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TechChat and



TechChat is a weekly webinar

introduced and hosted by

Aramark’s US Centre of Excellence

(COE) and is presented by Facilities

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

The webinar is designed to address

different emerging technologies that are

influential in the new working environment

of operations. Each week sees a new topic

explored and material is made available

to all Aramark Facilities Leadership teams

globally who then cascade throughout the

business and to relevant clients.

Facilities Centre of


Aramark’s Centre of Excellence team was

formed to design, develop and deliver the

processes, platforms and tools necessary

to enable organisational transformation.

This team was developed with the

aim of improving consistency, quality

and efficiency of repeatable business

systems and procedures. The COE team

enables stronger organisational agility

and effectively supports the frontline

operations. Their role is to bring new

technology into Aramark Facilities to adapt

to the wider business.



Facilities COE form discussions to respond

to the everchanging climate during

COVID-19. The aim of the webinars is to

inform, educate and introduce solutions

to ensure a safe but innovative working

environment for all Aramark business

units. Topics included:

Strategies to Improve Space

Density and Utilisation

One of the topics that has become

increasingly more important is the issue of

space utilisation and density – for example,

how organisations were reacting to social

distancing and what they were doing

to mitigate congregation. This webinar

addressed the data points that building

owners would need to know, along with

low and high-tech solutions for success in

capturing real-time space utilisation data.

Understanding UV-C Technology

Throughout the pandemic, surges in

COVID-19 cases continued to draw

attention to enhanced cleaning methods.

UltraViolet light (UV-C) disinfection

still remains one of the most advanced

strategies to create a safe environment.

This webinar focused on how UV-C

technology could be deployed to treat the

visible (frequently touched surfaces) and

the un-visible (air filtration). The TechChat

addressed the various technologies gaining

popularity, their pros and cons, and

recommendations for success.

Touchless Technologies

and Return-to-Work

As organisations are balancing the need to

return to operations with the realities of a

pandemic still emerging, the deployment

of touchless technologies changes how

occupants interact with buildings and

each other. This TechChat also shared

best practices of current and emerging

technologies that were influencing

return-to-work strategies. Additionally,

this session discussed the changing trends

affecting building operations and the new

data sets that building owners needed to

understand. Aramark Facilities’ SMEs used

this space to share some of the strategies

that Aramark were deploying at its own

HQ, including those piloted before the


50 | FM AUTUMN-WINTER 2020/21

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