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Holy Trinity & St Margaret's

We have been running an 8am Prayer Book

Communion service at Holy Trinity and a

contemporary Morning Prayer at 10am at St

Margaret’s, with Communion once a month. It

has been a real joy to meet with those who are

able to come and it does feel like a moment of

normality in otherwise strange times.

Of course our ‘on line’ audio services

continue each week. They are recorded earlier

in the week so usually go on the website on

Friday or Saturday. I know many people who

enjoy the on line services and some who have

even confessed they like them more than ‘real’

church! I think that may have more to do with

listening in bed with a cup of tea. Our on line

services will continue for the foreseeable future.

After the Sunday services, the churches are

shut for Monday and Tuesday to give the 72

hours necessary for any infection to ‘time out’.

We have had to cancel our Harvest Supper at

the Village Hall at the end of September as there

is no way that 150 people squeezed in for an

evening of food and entertainment was ever

going to work with the current restrictions.

However, our Harvest Sunday service will

happen on 4th October and we will be receiving

gifts of tins and anything that lasts (ie nonperishable

items) which will go to Wycombe

Women’s Aid. We know this service is popular

with young people so we will start at 9.30am

that week with a short 20 minute Harvest

Celebration in St Margaret’s especially for

them. We will be well finished by 10am when

the normal service will start. If you are not able

to bring gifts on the Sunday then you may leave

them in the porch of either Holy Trinity or St

Margaret’s from the Wednesday.

Both churches are open for private prayer

from Wednesday to Saturday from 9am to



Village Voice October/November 2020

One of the hardest things about the lockdown

for me and the life of our Parishes has been the

uncertainty. So, we do know that we will have a

memorial service for those who have lost loved

ones on All Saints Day (1st November) and we

will celebrate Remembrance Sunday the

following week (8th November) but the timing

and form of both those services is dependent

upon the Government guidelines at the time.

Details will be posted on our website www.

holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk as soon as we

know what we will be able to do.

I am aware of many who are finding the

current restrictions are deeply affecting their

mental and spiritual health. I do encourage you

to be as open and honest with those you trust

about how you are feeling (they may understand

better than you expect) and all of the staff at

Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s are available for

you to ring and chat. Ultimately, of course, we

have a God who when he was here on earth in

Jesus Christ spent a disproportionate amount of

his time with the outcast and the lonely. He

understands. Blessings, Revd Mike Bisset, www.

holytrinityand stmargartes.co.uk

Penn Free Methodist Church

All are welcome to our services at the church on

Sunday mornings at 11am and in the evening at

6.30pm. Please also come along to our midweek

prayer meeting and Bible Study

on Wednesdays at 8pm. Those

with special health

vulnerabilities can join virtually

on Zoom - please email revps@

icloud.com for the link.

On Sunday November 8th at 10:45am there

will be a special Service of Remembrance to

commemorate before God those who have

fallen in war in the service of our nation.

Details of our open air preaching work can be

found on www.facebook.com/britainsonlyhope .

As a church we consider it vital to go into the

public squares and high streets to declare the

message of salvation to so many who are

oblivious of their great need.


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