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Village Voice October/November 2020



Tylers Green Middle School

Dear VV Readers, I am delighted that the

Autumn term has begun so smoothly as we

invited all of the pupils back on a full time

basis. It is certainly super to see our pupils and

how settled they are in school. Our new Year 3

pupils had an extra morning on Wednesday 2nd

September so that they could have a tailor-made

induction to the Middle School. Normally we

would have invited them in to spend at least one

day with us during the summer term. Alas, the

restrictions meant this was not possible.

We have had to put in a variety of measures

to ensure that the school complies with the DFE

guidelines. These include a staggered start, one

way system, routines for handwashing and Year

group bubbles. It has worked so well that the

children in each bubble (and staff) do not see

each other from one day to the next! I appreciate

that the new timings for the beginning and end

of the day have meant lots of juggling around

for parents in the village to make sure they meet

their children at the correct time.

The famous Tylers Green Bear has been

reintroduced as we have relaunched the Bear

Necessities. At the time of writing Year 4 have

been winners and the bear has spent a fortnight

in the Year 4 bubble. As part of the school

behaviour policy, the Bear Necessities is a class

reward system and supports outstanding

behaviour and collective responsibility from

everyone. We have also reintroduced the green

cards and will be awarding badges as part of the

Friday Achievements Assembly, which is

delivered virtually!

Over the summer we had lockers installed for

all of our pupils which was kindly funded by the

Friends of Tylers Green Middle School .

Everyone is very pleased with this and I must

admit the cloakrooms are so much tidier and

there is less lost property!

As the Autumn Term progresses, we hope

that the school can begin to return to normal or

whatever normal is! Vanessa Pinkney, Headteacher

Tylers Green First School

The children at the heart of the School, the

School at the heart of the Village

18 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

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