the children – it’s called Bug Club Phonics and

it’s a fun and interactive way for the children to

learn using games, videos and online books.

Children have their own login to the secure

website which they can access at home to

practice their sounds and read the books set by

the teacher. It’s already made a difference as the

children are very enthusiastic about their

phonics lessons!

We are very pleased that our parents have

been able to order packed lunches from our

school meal supplier from September. The

children have enjoyed tucking in to a healthy

balanced meal and it saves time and money for

busy parents. There’s sometimes even a

gingerbread man! We hope our hot meals

service will resume in the next half term – if the

guidance allows. After lunch our children have a

great time on the playground or field playing

with their friends within their year group. We’ve

been looking for lunchtime staff for a while now

– if anyone would like to apply to supervise and

play with the children at lunchtime please get in

touch! All of our vacancies are advertised on

our website.

Our new wrap-around childcare provided by

Little Oaks @ Tylers Green is now up and

running. The children have a healthy breakfast


Village Voice October/November 2020

and play before school, and then have a super

programme of activities after school – including

activities in our woodland. The children who

have attended so far have loved it! Jude Talbot.


The Village Pre-school

We’re back to something of the old normal and

keeping everything crossed that it will last. The

children, parents and staff are all delighted that

we are open again.

Afternoon activities have also resumed. We

are pleased to be able to continue working with

Romar Sports, Dinky Dancers, Playball and to

welcome back Heddi from Kiddleydivey. These

sessions which run in the afternoons between

1.15 and 2pm allow the children the opportunity

to take part in activities that would perhaps be

cost or time prohibitive if not included within

the Pre-school day.

While there are no other users of the building

(with the exception of Church services on a

Sunday, which are limited to the Sanctuary at

the moment), we have minimum setting up each

day and are therefore, for the time-being, able to

offer a limited amount of earlier start times for

parents needing to get off to work.

Now that schools and pre-schools are back

and children are mixing in wider circles, the

inevitable colds and sniffles have begun again.

There is some (understandable) confusion about

whether children can attend and whether they

need to have a test if they have sore throats and/

or runny noses; these are NOT Covid-19

symptoms. The Royal College of Paediatrics

and Child Health (RCPCH) in agreement with

current Public Health England (PHE) guidance,

states that ‘We believe that children with simple

cold symptoms such as coryzal symptoms

(runny noses) or sore throats without fever who

would normally have attended schools in other

times should not be tested for Covid-19.’

Symptoms that require a test are:

• A new continuous cough

• Fever/high temperature

• Loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste


Looking for a

Parents like The Village Pre-school because we are:

Flexible: choose your days, hours and start date

Open long hours: open 9.15am to 12.15pm,

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Fun: children enjoy exciting and stimulating

activities, including visits from special guests and trips

Contact us today on 01494 817093 or thevillagepreschool@btinternet.com

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The RCPCH also state that ‘in addition to

testing, it is also important that parents keep

children at home when they are unwell and

children are actively encouraged to follow good

hygiene measures.’

We would like to thank the Methodist Church

for being so accommodating to us during the

phased return to full use of the building by all

users. Thank you also to the Village Voice, the

residents of Penn & Tylers Green and the wider

community for your continued support.

We are unsure of our calendar of events for

the remainder of this year but hope we will be

able to enjoy a variety of activities to celebrate

such things as Halloween, Bonfire Night,

Remembrance Day and of course Christmas.

Take care and keep safe! Nicky Lovegrove (Manager)

Little Oaks Nurseries

Some things don’t change… and we’re grateful

In a year that no one expected, the start of a

new school year promised some sense of

normality, along with optimism and joy. And so

the children in their slightly-too-big uniforms

start to arrive, a little nervous at first but bursting

with energy and excitement by mid-morning,

sharing tales of home and family. By mid

afternoon there’s a little wilting but still enough

enthusiasm to run out into the arms of their

expectant parents, beaming. It’s autumn!!

Opening our nursery and wraparound care at

Tylers Green First School has taken months of

planning and plenty of behind-the-scenes action.

Now we are fully open and it feels as though

we’ve been here forever. Likewise, moving our

younger children back to the Parish Rooms has

felt like coming home, whilst our lovely nursery

at Forty Green goes from strength to strength.

Virtual tours of all our sites can now be

viewed by visiting our website: www.little-oaks.

org and we’re taking booking for 2021.

In the meantime, we’ll enjoy the last few days

of summer weather – by the time you read this

we may be talking cardigans and central

heating! Ruthie Pocock, Principal, 07881 737149, www.



Village Voice October/November 2020

Dear VV,

I am looking ahead to the Christmas period

(yes, already!) and would like to invite VV

readers to contribute to 'Operation Christmas

Child 2020'. For many years St Margarets and

Holy Trinity have joined "Operation Christmas

Child" and collected shoeboxes with gifts in for

children in over 130 poorer countries.

I have been the coordinator for this at St

Margarets. This year the scheme (run by the

Samaritans) is still going ahead but with all the

uncertainty associated with covid and social

distancing I thought that it might be nice to

invite the whole village to contribute to this

year's collection. Anyone who feels they are

able to fill a shoebox, are invited to drop them

off to my house, (we have a covered porch so

shoeboxes can be dropped off, avoiding any

need for contact. The filled shoeboxes do not

need to be complex or expensive, so might

include - a pack of pencils, and a colouring

book, a bouncy ball, a hat, a bar of soap and a

flannel. (Please note that due to customs there

are restrictions on things like toothpaste,

liquids etc). Shoe boxes will need to be at my

house by 6th November. Best wishes, Emma Byrne

Operation Christmas Child 2020

Packing a shoebox:

• Get an empty medium sized shoe box and wrap

the box and lid separately in colourful

wrapping paper

• Label the top of your box, is it for a BOY or a

GIRL and add the age range 2-4years, 5-9 years

or 10-14 years

• Fill your showbox with a selection of fun toys,

hygiene items and school supplies

TOYS - toy doll, stuffed animal/toy, finger

puppets, slinky, skipping rope, playdough and

plastic cutters, musical instruments like a

harmonica, small bouncy ball, small bag etc.

HYGIENE – comb, hairbrush, hair ties/bands,

bars of soap, flannel, toothbrush, plastic cup,

plate, bowl, water bottle, bracelets, sunglasses,

hats, scarf, mittens, socks etc.

SCHOOL – pencils, ruler, rubber, pencil case,

crayons, felt tips, colouring pencils, colouring

books/pads, puzzle books, picture books,

notebooks, sellotape, glue stick, paint set,

brushes, paper etc.

Please do not include any liquids, including

toothpaste, or any food, including sweets

If you would like to track your shoebox or make

a donation please visit: https://www.samaritanspurse.org.uk/what-we-do/follow-your-boxdonation


Village Voice October/November 2020



P&TG Lawn Tennis Club

Penn & Tylers Green Tennis Club wish the

Village Voice a very happy 200th Edition. We

are also celebrating our 60th birthday this year,

our club was formed on 7th November 1960 at

an open meeting at the Horse & Groom (now

the Horse & Jockey) which was attended by 34

people and was first called Tylers Green &

District Lawn Tennis Club. Planning for any

kind of celebration is tricky with the current,

changeable COVID situation, but we hope to be

able to mark this important landmark in some

way… watch this space!

We can now reflect on a strangely successful

summer. Since re-opening the courts we have

gradually returned to ‘normal’ tennis (distanced,

and sanitized, of course) and have happily

welcomed lots of new members to the club. Neil

has been really busy with adult and junior

coaching and it is great to see the club so busy.

Looking forward, we are planning to upgrade

the surface of Court 4 to the same Tiger Turf as

the three main courts, and the mini court is

being repainted too for those just starting with

red / orange ball tennis. Once this work is

finished, we can be proud to have such a

fantastic local facility in our village. Many

visiting clubs comment on what a wonderful

setting we have.

NEW MEMBERS - From October you are

able to pay half price fees for the remaining 6

months of our annual membership. For the half

year, adult membership is just £69 and junior

membership starting from £17.25. Full annual

membership then renews in April 2021. Please

visit our website at www.clubspark.lta.org.uk/

PennTennis or email ptgtennisclub@gmail.com

for more information. Kate Noble

Editor: Happy 60th Birthday to all at the

Tennis Club and thank you for your

contributions over the years.

P&TG Cricket Club

Firstly, everyone at P&TG Cricket Club would

like to congratulate all at the Village Voice on

the production of their 200th edition. We know

how much dedication and hard work goes into

the creation of each month’s copy but we also

know the satisfaction that it brings.

2020 has been like no other year but as far as

the cricket season is concerned, “we got there in

the end”. Once lockdown restrictions were

eased sufficiently to allow recreational cricket to

be played, the season burned extremely brightly.

It has been noticeable that the lockdown

helped people to really appreciate the things that

they take for granted in normal years and for

many, the joy of playing cricket is one of them.

Just being able to get out in the fresh air and

play the game was such a relief when the time

finally arrived in late-July.

Winning and losing has just not seemed so

important this summer…which is no bad thing

for our 2nd Xi whose season was marked by a

lot of the latter and an absence of the former.

But while the players may have been found

wanting in cricketing skills, they certainly made

up for it in team spirit and there was not a single

game played that was not tremendous fun for all

that took part. OK, so maybe getting whacked

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

for 300 in 40

overs away at

Hurley wasn’t so

much fun but it

was soon


By contrast,

the 1st XI

enjoyed a far more successful season. Our 2020

side has been an incredibly young team, packed

with teenagers who have come up through our

successful Colts section. The season started

with a very narrow loss to the ultimate league

winners Knotty Green but wins over Pinkneys

Green, Hurley and Bourne End followed before

a spectacular tied match was salvaged against

Denham. A couple of defeats to Coleshill and

Monks Risborough at end the season did not

dampen the enthusiasm and encouragement that

has greeted the progression of our young

players who will be even better in 2021.

Player availability was notably up in 2020,

perhaps driven by lack of family holidays.

Whatever the reason, we were able to add

several evening T20 matches against local rivals

and also fielded a Sunday side for the first time

in a number of years.

Highlights of the season included spin-king

Mark Woolley’s incredible 6-for-35 bowling

spell in a losing cause against Holyport and the

return of the annual 6-a-side Tournament on the

Bank Holiday weekend in August which was

planned and organized by two of our teenagers:

Henry Barber and Kenzie Christopherson.

Victors on the day were Team Super-Heroes but


Village Voice October/November 2020

also the MIND charity that benefited from the

fundraising activities that took place on the day.

None of this would have been possible

without the tireless work put in on the Ground

by Chris Judge and his band of willing

volunteers who have performed miracles to get

the place ready for cricket this year, in the

absence of our regular groundsman.

Finally, we held an end-of-season awards

ceremony after the final League matches with

the winners listed below:

1st XI Player of the Season: Chris Mason,

2nd XI Player of the Season: Mark Woolley,

Chairman’s award: Henry Barber and Kenzie

Christopherson, Young Player: Lochie


If you are interested in playing cricket

yourself next season or on behalf of your sons

or daughters, you can get in touch with either

Nick Barber at nick.barber@sjpp.co.uk (adults)

or ptgcccolts@gmail.com (juniors). Jon Wilson,


P&TG Football Club

It has been an eventful few months for the club,

and we are incredibly excited that not only

could we return to competitive football, but

following small scale test events we could also

welcome back a limited number of supporters!

The club have extensive Covid-19 risk

assessments in place, which are in agreement

with FA and government guidelines. In fact our

hygiene and set up goes beyond government

guidelines and are already considered to be

doing far more than most facilities in the area,

with a fully functioning cleaning and track and

trace system in place, which allows us to have

up to 300 paying supporters in the ground on

first team match days. We welcome our

neighbours to read FA & government guidelines

so they don't continue to use police and

taxpayers resources going forward.

We had a historic start to the season at the

club. On Tuesday 15th September we hosted

our first league game of the season under

floodlights vs Abingdon Town. Its been a long



Garden Services

At last! Wraparound care in Tylers Green

Little Oaks Nursery is now delighted to be

offering extended hours to

Tylers Green First School children.

Book now for an immediate place!

Mon to Thurs 7:45 - 8:45 am / 3 - 6 pm

Friday 7:45 - 8:45 am / 3 - 4 pm

Your child will experience the warmth and

exceptional care that parents have come to

expect from Little Oaks, along with tasty breakfast

and tea menus.

Contact Ruthie Pocock on 07881 737149



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time coming, but it

was great to finally

have a match under

the lights. You would

only have seen them

if you were one of the

70 supporters there. A

solid 2-0 win can to

kick start the campaign was a welcome addition

to the history books! We followed that up with

our first ever FA vase game at French School

Meadows vs Burnham. Over 150 fans were

treated to a competitive match, in which Penn

overcame our higher placed opponents 1-0. A

Dean Allen goal separating the sides, much to

the delight of the crowd. We look forward to the

commencement of the Development and Allied

Counties side leagues soon

Our ladies team have started brilliantly, with

a 100% record so far and we are strengthening

our girls section well, with an U16, an U14 and

U11 and an U9 training squad. We would love

more girls to be involved, so get in touch!

Our junior boy sides have all returned to

action, and we are once again pleased to be

working with Beaconsfield High School and Sir

William Ramsey, utilising their facilities for

training and matches. We have representation at

every age group from U4 to U18, all led by FA

qualified coaches and we look forward to seeing

how the season pans out (albeit with an

expectation that there will be a few breaks along

the way!

Off the pitch we continue to have a strong

committee, working tirelessly on ground,


Village Voice October/November 2020

player, coach and club improvements, that have

done an incredible job with the added

complications of Covid-19 compliance. The due

diligence over the summer has given over 400

boys and girls the opportunity to be with

friends, outside, giving them physical activity,

but more importantly given them some mental

freedom after lockdown. This is our role as a

club, to be the heart of the community, to give

children a place to learn and develop, which

sometimes people may forget.

P & TG cricket club recently held an a charity

6 a side cricket tournament. It was a fantastic

day, raising over £1,500, with half of the money

going to MIND mental health charity. The

football club supported the event with a

significant donation, and it was a wonderful day

for all at the Sports & Social club, only slightly

marred by a disproved complaint made

The Sports & Social club remains open, with

all legal requirements in place. Our loyal

customer base have been excellent at keeping

within the rules, currently sitting at tables of 6,

with no standing. We keep our tv noise down,

and turn it off if there is any excessive shouting,

which we haven't had the need to do so far, a

testament to the good nature of those who visit

the club. If you are visiting the club, do please

keep within the guidelines, santise your hand

regularly, sign in on the track and trace system

(download the evePASS app before coming for

a speedy sign up) and enjoy a drink with

wonderful views.

As it stands, events planned for the Sports &

Social club for the rest of this year are looking

very unlikely to happen. Although final

decisions will be made very soon, we don't

expect the fireworks or the gin festival to go

ahead. As for many organisations, the loss of

our events this year including the Festival of

Football and the Beer Festival has had a hugely

significant impact on our finances, but the safety

of all is the priority. We hope these great and

well supported events can return even bigger

and better in 2021! James Keating, Press &

Communications, P&TG FC


Village Voice October/November 2020



‘Postponed, but not cancelled’! That

was the decision taken by the Village Care

Committee at the height of the pandemic

in the Spring of 2020...

The proposed annual Open Gardens date in

June was deferred for one in September with the

hope that late summer would yet see a viable

village event in this year of cancellations. A date

to which the whole village could look forward,

in the midst of Covid anxiety and so much

hopelessness as to the prospect of communal

participation and enjoyment of so much beauty

and atmosphere within our stunningly pretty

and characterful English locality.

Sunday afternoon, 13th September 2020:

Hope realised!

What a glorious day. The clouds of doubt

banished, as a miraculous village occasion

materialised. Had it been scheduled just a day

later, all hope would have been dashed! Was this

just a coincidence, along with the weather and

unusual proceedings… or maybe something


The sky itself matched the

flight of doubt, as a cloudless

morning gave way to perfect post

meridian temperatures. What a

dream: to spend an idyllic couple

of hours wending one’s way

around a quintessential English

village, viewing beautiful gardens

amongst privileged settings on a

late Summer Sunday afternoon.

The very recent untimely tragic

death of Jan Lance, one of Open

Gardens’ co-ordinators and a

talented gardener, somehow

added to the poignancy of the

occasion as her garden, into

which she had artistically given so much time,

attention and love, was kindly made available

by the family for us all to view. And what a

garden it was! No doubt she was looking down

with immense pride and satisfaction at the joy it

was giving to so many. Open Gardens 2021 will

be dedicated to Jan.

And finally… the stats are part of the miracle:

313 paying customers arrived steadily

throughout the afternoon. There was never a

queue and the maximum designated Covid safe

number for each garden was not exceeded. In

this most unusual of years, Village Care ended

up in receipt of a normal intake of resources.

Just a little short of two thousand pounds. So,

our community will be able to go on benefitting

from its local charity’s donations.

All in all, an amazingly blessed day! Thank

you to you all for being a part of it. Paul Breeze

26 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Village Voice October/November 2020




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Neville & Natalie Parnell recently moved from

Eltham, South East London to Penn. They

wanted to give their daughter Nancy the benefits

of living in the countryside & fell in love with

the area. They decided to expand their

successful Bath based vehicle repair business &

Parnell’s EV was born. Based in Slades Garage,

Church Road, Penn, Parnells EV offers a

bespoke service. Primarily specialising in

electric & hybrid vehicle repairs & servicing &

converting classic cars to electric. Neville has

had a passion for all things car & electrical since

childhood (even being given a car engine for his

10th birthday). He is now IMI Level 4

Accredited in electric & hybrid vehicles.

So you convert classic cars to electric, why? As

classic cars & electrics are my passion it was the

obvious solution to combine the two; converting

timeless classic vehicles into modern day electrified


Is it only electric cars you repair & service? With

over 30 years’ experience, we carry out diagnostic &

general repairs & servicing to all makes & models not

only electric.

So you're thinking of switching to an electric car?

Although combustion engines still make up most of the

market, electric vehicles have been growing in sales &

availability over the past year.

What is it like to drive an electric car? It’s likely

you’ll enjoy driving an electric car, because they have a

few desirable characteristics. Firstly, they tend to feel

pretty quick, & that’s due to the way an electric motor

delivers its power. This means immediate acceleration

as soon as you hit the pedal. So, great fun scooting off

at the traffic lights! But just how fast are they? Well, an

affordable option like a Renault Zoe goes from

0-60mph in 8/9 seconds, but the performance actually

feels much faster than that because of the all-at-once

nature of the acceleration. A top-of-the-line Tesla

model S (P100D with ‘Ludicrous Mode’) meanwhile, is

one of the fastest accelerating cars on the planet, doing

the same sprint in just 2.5 seconds.

But isn't range a huge problem? Perceived range is


Village Voice October/November 2020

the most cited drawback. There's no avoiding that even

the most basic petrol car will have a greater range than

most electric cars. However, unless you're doing a lot of

motorway miles, your daily or even weekly driving is

probably within the range of most electric cars. That's

the important thing to figure out: how much range do

you need for your regular driving, rather than how

much range would you need to cover a one off holiday


It's all about charging? For most EV owners,

charging overnight at home is the cheapest & most

convenient option. All electric cars will charge off a

standard wall socket. For most people, a 7kW charger

can be installed charging your car 3x faster than a

normal socket.

As another benefit, most electric-car drivers say they

find it much more convenient to just plug in at home

than to have to stop at petrol stations. The best thing is

that once you have a home charging pod, it will work

with any electric car, so if friends come for the weekend,

they can charge up too. It also means that you're often

leaving home with a full charge, rather than a

half-empty tank.

Public charging? If you can't charge at home, then

public charging is the way to go. Again, this isn't a

barrier to electric car ownership, it's just something to

be considered. The best public chargers are the fast

chargers. These come in various forms with increasing

speeds. There are 100kW chargers appearing in car

parks, restaurants, hotels & while they will charge you a

little more for the electricity, they'll likely charge your

car in about 30-60 minutes.

Aren't electric cars just really expensive? There

have been some expensive electric cars. The Tesla

Model S and X, Audi e-tron and Jaguar i-Pace are

examples. But as all the major manufactures are now

producing electric vehicles there is a lot more variety

appearing. It’s true that electric cars are expensive to

buy compared with petrol or diesel cars, but that’s not

the full story. If you think about how much your car will

cost overall during the lifetime of the car, then the

vastly reduced servicing, maintenance and running

costs could well make up that difference. Obviously, the

first saving you’re going to make is on fuel charging a

car up with electricity is much cheaper than filling it

with petrol or diesel.

Should I buy an electric car? There is no easy

answer to that, Parnell’s EV is here to help and offer

completely free and impartial advice on what cars may

be suitable for your needs. If you needed any help in

sourcing an electric/hybrid or a classic car for

conversion, Parnell’s EV recommends Slades Garage

who have a wealth of experience in sourcing cars.


Village Voice October/November 2020



My family is native to Tylers Green although if

anyone asks where I’m from I usually say Penn.

The house where I was raised and where my

dad, Geoff Wheeler, was born is named

‘Excelsior’ and is actually in the Parish of Penn,

but as soon as you walked into the back garden

the boundary was crossed into that of Tylers


Situated at the very highest point at the top of

Dog Hill - known today as Hazlemere Road, it

was always referred to as ‘Dog Hill’ named

after the public house which once stood where

the entrance to Meadow Walk now joins

Hazlemere Road towards the bottom of the hill.

Our house Excelsior was built by my great

grandfather George Wheeler, who built many

houses nearby in Dog Hill.

Behind each house was a cherry orchard

about an acre a piece. The cherry trees were two

main varieties; white cherries called Biggarous

which were ready to pick first.

The other variety were black cherries called

Reynolds, named after a Colonel Reynolds,

though whether it was because he planted the

trees, supplied the saplings when the orchards

were planted, or the trees budded from a parent

tree he owned, I’m not sure. There were also

occasional trees called Rivers Early which as

their name suggests were the first to ripen.

My grandad Oliver Wheeler (known to all

fondly as ‘Jack’) lived next door to us in a house

he built in the 1930’s. named appropriately

‘Cherry Trees’ He built the house with a view to

selling it when complete.

His trade was carpenter and joiner and he

made all the windows and doors and did all the

carpentry. I spent many hours as a boy watching

and helping (well I thought I was helping! him

in his workshop which was a shed about 15 feet

square at the end of his garden. The depression

at that time in the 1930’s meant the new house

could not be sold. He was living at Excelsior at

this time with my grandmother Gladys and dads

older brother Bill. When ‘Cherry Trees’ failed to

sell they decided to move into the new house

and then rented out Excelsior.

In the spring the orchards were white with

blossom and the floor yellow with daffodils. As

the cherries began to ripen in July it was a ritual

to uncover the long ladders used to ‘gether’

(pick) the cherries.

The ladders were possibly thirty or forty

rungs tall. They had wide

bottoms; the bottom rung

about three feet wide and

just wide enough for two

feet to stand on a rung at

the top. There was a

smaller ladder among the

giants. This was known

as ‘Nana’s Ladder’ as my

grandmother used it and

it was just light enough

for her to handle.

It was always our job

as children to stand with

my brother Dave or sister

Sue on the bottom rung

as grandad would lift the

30 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

top end. He would get

the ladder over his head

and walk up the

underside with his hand

till it was vertical.

Wo-betide if we moved

or got off the bottom

rung during this

operation! The ladder

would be suitably

lowered into the trees. As

the birds began to spot

the ripening cherries

grandad would make

‘whim-whoms’ to scare

the birds away. These

were made from wood

and consisted of a simple four bladed

propeller about two feet across. A tail

board kept them facing the wind. A long

pole supported the whim-whom which

was erected well above the trees. Two or

three appeared in the orchard. They only

seemed to last the season, the more they

spun round in the breeze the more the

spindle clattered and eventually self

destructed. I recall laying in bed and

hearing them chunter away through the


The cherries were picked by neighbours and

even my mum Enid took her turn. The wooden

trays were filled, weighed and stacked in

grandads workshop. Early each evening Jimmy

Atkins who was a builder and lived at

Rushmore corner, bought round his Austin A55

pickup and the cherries were loaded up in the

open buck. A special railway fruit wagon was

waiting in the bay platform at Wycombe

Station. The cherries were transferred and a

massive sliding door closed up on the wagon. I

remember the excitement as a steam train went

through the station pulling red Underground

rolling stock. The locomotive was called King

John and I was called King John for ages


Bearing in mind I was only six or seven at the


Village Voice October/November 2020

time, I can remember climbing to the very top

of the ladders. I could see Tylers Green School

from the top and the giant Wellingtonia fir tree

in front of the school looked tiny. I recall giving

my grandad a real fright when he found me at

the top. It was a golden rule only one on a

ladder and he was scared it might move in the

tree. He mildly scolded me when I eventually

and reluctantly came down. It didn’t matter too

much to me as the cherries and the view were

magnificent There were many such orchards in

Penn and Tylers Green. The village would

compete with Holmer Green where there were

also many similar orchards. I think the ladders

were made there. One of our ladders went to the

Chiltern Open Air Museum. I hope they have

looked after it. It’s a little bit of history now.

Jonathan Wheeler

Village Voice October/November 2020



In communication terms it would be fair

to say Village Voice has stood the test of

time. When people opened the orange

covered first edition in the summer of

1987, Google was still ten years away.

YouTube was 18 years away and

Facebook wouldn’t make an appearance

for another 20 years. Twitter was the noise

that birds made and Tik-Tok the sound

the clock made.

Yet, for its day, Village Voice itself was

somewhat revolutionary. There was much

debate in the Penn and Tylers Green Residents’

Association at the time on how to replace the

quarterly bulletin that had been delivered to a

hundred or so paid-up members but was dying

on its feet through apathy.

It took an enormous leap of faith - and

organisation - for the association to gamble on

delivering a magazine free of charge to

everyone in Penn and Tylers Green, relying

entirely on income from advertising.

There were some on the committee who had

their doubts. I well remember one saying :

“Well I think it’s mad, but let’s give it a go.”

Personally, I’d always been convinced of the

business case. The 1980s saw a boom in free

local newspapers, relying completely on

advertising and efficient distribution, and they

were all successful. As a journalist I had been

involved in an experimental national free

Sunday newspaper - the Sunday Journal -

which was doing very nicely until the

established press leaned on the advertisers

because they saw it as a potential major threat.

The Sunday Journal went under but it was

ahead of its time. The same successful format

re-emerged years later in the form of Metro.

Village Voice grew from strength to strength

because its readers got involved with it, its

advertisers backed it and a dedicated team of

volunteers went out in all weathers to deliver it.

They still do.

People often talk of the great “community”

we have here in Penn & Tylers Green, and that

is certainly true. I believe VV has played a vital

part in that and continues to do so. Keeping

people informed helps keep communities


Social media has an increasingly important

local role to play of course. It has been

noticeable how many neighbourhood Facebook

and WhatsApp groups appeared in our

community during the coronavirus outbreak and

how useful they have been. But social media is

still in its relative infancy and needs time to

mature and develop. It is still fractionalised and

it’s estimated around a third of the population

don’t access it.

In the meantime Village Voice plops on the

doormat every couple of months to inform,

entertain and maybe enlighten. Long may it do

so. Peter Brown, editor for the first 112 editions

VV - 200 Editions & Counting!

Village Voice production is a real team effort,

and always has been. To produce a magazine to

professional standards requires organisation -

with good processes in place, to ensure the

magazine has good content that readers want to

read, and an income stream from advertising to

cover production costs. VV production starts

every 8 weeks in our regular 'call out' to the

clubs, societies, organisations and individuals

who contribute on a regular basis. Hilary Forbes

reaches out to remind everyone. Mike Bisset

has been in the village for 17 years so thinks he

may have contributed to about the last 82

editions of VV! We have a number of keen

photographers who regularly and occasionally

contribute. Special thanks to Eddie Morton and

Keith Hawes for their regular contributions. (the

2 photos on the next page were chosen by Eddie

as his favourites from earlier editions of VV)

As editor, I work closely with everyone in




for Pe n &

tylers green


march 2 09

i sue 130




for Pe n &

Tylers green

december 2010/

january 20 1

i sue 141

● Christmas opening times ● pat Dancer's News &

Views ● Review of the Year ● local news and pictures




for Penn &

Tylers green


march 20 1

i sue 142

● Rail-link update ● stargazing

● How to make your views heard



In thIs I sue

A l the best pictures of

P&TG this Winter




for Pe n &

Tylers gr en

OCT/NOV 20 1

i sue 146

● An intervie with . Dr. Hilary McDermott ● local

news & pictures ● Diamond Jubil e plans ● & much more!


march 2010

i sue 136

● picture round-ups from recent festiv events

● schools news ● what's on in February & March



for Penn &

Tylers gr en


i sue 148

● An intervie with . Ba ry Osborne ● Local t enager breaks record

● Christmas 2011 in photos ● Local sch ols & sports news & more!



december 2 08 &

january 2 09

i sue 129

the team, to co-ordinate production, and

especially with Callum Hawes - our magazine

designer. This is a particular pleasure for me

(Callum is my son!) The cover of the first

edition of VV was drawn by Callum's grandad

- Bert Hawes. The cover photo for the 200th

edition was taken by Keith Hawes, father of

Callum, and son of Bert! Behind the scenes,

there is a hive of activity - Ruthie Pockock is

our Advertising Manager, who liaises with

advertisers, and helps to put together adverts for

their businesses. Thanks to our advertisers -

without their support, VV could not exist. A

special mention goes to 2 advertisers who have

been with VV since the first edition - Penn

Heating and Alison (mobile hairdresser) - thank

you for your support for all these years!

Other key contributors to VV include Mike

Morley, who has managed the VV finances for

many years (and to Gill Lyn who is about to

take over!) Joan Collins looks after our

subscribers - and has been involved in VV, one

way or another since the first edition - so thank

you Joan! Finally, a mention of our printers

Turvilles, who have provided efficient and

professional support since 2006 - thank you

Annet, Michael and Agnes!

Once VV is produced, we rely on an army of

volunteers to deliver to every household in the

villages. (see Ron Saunders article below)

Our philosophy for content has always been

'by the village, for the village, and of the village'

SO, looking forward, please do share your

news, views and interests for future editions. We

look forward to hearing from you!

Cathy OLeary VV Editor

In Praise of the VV Delivery Team

When I first moved to the Village over 20 years

ago, I was determined to get involved in a

village activity and what better way than to

volunteer to deliver the Village Voice. I started

in St Johns Road and over time have been

“promoted” to the elevated position of

Distribution & Delivery Manager.

With my wife Maureen we set ourselves the



Village Voice October/November 2020





for Penn &

Tylers green

OCT/NOV 2018

issue 188

● The Village Show ● Woodland ● Around The Villages

● Gomm Valley Update ● Schools & Sports News & More...


is here



for Penn &

Tylers green


issue 149











Summer is here




for Penn &

Tylers green

June/July 2011

issue 144

● An interview with... peter sachs ● The 2011 Fun Run

● The 2011 Village show ● local news & pictures

Village Voice August/September 2012


This issUe

We CeleBraTe


YeARs iN


● An interview with... Liz Tebbutt ● Penn father's marathon attempt

● P&TGRS Annual Report ● Local schools & sports news & more!

All the news, photos & more



for Penn &

Tylers green

AUG/SEP 2012

issue 151

What a Summer

Jubilee Celebration Special

Let the Festivities


PLUS ● P&TG Beer Festival ● Local Schools & Sports news & more


● The Penn 7 & Fun Run ● Penn Festival ● The Village Show

in this i sue:

● co mon w od

● memorial tr es

● fun run 09


in winter


in P&TG



for Penn &

Tylers green

DEC 2013/JAN 2014

issue 159

PLUS ● Around The Villages ● Schools & Sports News & More...

● End of Year Round-Up ● Lights, Camera, Action... in P&TG



"Let it


to Penn &

Tylers Green



for Pe n &

Tylers green

Say Hello





for Penn &

tylers green


Issue 126

in this issue:



for Penn &

Tylers green

June/July 2012

issue 150!






● FootbALL FestIvAL

● schooL vIsIt

● LocAL news

for Pe n &

tylers gr en

in this i sue:

christmas dates

a nual review

● vi lage news

Photographs: Eddie Morton

Village Voice October/November 2020

target of delivering the whole print run (2320

copies) to the distributors and deliverers on the

day we receive it from the printers, so far we

have always managed to do this But enough of

me, it’s time to acknowledge the 50 or so

volunteers who are responsible for the Village

Voice arriving through your letter box every two

months, some deliver in excess of 100

magazines others rather less, some have a

secure route whilst others take something of a

risk with streets that have no pavement or

lighting but they are all to be valued equally.

In my view the Village Voice is the jewel in

the crown of the P&TGRS activities, so no

surprise to recognise the Chairman, Miles

Green, as one of our long serving deliverers,

along with Roz Morton (Wheeler Avenue)and

Joan Collins who as well as distributing and

delivering looks after VV subscribers.

I work closely with the other sub-deliverers,

Brian Wood, Ian Simpson, Chris and Anne

Bevan and Judy Berry who in turn deliver to

their teams,

Brian Wood to Emma Byrne (Cock Lane/

Kingswood Avenue), Joanne Easton (Kite

Wood), Jan Carey (Taplin Way/Hillcroft),

Frances Lloyd (Meadow Walk) Melanie Ward

(Court Lawns) and another long serving

deliverer Jeanne Sholl (Cherry Tree Way).

Ian Simpsons team consists of Lyn Seers

(Ashley Drive), Vera Hall (Ashley Drive),

Christine Walker(Ashley Drive), Amanda Dale

(Kings Ride), Heather Wicks (Kings Ride) and

two recent recruits Liz Tebbutt (The Greenway)

and Chris Clark (Birch Way/Oaktree Close).

Helping Chris Bevan are Georgina Bradley

(Kingswood Road), Gillian Watkins (Southcote

Way), Sandra Hales (The Thicket), and Julie

Overton (Hillside), whilst Judy Berry drops to

Julie Field (Nash Place), Richard Burwood (St

Johns Road), Jean Woods(St Johns Avenue)

and Mick and Pam Pay (the Lawns, Channer

Drive & The Pines).

Joan Collins apart from her other duties, has a

team of deliverers consisting of Marjorie Barber

(Burrows Close), Pat Burnard (Larchlands),




Frances Lloyd (Coppice

Farm Road) (again!)

Val & John Cotter (Old

Kiln Road) and Dianne

Angus (Clayfields)

Miles Green in his role

as a distributor drops to

Jenny Spicer {Hammersley Lane), Bill Sadler

(Sandpits Lane), Phil Duffy (Hammersley

Lane) and Ian & Jean Jones (Penn Bottom).

Although I rely greatly on the teams of

distributors, I also drop directly to a number of

deliverers namely, Russell Read (Ashwells), Pat

Seddon (West Avenue), Maggie & Dave

Burrows (Hazlemere Road), Hyllarie and Tony

Rose(virtually the whole of the centre of the

villages), often helped by Caroline Gyte and her

twins! Helen Lampen (St Johns Road & the

Back Common), not forgetting one-time Elm

Road resident Jane Seymour who pops over

from Marlow to help Helen! Paul Le Blond

(Hammersley Lane), Katrina Wood (New

Road), Liz and Chris Carsberg (Beacon Hill,

Hartwell Close & Larch Close), Sandra & John

Bettinson (Church Road/Pauls Hill) and last but

by no means least Judy Hall (Witheridge Lane).

I hope that I have not forgotten anyone, as I

am aware that there are some volunteers

unknown to me who readily give their time to

help out those named above. A word of thanks

also to Madalyn Roker who organised a team of

deliverers to aid with the June 2020 edition

when a small number of the regular team were

unavailable due to the current Covid-19

Pandemic. Ron Saunders



October / November 2020

Village Voice October/November 2020

The Last of the Harvest

Photograph by David Pitron

Welcome Back to Bucks Libraries

Beaconsfield library is now back open and we are

very much looking forward to seeing you again. If

you are planning to visit the library, please check

our library opening times before you visit as, for

the moment, libraries are operating on reduced

hours. When you visit the library you will be able

to browse, return, renew and borrow books, ask

for information, use a public PC or wifi for up to

an hour, print and copy. At the time of writing

there are no group activities taking place at the

library due to Covid. We also have some exciting

news. As of April we are now an access point for

the new council, so we can provide information

about council services and if you need support in

accessing council services online.

We hope to see you soon. You can find out more

about what to expect when visiting a library at:


The Arts Society Beaconsfield

(TASB) formerly NADFAS

We will be continuing our very successful

exclusive online lectures on our usual lecture

dates and also adding extra events.

Lectures will be available live at 10.30 and as a

recording from 1.00 until the end of the day.

Members will be given a link by e-mail on the

day. Why not make yourself a cup of coffee and

come and join us.

Thursday 15th October; The Black Death by

Imogen Corrigan

Thursday 5th November Virtual Walk through

the City of London: From Bronzes to Banksy by

Ian Swankie, Blue Badge Guide (in lieu of visit)

Thursday 19th November: Unfolding the Art of

Georgia O’Keeffe by Deborah Jenner

The Society welcomes new members. If you

would like to attend one of our virtual lectures as

a guest to trial and possibly join us please

CONTACT US via our website: www.


Priestfield Arboretum

Stony Lane, Little Kingshill HP 16 ODU

Open Day Sunday 18th October 10.30 – 4pm.

Hooray! We're open to the public for the first time

this year! This attractive private collection of over

200 rare & specimen trees welcomes tree

enthusiasts, families and friends to see the wide

variety of trees young and old in a delightful 6

acre woodland setting. Sadly, due to Covid19

restrictions no guided tours this time but our

team of dedicated volunteers will be happy to

talk with you & answer questions. Tim hopes to

produce a self-guiding leaflet to help you round,

also, detailed guidebook available to purchase.

Regret uneven terrain not suitable for disabled.

Admission £2. (To avoid annoying the neighbours

please park in Windsor Lane).

Remembering Pat Dancer

For our 200th edition, it

seems fitting that we should

remember Pat Dancer, who

was a regular contributor to

this magazine from edition

121 (June/July 2007) until her

last contribution in issue 193

(Aug/Sept 2019) which was published shortly

after her death last year. Pat was a dear friend,

and I miss her friendship as much as her unique

take on the world expressed through her 'Pat's

News and Views' column. Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor



Village Voice October/November 2020



Evening WI

We are still adapting to these strange times as

much as we can. In August, we had a gathering

on the Back Common for pre-dinner drinks. All

sat 2 metres apart in a large circle with our

drinks brought from home. It was a lovely

sunny early evening and we all enjoyed being

able to catch up in a 'live' situation.

In September we held more mini garden tea

parties in various members gardens. Although

the weather this time was not so kind all went

ahead and we enjoyed tea and cake with plenty

of chatting. The committee continue to meet

regularly via zoom. The current rules do not

allow meetings to be held in the Village Hall

although we did cheekily wonder if we could

register as a youth group! A member from

another WI suggested that we ask all our singles

to marry/remarry so we could have a succession

of wedding parties! One elderly WI even

suggested online that they should break the law

and be “Gangsta Grannies” – thus breaking the

ridiculous image that the WI still has of elderly

ladies baking cakes and making jam.

So, it has been decided that during

September, October and November we will be

having speakers via zoom. a new experience for

most of us. It is wonderful how we are getting

to grips with technology and are blessed that is

so readily available.

Fingers are being very tightly crossed for us

to hold our usual Christmas meeting in

December in the hall by having two separate

sessions in the evening so all members can be

accommodated. However, with the rule of 6 as

opposed to the rule of 30 now just imposed, this

is looking unlikely. We will celebrate somehow

though. We are an inventive lot!

One good thing that has come out of Covid is

that the college that the WI has near Abingdon

has had to adapt and is providing online courses.

These are excellent value for money at £5.

They are open to everyone – you don’t have to

be a member. Simply go to www.denman.org.uk

and explore “Denman at Home”. All are

delivered by Zoom. Some are during the day

and some in the evening.

We continue to share news via regular

newsletters and have started our Book Club up

again and may possibly start up our knit and

natter depending upon interest. (Thank you,

Boris, for allowing 6 of us to be indoors now.

We were wondering how many layers of

clothing and waterproofs would be needed to

continue outside!)

If anyone would like to try out one of our

local Zoom meetings with a view to joining us,

please send an email to hforbes@pennsoft.co.uk

and Hilary will get in touch with details. As I

write we are hoping to have a talk from Thrive,

the mental health gardening charity, in October

and a talk on “History and Jewels” in

November. Lydia Andrews,


Morning WI

How lucky we gave been to have had such a

lovely summer. During the last three months all

participating members have attended either a

coffee morning or tea afternoon. The groups of

six have proved an excellent number for a good


Our wonderful secretary has worked so hard

to keep our members up to date with events and

has given details of on line cookery classes and

lectures to be enjoyed. Also, she has sent out

regular newsletters for all to keep up to date.

With the onset of colder weather, we had

planned to meet physically albeit at a temporary

venue: the Hazlemere Golf Club. Sadly, this is

now no longer possible. Although we remain in

hope that the “Rule of 6” will be lifted.

Despite this setback, we are in good spirits

and looking forward to our next set of

challenges! Best wishes to all readers. Sheila

Sparrow 01494 812163

32 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Guiding in P&TG

Congratulations VV on your 200th Edition!

Finally I can share some positive news that as of

the 24th September face-to-face guiding indoors

has re-started, meaning that all our local packs

are meeting together (perhaps for the first time

in over 6 months) indoors, just in time for the

changing seasons. Our Guide pack is looking

forward to returning, especially as in November

the unit will be turning 50 years old which is a

fantastic achievement. Although they might not

be able to mark the event this year, hopefully

very soon they will be able to plan a fitting

celebration which I will be able to share here.

Over the summer they set their girls the task of

completing their photography badge and every

few weeks sent out some unit meeting activities

for them to do. The Guiders are looking forward

to seeing the results of their hard work. For our

hard-working volunteers early September was

taken up by formulating plans for the safe return

of unit meetings with thorough risk assessments,

implementation of one-way systems, socialdistancing

markers and the availability of hand


Our Kingswood Trefoil have managed to

keep in touch during lockdown with monthly

newsletters, and shared news of what members

have been up to. Members took part in some of

the challenges set by Girlguiding UK, and one

member took on a 31 day challenge for the

month of August, where she had to do

something different every day, including finding

31 leaves and doing rubbings, collecting 31

items on a scavenger hunt and doing 31 star

jumps to name just a few! A popular hobby of

badge collecting amongst members meant they

could aid local units financially struggling by

purchasing a badge produced by

Buckinghamshire Guiding called “Supporting

Each Other”. Our Trefoil is eagerly awaiting a

return to meetings, particularly as lockdown has

left many feeling isolated whilst struggling to

care for loved ones. The Trefoil Guild gives

members the wonderful opportunity to meet

like-minded people to share their next


Village Voice October/November 2020

adventure, whatever that might be! It provides

the opportunity for members to try something

new, take on a personal challenge or just escape

the daily routine, you can make your experience

at Trefoil whatever you want it to be!

I have taken on a new role within Guiding as

a Division Adviser in Kingswood Division

which means that I will still be able to share

stories and photos that are passed to me by our

local units. It will be so lovely to see pictures of

our girls again, smiling and having fun. Thank

you for reading! Katie Barrell

P&TG Scouts & Beavers

So progress has been made regarding a

resumption of face to face meetings which is

good. At the time of writing this we were in an

amber alert situation (Scout association and

National Youth Agency guidance). The risk

assessments have been created and proposed.

Some outdoor meetings are being scheduled for

end of September. It could all change and by the

time this is printed and distributed who knows ?

Obviously the main concern is safety of the

group members, leaders and the young people

alike. Meanwhile the virtual Zoom meetings

have continued. The next big thing on the

groups horizon is Christmas. Hopefully we will

be in a position to organise and run Scout Post

this year ? It’s too early to say but fingers

crossed, keep a look out for signs and notices

nearer the time. A spring jumble is also on the

agenda for next year but it’s too early for any

commitment to that happening unfortunately. If

anyone is interested the Scout web site

scouts.org.uk is a very useful resource and it’s

well worth browsing to see what’s going on in

scouting. Paul Wicks. 01494 815715, ptgscouts.org.uk

Village Care

Village Care has not been idle, although we

have not been able to drive our clients. What

we have done is check up on all our clients,

telephonists and drivers on a regular basis (over

500 calls), which has been much appreciated,

originally at over six per day, and now three. In



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addition, we have taken one client for twice

weekly dialysis, and collected medicines from

Wycombe and Lansdale’s Pharmacy.

From 19th October, we hope to offer lifts to

medical appointments and a prescription

collection service. This of course depends upon

the Covid situation.

We have made donations of £2110, including

£1000 to Scanappeal, leaving us with other

funds available for charitable purposes: please

let us know if you have any ideas?

We held our Open Gardens Day on 13th

September (no drinks or cakes!) This is reported

on pages 26 & 27 with beautiful pictures.

We had our first Zoom committee meeting

and we will hold the AGM on 2nd October also

via Zoom.

So, on to an uncertain future, but I expect we

will be busy. Peter Sachs, 01494 257823)

Alde House

These are difficult times for care homes in the

UK, and with the pandemic still very much an

issue, protecting the residents from COVID-19

continues to be a priority for Alde House. How

then does a care home cope in such

circumstances? If you ask Steve Burton,

Manager of Alde House, he will tell you not

only of the challenges but also of the

encouragements, not least the commitment of

the staff and local community and the way they

have responded to the situation. It has not been

the easiest of times for the residents. “One of

the most difficult situations has been the

residents being unable to see their family”, says

Steve. ”Relatives have also found this very

distressing but that was a clear decision of the


Village Voice October/November 2020

Trustees and this has undoubtedly been

one of the factors in us staying safe in

the home. As things began to ease

relatives were once again able to meet

with their loved ones in controlled

circumstances, and this has undoubtedly

been of great comfort, but we must

always put the welfare of our residents

first should the situation deteriorate


Maintaining life as near normal as possible

has been difficult with entertainers, fitness

teachers and other activity leaders unable to

come in. This has been where the

resourcefulness of the Care Team has played its

part. “Initially our residents had greatly missed

their activities”, says Nicola Rayment, Head of

Care, “the Care Team, however, have been

remarkable by improvising and laying on

activities such as armchair exercises, flower

arranging, quizzes and even growing our own

tomatoes and cucumbers.”

As is often the case, a crisis has also brought

the best out in people. While supplies of PPE

have not been a problem, initially milk was

difficult to source. At the outset the normal

provider, a large supermarket, was unable to

maintain supplies. To the rescue came one of

our local shops. “He’s been so good to us that

this is where I will continue to purchase our

milk” said Steve Burton. “Furthermore, flour

was required for the bread and this was kindly

donated by a local garden centre so that all in

our community could continue to enjoy freshly

baked bread.”

In these difficult times Alde House continues

to work hard to provide its own brand of

homely care for people associated with our local

area. If you would like to know more about

Alde House and what it can offer contact the

manager, Steve Burton 01494 813365. Tim


(Ed: In case you are unaware, Alde House is on

the road to Beaconsfield on the right hand side

before you get to The Crown pub and the






PHONE: 01494 813225

EMAIL: info@pennlandscapes.co.uk





So far we have established that LiDAR images

unexpectedly reveal clear evidence of what

appear to be field boundaries in King's Wood,

that the underlying soft chalk rather than the

expected clay with flints would have allowed

early farmers to plough, that historical evidence

finds no evidence for medieval or Saxon use of

the fields and so suggests a Roman or earlier

origin. Recent research has concluded that the

four centuries of Roman occupation had

resulted in an intensive agrarian economy which

collapsed with Roman withdrawal allowing

fields to revert to woodland.

Evidence of a Roman Presence

The probability that Wycombe is a Roman

place-name (see Part 6) gets us off to a good

start and there is indeed clear evidence of an

active Romano-British presence both near

King’s Wood and further afield:

• A lesser Roman Road has been proposed,

following the general line of the A40 along the

main Wycombe valley, a section of which can


Village Voice October/November 2020

still clearly be seen in Wycombe Abbey School

in High Wycombe.

• The well-known villa on the Rye in the

Wycombe valley bottom, and more recent

evidence of a second villa suggested by

rectilinear parch marks seen on aerial

photographs 60m NW of the excavated villa.

• Micklefield - A farmstead half way up the

valley on the same ground as an Iron Age

predecessor, with evidence of another Roman-

British habitation site close by.

• Ashwells, Tylers Green - Evidence of

limited Romano-British occupation preceding

the villa on the Rye.

• Common Wood, Penn - evidence of a

Romano-British settlement, perhaps seasonal.

The nearby road-names 'Penn Street', 'Clay

Street' and 'Old Street', suggest a lesser Roman

road between the Mantles Green villa and


• A house at Hazlemere crossroads - Metal

detectorists have found Roman coins in several

places in and around Wycombe.

• West Wycombe cemetery - where 16 burials

were found just north of the river Wye and

adjacent to the old road.

• West Wycombe fields - An English Heritage

survey of West Wycombe hillfort and Park

suggested the field patterns were Romano-

British in origin.

• Coleman's

Wood, Holmer

Green, - Pottery

found in a wood on

a hillside slope

over-looking Little

Missenden, points

to the presence

nearby of a

high-class Late Iron



farmstead or villa

working large areas

of the landscape

Miles Green


Village Voice October/November 2020




We have received the glad news from Historic

England that Rayners and almost all its

associated Victorian buildings have been added,

at Grade II, to the List of Buildings of Special

Architectural or Historic Interest, and so are

correspondingly protected...

This Listing covers the house itself; the Gate

Lodge; The Gardeners' Bothy and trellis arches

to its east; and the Obelisk commemorating

Queen Victoria’s visit on the way to Hughenden

after the death of her Prime Minister, Benjamin

Disraeli. The stable block has regrettably not

been included because its use by the school

required too many modern alterations.

The decision was accompanied by an

impressively thorough 30-page report on the

architectural and historical justification for the

Listing. It was particularly interesting to

discover that there is strong evidence to attribute

the initial 1847 design to the well-known

architect, Edward Buckton Lamb, who in 1849

designed the Listed chapel at the Royal

Brompton Hospital which had been inspired by

Sir Philip Rose, and in 1862/3, wholly


remodelled Disraeli’s house, Hughenden Manor,

following Sir Philip’s ringing endorsement of

him to Disraeli as ‘not only a remarkable

architect, but a genius and an artist’.

Subsequent extensions, in the 1850s and 60s,

were by David Brandon, another distinguished

architect, vice-President of the R.I.B.A., who

built a long line of country houses for the

nobility of the time. He took his cue from

Lamb’s original design to achieve what the

Listing report describes as ‘a picturesque

country house’, ‘a richly detailed example of

picturesque Tudor revival design blended with

French Renaissance elements, near seamlessly

evolved from 1847’. He had already designed

St Margaret’s Church in 1852, and was invited

to redesign Penn House in 1878, although it is

not clear whether his design was carried out.

The post-1850 Lodge was described as ‘of a

good Tudor revival design that heralds the style

of the main house’, and the

Bothy as ‘of an intentionally,

unusually characterful

eye-catching design, which

complements the design of the

principal house’.

An extensive portfolio of

photographs, by Eddie

Morton, contrasting the

modern with the Victorian

building, played a vital role in

demonstrating how little the

exterior has changed and,

surprisingly, how many of the

internal features have survived

38 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Village Voice October/November 2020


Photographs: Eddie Morton

a century of school children.

Sir Philip Rose’s historical importance was a

significant factor. It was noted that ‘he was a

man of influence in Victorian England, the

effective founder of the Brompton Hospital and

a key ally to the Prime Minister, Benjamin

Disraeli and his government, who helped to

bring about his political and legislative reforms’.

Our more parochial interest is that he effectively

created the now prosperous village of Tylers

Green. Having built Rayners, he poured energy

and funds into building St Margaret's Church,

created a new parish of Tylers Green, built an

Institute for working men (Tylers Green House),

and played a leading role in setting up the Tylers

Green school. Two thirds of the village were

either his tenants or in his employ. His son

subsequently provided the ground for the Parish


The London County Council purchased

Rayners in 1921 as a school for deaf children

from the capital. They were eventually

succeeded, first by the newly formed the Inner

London Education Authority, then by the

London Borough of Camden catering for both

deaf and disabled children. A lively local



campaign aided by a special Parliamentary

debate saved the school from closure in 1998

and it was then run by the Rayners Special

Educational Trust until shortage of funds forced

its closure in 2015.

The Government bought the 19 acre site in

2016 for £11m with the intention of creating a

new free school, but in early 2020, Bucks

Council finally confirmed it has no requirement

for a new school on the site and so the most

likely outcome is that the Department for

Education will put the property up for sale.

New buildings are likely to replace any

structures that are not Listed, including the

1960s school extensions, but whatever the site is

eventually used for, we can be confident that the

great majority of the original buildings will be

safe from the bulldozers. Miles Green



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Mainstream fashionable opinion rejects the

teachings of the Bible, especially in respect of

major moral issues. The Bible, however,

exhorts us not to conform to the fashions of the

day. It is so easy for people to allow the media,

constantly promoting an anti-Christian

worldview, to direct their thinking. Conformity

to the demands of politically correct secular

liberalism also leads to a quiet life and makes

people feel safe, because they are following

the crowd. Conformity will also often lead to

the enhancing of one’s reputation.

Furthermore, it is a means of making many

think that they are virtuous, precisely because

they conform. God’s word, however, declares,

“Be not conformed to this world?” (Romans

12:2); “the wisdom of this world is foolishness

with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). To follow

Christ means to separate from the mainstream,

because He taught us, “Strait is the gate, and

narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and

few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:14).



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or visit Hazlemere Parish Council website



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• Budgets & business plan preparation

• Company secretarial

• Management consultancy

For a personal, friendly and efficient service contact

Andrew Davies or Wendy Davies

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Partners: A. Davies, W.S. Davies Manager: P. Dean

Home Improvement Garage Doors supply, install & maintain

garage doors in Penn and Tylers Green.











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6 Coppice Farm Rd., Tylers Green, High Wycombe,

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Window and Conservatory cleaning,

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Tel Number: (Beaconsfield) 01494 670785

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For retired and over 50-year olds

Please come and make some new friends!

Meetings every 4th Thursday of the month

(except Dec / Aug) with a speaker, tea and biscuits

2pm at St. Francis Assisi Church, Amersham Rd,

High Wycombe

All new members and visitors WELCOME



Please call 01494 715775 / 812163 or 07769 631592


... of Penn

Full range of stringed instruments

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Penn Church Hall

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Available for lettings

Main hall seats 70

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Gail Wellings

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Mulberry Flooring

Specialists in bespoke hardwood floors

Specialists in installation and

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Children and Adults

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and conversation

For further details telephone


01494 815749




Page Numbers for Village Voice


Accountancy & Finance

FA F A Magee Accountants

Page 44 45

Financial FM Mortgages Management IFA Page 188

FM KMB Pensions Accountancy

Page 28 16

KMB Philip Accounting Harper Financial Management

Page 59 28

Architects & and Designers Designers

Applewoods Surveying Page 42

Penn Carrie Design Peck Design

Page 18 51

Penn Penn Planning Planning

Page 50 50


Bathrooms and Kitchens


& Kitchens

Page 12

Autumnwood Building and Property


Building All Locks& Property

Page 14

All Amersham Locks Aerial Fix

Page 42 14

Amersham Chalker Property Aerial Fix Maintenance

Page 46

Chalker Don The Property Handyman Maintenance Page 51 46

Don Dulieu the Builders Handyman Page 51

Dulieu Garage Builders Door Doctor

Page 48 51

Garage Hi Garage Door Doors Doctor Page 50 48

Hi Mick Garage Smith Doors Carpets

Page 44 51

Mike McLeod Window Cleaner Cleaning

Page 53

Sharley Mike Morley Domestics Handyman

Page 46 49


Penn Design

Page 45

Steve Sharley O'Connell Domestics

Page 49 53


TJ Windows

& Ironing

Page 43




& T Cleaning

& Joinery

& Stopressed



Page 53


Alan's Steve's Clean Furniture OvensRepairs

Page 53 47

Ovenproud Church


Red Penn Kite Free Carpet Methodist Cleaning Church

Page 48 49

Procare Cleaning Carpet & Ironing Cleaning 45

Computer A & T Cleaning Services

Page 30

Ingenuity Alan's Clean IT Ovens

Page 47 41

Phil Ovenproud Jones Page 51 46

Education Red Kite Carpet & Childcare Cleaning

Page 49

Little Procare Oaks Carpet Nurseries Cleaning Sevices

Page 50 42

Little Computer Oaks Wraparound Services Care 24

The Ingenuity House IT that Jack Built Page 41 34

The John Village Phillips Preschool Page 41 20


Phil Jones PC Repair

Page 42



Jones Electrical

& Childcare


Little Oaks

Page 18


Little Oaks



Page 16


R The O'Donoghue House that Electrican Jack Built

Page 34 53

Estate The Village Agents Pre-School

Page 20

JNP Electricians


Flooring Alex Burridge Electrical

Page 18

Hayes Oakfield Flooring Electrical

Page 53 43

Mulberry R O'Donoghugh FlooringElectrician

Page 53 54

Trio Estate Flooring Agents


Funeral Ford and Directors Partners

Page 2

Arnold JNP Funeral Services Page 42 47

Beacon Tim Russ Funeral Services Page 10 43

Gardening Flooring Services

A Hayes Ellis Tree Flooring Services Page 43 28

Four Mulberry Seasons Flooring Gardening Page 54 54


Trio Flooring

Page 24




Services 24

Penn Beacon Landscapes Funeral Services

Page 43 36

Arnold Funeral Service

Page 47


Village Voice Village October/November Voice April/May 2020


A Ellis Tree Surgeon

Page 24

Four Seasons Garden Services

Page 54

Keith's Maintenance

Page 43

Mike's Garden Services

Page 45

Penn Landscapes

Page 30

Penn Tree Services

Page 48

Penn Pukka Tree Planting Services Services

Page 48 49

Pukka Tylers Green Planting Garden Services Maintenance

Page 49 53

Tylers Health Green & Lifestyle Garden Maintenance 53

Health Alison Haircare & Lifestyle

Page 54

Alison Ann Fry Haircare Personal Trainer

Page 54 52

Ann Bloom Fry Beauty Personal Room Trainer Page 52 43

Fitness Fellas Barber Function Shop

Page 36 46

Jane Fitness Symington FunctionChiropody Page 52 36

Shakespeare Hazlemere Spa Pilates Page 528

Signature Jane Symington Nails Chiropody

Page 20 38






Skin Therapy




Shakespeare Pilates

Page 52








WJ The Kepetzis Beauty Retreat Optometrist Page 42 40

You Victoria & Yoga Green You & Yoga

Page 47 46

Your Wendy Doctor Kepetzis Opticians

Page 34 42

Interior Your Doctor Design / Decorating

Page 34

Jon Interior Woodbridge Design/Decorating Services


Mella Jon Woodbridge

Design Page 50 53

N Mella Gillie Design Decorating Ltd Services Page 40 50

Ruffles N Gillie Curtains Decorating & Blinds Services

Page 52 40

Shakespeare Paul Smith Decor Decorating Page 53 50

Pet Ruffles Services Curtains and Blinds

Page 52

Crossroads Shakespeare Vet Decorating

Page 43 50

Dogwalkies Plumbing & Heating


Emma's Chiltern Walkies Heating & Gas

Page 46 16

Dave Beck Plumber

Page 40


Jackson Plumbing

& Heating

Page 54

Barrett N J Barrett Domestics Plumbing

Page 46

Dave Penn Beck Heating - Plumber Page 40 12

Jackson Steve Hobson Plumbing Plumbing & Heating

Page 54 52

Penn TK Plumbing Heating& Electrics

Page 12 45

Steve RetailHobson 52

TK Fields Plumbing Domestic & Electrics Appliances

Page 52 14

Retail Strings

Page 54

Fields Schools Domestic & Tuition Appliances 14

Strings Avril Stuart of Penn Tuition

Page 54 52

Services French Tuition

Page 54

Car Pauline Leasing Quirke Solutions Academy

Page 24

Aerial Ros Kendrick Fix English/Literacy Tutor

Page 24 50

Cedar Services Barn Hire 49




Beck Photography





Cedar Barn & The Stables

Page 49



Van Man





Organise Crossroads & Shine Vet

Page 48 24

Penn Emma's Church Walkies Hall Page 54 44

Penn Gill Morris Free Methodist Church Page 48 16

Solarbean Joy Whittaker Crotchet & Sew

Page 45

Turville Lewis Nelson Printing Counselling Services Page 40 20

Taxi Loraine Services Grainger-Dogwalkies

Page 45

Impact Organise Private and Shine Hire Page 47 48

Penn Private Church Hire Hall

Page 20 54

Tuition The Phone Man

Page 54

Avril Turville Stewart Printing Tuition Services

Page 52 40

French Vintage Tuition Teaware Hire

Page 54 53

PQA Your Academy Eco of Performing Arts Page 59 52

Ros Taxi Kendrick Services- Tutor 52


Impact Private Hire

Page 46

Penn Private Hire

Page 20

ASM Vehicle Auto Sales, Recycling Servicing & Repairs


Parnell's ASM Auto EVRecycling

Page 16 40

Penn Paul Russell's Motor Company Garage

Page 60 42

Prestwood Penn Motor Motors Company

Page 44 60

Prestwood Motors

Page 26

Email adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Village Voice October/November 2020



Need a number or an

e-mail address?

For changes or additions to these pages;

e-mail; voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk.

Animal Welfare

● Cats Protection 448849

● Lost Cats 676702 / www.buckscats.org.uk

● RSPCA (South Bucks) 0300 1234 999

(24-hour) www.southbucksrspca.org.uk

● Stokenchurch Dog Rescue 482695 /


● The Bat Conservation Trust www.bats.org.

uk / www.northbucksbatgroup.org.uk

Charities/Social & Conservation

● Bridge Club Tylersgreenbridge@gmail.com,

Karen Taylor 816450 & Val Macdiarmid 812528

● Careers Springboard


● Chiltern Samaritans (24 hours) 432000


● Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0844 245 1289


● Common Wood www.commonwoodpenn.co.uk

● Curry Club Stewart Stone 07786 194642

● Independent Village Website


● NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

● NSPCC Childline 0800 1111 Confidential

line for young people /children to seek help

● Penn & Tylers Green Residents Society

Chairman - Miles Green 815589


● Royal British Legion Colin Doyle 816484

● The Campaign to Protect Rural England

(CPRE) Bucks; www.cprebucks.org.uk

● The Chiltern Society


● Village Blog; www.pennandtylersgreen.com

● Village Care; 816909 (Mon to Fri, 10am-1pm)

● Village Show Committee

Helen Whiting 816354/hcwhiting@aol.com

● Women’s Institute (morning)

Sheila Sparrow 812163

● Women’s Institute (Evening)

Hilary Forbes 816438


● Woodrow High House 433531


● Holy Trinity & St Margaret’s Churches

Rev Mike Bisset (t) 816700 /

(e) vicar@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk

Revd Derrick Carr (t) 442212

(e) carrd@btopenworld.com

Gail Wellings (Parish Office): (t) 813254

(e) office@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk


● Penn Free Methodist Church

Rev Peter Simpson 816202/812829

revps@icloud.com / www.realchristianity.org

● TG Methodist Church Rev. Vida Foday

Health & Welfare

● Chiltern Prostate Cancer Support Group

Alan Rowe 814324

● Dentists www.nhsdentistlocator.co.uk

● Drug Abuse Confidential help, advice &

support 473666

● Emotions Anonymous Kevin 814702

● High Wycombe General Hospital 526161

● Stoke Mandeville Hospital 01296 315000

● Highfield Surgery (Hazlemere) 813396


● NHS (t) 111 / www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk

● Overeaters Anonymous Juliet 07808403602

● Penn Surgery 817144 / Simpson Centre

671571 / www.thesimpsoncentre.com


● All Bucks Libraries - 0845 230 3232


56 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

● Beaconsfield lib-bea@buckscc.gov.uk

● Hazlemere lib-haz@buckscc.gov.uk

● High Wycombe lib-hw@buckscc.gov.uk

Political Groups

● Conservative Association Katrina Wood,

814848, katrinawood02@gmail.com


● Labour Party Mrs Jan Kaye, 813591


● Liberal Democrats Ian Forbes, 816438


● UK Independence Party www.ukip.co.uk


● Thames Valley (non-Emergency) 101

● Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

● Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG)

Suzanne Ludgate

● Neighbourhood Police Community Officer

PCSO Matt Sara and PCSO Claire Bowles


● Little Oaks Nurseries Ruthie Pocock 07881

737149 or ruthiepocock@little-oaks.org

During opening hours: Little Oaks Crèche

07437689158, Little Oaks 1 816987, Little Oaks

2 815413, Little Oaks Beaconsfield 671228

● Parent & Toddler Group Zoe Woods 761559

● P&TGRS Village Preschool Nicky Lovegrove

817093 / thevillagepreschool@btinternet.com

Public Halls

● Penn Church Hall Gail Wellings 813254 or


● St Margaret’s Parish Rooms

Mrs Mary Coker 812162

● Tylers Green Methodist Church Hall

Mrs G Nelson 815631

● Tylers Green Village Hall 819990 / Tina

Brown / tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com


Schools in P&TG

● Tylers Green First School Head Mrs Jude

Talbot 813201 www.tylersgreenfirst.co.uk


Village Voice October/November 2020

● TG First School PTA

Marianne Whitlock 07789 435656

● Tylers Green Middle School

Head Mrs Vanessa Pinkney 812465


● TGMS Friends Association

Harriet Woolley 815474

Schools (Other local)

● Manor Farm Infants School

Head teacher Mrs Paula Coppins 814281

● Manor Farm Community Junior School

Head Andrew Sierant 814622

● Manor Farm Preschool and Nursery

Mrs Wendy Terry 816730

● Sir William Ramsay School

Head Mrs Christine McLintock

815211 www.swr.bucks.sch.uk

Sports & Youth Groups

● Cricket Club Nick Barber 07714720280


● CC Colts ptgcccolts@gmail.com

● Chiltern Music Academy www.


● Football Club Tony Hurst 815839,



● Guides & Brownies Sue Stephens 817436

● Hazlemere Youth Club Nikki Arnold 813364

● High Wycombe Croquet Club

858202 / www.hwcroquetclub.com

● Loudwater Bowls Club Alan Tombs 481855

● Penn Pond Waders Golf Society Bob Teuton


● Penn Pond Ladies Golf Society

Jane Frizoni 812986

● Pennants Badminton Club (Tylers Green

Village Hall) John Youers 711647

● Scouts Adrian & Heather Cooper 816505 & Paul

Wicks 815715, pennandtgscouts@gmail.com

● Seido Karate Stuart Wilson 717400

● Sports & Social Club 815346

● Table Tennis 815180

● Tennis Club Kate Noble ptgtennisclub@gmail.

com, www.clubspark.lta.org/PennTennis


Village Voice October/November 2020

Elected Representatives

● Members of Parliament;

Cheryl Gillan (Chesham & Amersham

constituency includes Penn) 673745

Steven Baker (High Wycombe constituency

includes Tylers Green) 521777

Neighbouring MP Jo Morrissey

(Beaconsfield constituency) 673745

Buckinghamshire Council Councillors

● Tylers Green & Loudwater Ward

David Shakespeare OBE 817248 -

TylersGreen, Loudwater & part of Ryemead

Katrina Wood 07827 820531 -Tylers Green &


Lawrence Wood 07739 181043 - Tylers

Green & Loudwater

● Penn Wood & Old Amersham Ward

Isobel Darby 07798 538697 - Penn & Old


Julia Burton 726411 - Penn & Coleshill

Jonathan Waters 890210- Penn & Coleshill

● Chepping Wycombe Parish Councillors for

Tylers Green (Chepping Wycombe PC

includes councillors for Flackwell Heath &


Ian Forbes 816438 / Sharon Herron 07905

614133 / Katrina Wood 814848 / Haydn

Darch 813967

Council clerk; Wendy Thompson 814600

● Penn Parish Councillors for Penn (Penn PC

includes councillors for Penn Street, Forty

Green, Winchmore Hill & Knotty Green.);

Mike Morley 816638 / Roy Bentham 813897 /

Jane Creasy 816818 / Marian Raszpla

812636. Council Clerk: Nicole Johnson

815458. www.pennparish.org.uk

email clerk@pennparish.org.uk

P&TG Residents Society

Chairman: Miles Green (815589),


Website; www.


Village Voice is owned and

published by the P & TG

Residents’ Society

is produced 6 times a year and delivered to

all houses in Penn & Tylers Green.


Cathy O’Leary 812064

Letters can be sent by post c/o Catbells, Kingswood

Avenue, Penn, Bucks. HP10 8DR or email:



Callum Hawes


Ruthie Pocock

e-mail: adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Mike Morley 816638


Mrs J C Collins 814561

25 New Road Penn, Bucks, HP10 8DL

email: vvsubs@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Ron Saunders 816237

Supported by an army of volunteers


Hilary Forbes 816438


Eddie Morton / Keith Hawes


Turville Printing Services 520322

VV (both cover and insides) is printed on FSC Certified

Paper (Forest Stewardship Council) and contains 15%

post consumer recycled fibre.All products carrying the

FSC Logo have been independently certified as coming

from forests that meet the internationally recognised

FSC Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship.

To get your voice heard in Village Voice write to us with

any news, views, events or articles. Please send them

to voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. Please be aware

that articles and contributions may be edited to

appear in the magazine and may also appear on www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk unless authors and

contributors request otherwise.

58 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk





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