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Shaping the

Future of Cleaning

The past number of months

have shown us that Cleaning

Services are now more important

than ever to our customers and

employees and must be executed

to a high standard.

We caught up with global

manufacturer and industry experts,

Diversey, to understand how the future

of cleaning has changed and what tips

they could give us to put our employees

and customers at ease.

Here’s what the Experts had to say

The coronavirus pandemic has brought

about a new standard of clean for

facility hygiene. Suppliers, such as

ourselves, have had to adapt quickly

and learn to be agile to meet the needs

of our customers and the changing

environment. As the world recovers,

our customers have had to learn fast

and adapt to a new way of working

to ensure their clients feel safe and

secure to return to some semblance of

normality; it has been a quick learning

curve for us all.

An unusually high demand for cleaning

and disinfecting materials placed an

immediate and immense strain on

supply chains across the world, creating

challenges that Diversey were eager

to overcome and meet. This resulted

in our commercialisation processes

and supply chain becoming more agile

and our portfolio of products and

equipment increasing dramatically to

meet our customers' needs.

Cleaning and disinfecting

come to the forefront

Before the pandemic, cleaning was

necessary, but wasn’t always viewed as

essential for saving lives. Now faced with

a highly contagious virus, businesses

are scrambling to adjust to a new

standard of hygiene. For example, some

retailers and foodservice organisations

announced they would clean and/or

disinfect certain frequently touched

surfaces every 30 minutes, while others

implemented occupancy limits or

shifted entirely to outdoor pick-up and

delivery rather than allowing customers


As more businesses reopen and

encourage people to visit their facilities,

a clear and different approach to

cleanliness is required. Gone are the

days of “good enough” and simply

cleaning for appearance. Employees and

customers now demand more.

Facilities Implement Different

Technology and Tools

When pandemics occur, organisations

are under pressure to show that they

are doing something different to protect

their customers and employees. But

different does not always mean the

new method is better. For example,

one Hong Kong airport is testing fullbody

disinfection booths at entrances.

However, spraying disinfectant on hands

and skin will do nothing to prevent the

virus from entering the building and

may cause health issues.

Electrostatic sprayers (ESS) are also in

high demand from organisations that

want to apply disinfectant to a large

area at once. Some companies are

testing this equipment to clean quickly.

However, the reality is that many people

are not properly disinfecting when

using an ESS or are creating additional

health risks for staff so companies

should ensure that adequate training is

provided to prevent this.

Cleaning in a New World

This pandemic has created widespread

awareness about the role of cleaning

in preventing the spread of infections.

At a time when people are fearful to

enter facilities and interact with others

in close quarters, businesses must adopt

new methods of cleaning. The visible

process of cleaning instils confidence

while removing invisible pathogens.

Implementing Diversey’s top tips

will demonstrate to customers and

employees that their health and safety is

a top priority.

20 | FM AUTUMN-WINTER 2020/21

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