Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste

Chapter 12 - Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Timor-Leste


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256 RitÀdrd ButÀil<br />

ticc. I! particuiar indiliduals locatcd in hdoncsia, in.ludins politicd ind miiitan<br />

ler<strong>de</strong>n, rvho havc bccn idcntific.t as bcarnig rcsponsibiliq for thc dcrth and dcstructio.<br />

drai !?s broueht ullon thc tcritd] in 1999 rcmÀin at libcrt\:Thc intcrnaiional<br />

re$orse to rhe viole.ce in 1999 brought about internrilonaiizcd or h]órid crlminil<br />

Íibunalu'hich can be see! as ar lnnomtiv€ tool i! th. Êght agelnst im|unihri\i ihe<br />

sllme tiJne the context Nithln \rhich thc intcrnitionalized iribunel operàted mx<strong>de</strong><br />

cled rh!r, <strong>de</strong>pendlnguton ihe cír.umstarces at the time,ímpunih stillprevrils.<br />

'lhe 6ght,giinst inpunl$ for rhose responsible ràr internationd .Íimes is !<br />

complcx process ànd <strong>de</strong>slite the rh€tóÍi. on the imfortance of ensuÍj.g jl1stice. it<br />

is far from an absolutc proccss. lhc purnit ofjLrsticc jn intcrn.ltiond crimhxl he',<br />

undcrstood manrlv as tirc rcmoial of nnpuih fo. thosc rcsponsiblc,lus to compctc<br />

s'ith a rangc of othcr paths h rhc rcsolutior of conflicts.'Ihc usc ollarv andjudicirl<br />

frocesses is not Jxays fic most cíIcctivc wav of dc.lins vith posÈcooflicr situations.<br />

SoDeiimcs it is dccmcd ncccsary to blpas thc usc of1cgal prcsccuiions às lt<br />

is felt the tursuit of frosccution 1vil1 potcntiallï crcatc morc conflict and prevent anv<br />

tnte long teín resolution. Á lso the fllrsuit ofjustice does not occur in a vacuum and<br />

the rcàlities ofthe suÍÍou. ding .ircumsran.es and frevxiling i.ieÍest in the internr<br />

tional rystcmÍilhavc x m.rjor influerrce. lt is eàsv to sry thàt prosecutions rhouid be<br />

pursued*hcn therc ue scrious liolations of intcrnatjonal hlman rights and hunin<br />

itxrian 1ai{ But the pursuit ofiusti.c involv.s a rangc ofoften competing priorities<br />

thÀt miv reslilt in tÍoseNdon beíng si<strong>de</strong>hred in favour ofother neans of <strong>de</strong>aling<br />

qith the pÀst and prving rhe wal tàr dre tumre.<br />

As Nith most áre.rs olinternationÀl1arv there erist r rumber ofpotentially con<br />

tradictdv 6rccs at Íork in the pursuit ofjustice.ln the 6eld of internàtioD.] crininaljusticc<br />

formcrUnitcd Státcs Presidcnt Bill Clinton dticulatcd thc contradictions<br />

rrel] r-hen he stated ''Iherc must bc pcacc forjusticc to prcrail but thcrc must beju*<br />

tice vher texce tieYalls ', 'Ihe problcm ls horv can rou achíevc p€ace rnd o\€rlook<br />

the <strong>de</strong>nxnds ofjusticel Oi itpexce is xchieved lvhat is the point ofpursuingjustice<br />

if th.u Í only going to upset ihe Uere?'Ihe events surrolLndiig East Timoi <strong>de</strong>rl<br />

onst te the interphy ofthese cortÍ.]dictions xnd fuÍtheimore show thlt the íin|l<br />

outcomc is likclv to bc dictàted more about eDsuring pelcetul rclations among statcs<br />

o\er rhe d€mrnds oijusdcc for individuals. thc ocnts and thc intcrnational rcac<br />

tion shows clearlï rhrt impunitl has ver to bc dcfcatcd in thc internatioral svstem,<br />

solnethi.g any proponert otinternàtlonal criminÍiuÍicc should pause and ielleci<br />

on belore ,rÍticulallng anÍ claims ofthc dcvclopmcnt of intcrnarional 1xv in frvour<br />

At the silJJre tim e, one co!]d perhaps arpe that East Tinr or/<strong>Timor</strong> <strong>Leste</strong> is ao<br />

rnomàh:, àn €xception to rhe gereÍ,i trend. Bur then thls rvould le,td to Írore worwing<br />

conclusions about thc abiliti oi intcrnrtional lxi{ to bc a forcc for jLrsticc .s<br />

its xpflicxtion ro the teÍitol <strong>Timor</strong> alvrys secms to inrolve erccptions to rvhat are<br />

peÍceived to be donimnt piin.iples gliding internatioral behaviour'IIe pist xnd<br />

present historr ofErst Timo/Tinor <strong>Leste</strong> tells us i lot abou! dre histot ofinter<br />

nnionàl hs ànd ÍeLàtions and the lvavs h \4rich rhe inteÍests ofthe porverful pre<br />

vdl. evei h the face ofgrave nijustnres. Pet€r CaÍe) has connented thàt with lir.t<br />

QlLoÈd n, Dlvid Sdrfd, Irtdn.ti.nil lldi.id intrvcntion. -Falc'lr /r'li.r, Sfrnig<br />

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1343420

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